DCU Governing Authority I ?dar¨¢s Ceannais OCB?C
DCU among the joint SFI and UK research grant awards of €6.7 million

The DCU Governing Authority, chaired by the Chancellor Ms Brid Horan, is charged with the overall governance of the University in accordance with the Universities Act 1997. The Authority consists of 19 members, both internal and external to the University, who serve four year terms. The Authority meets at least six times per year and has a number of sub-committees (Audit, Risk, Strategic Finance, Nominations and Governance, Honorary Doctorate and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in place to assist it in the performance of its functions. This site provides comprehensive information regarding the governance of the University including Governing Authority membership, standing orders and regulations.

T¨¢ ?dar¨¢s Ceannais Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile ?tha Cliath, faoi chathaoirleacht an tSeansail¨¦ir Brid Horan Uasal, i bhfeighil ar rialachas ioml¨¢n na hOllscoile de r¨¦ir Acht na nOllscoileanna 1997. T¨¢ 19 comhalta ar an ?dar¨¢s, go hinmhe¨¢nach agus lasmuigh den Ollscoil, a fhreastala¨ªonn ar th¨¦arma¨ª ceathair bliana. Buaileann an t?dar¨¢s le ch¨¦ile s¨¦ huaire sa bhliain ar a laghad agus t¨¢ roinnt fochoist¨ª aige (Ini¨²chadh, Riosca, Airgeadas Strait¨¦iseach, Ainmni¨²ch¨¢in agus Rialachas, C¨¦im Oinigh agus Comhionannas, ?ags¨²lacht agus Cuimsi¨²) chun cabhr¨² leis i bhfeidhmi¨² a fheidhmeanna. Sol¨¢thra¨ªonn an l¨¢ithre¨¢n seo faisn¨¦is chuimsitheach maidir le rialachas na hOllscoile lena n-¨¢ir¨ªtear ballra¨ªocht an ?dar¨¢is Rialaithe, buanorduithe agus rialach¨¢in.