DCU St Patrick's

Senior Management | President's Office

DCU Senior Management Team


Prof Daire Keogh

President President's Office

Prof Anne Sinnott

Deputy President  President's Office

Prof John Doyle

Vice President for Research and Innovation Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation

Prof Lisa Looney

Vice President for Academic Affairs / Registrar Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Laura Mahoney

Executive Director of External Engagement Office of the Executive Director of Engagement

Prof Anne Looney

Executive Dean Institute of Education 

Prof Dominic Elliott 

Executive Dean DCU Business School

Dr Jennifer Bruton

Executive Dean Faculty of Engineering and Computing

Prof Derek Hand

Executive Dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof Blánaid White

Executive Dean Faculty of Science and Health

Dr Declan Raftery

Chief Operations Officer Office of the Chief Operations Officer

Mr Gareth Yore

Vice President for People, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion  DCU People

Mr John Kilcoyne

Director of Finance Finance Office

Ms Céline Crawford

Director of Communications, Marketing and 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 Communications, Marketing and 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 Department