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Educational Disadvantage Centre

International Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Una McCabe (2023) Humour, drama education, and drama curriculum in Ireland, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, DOI: 10.1080/13569783.2023.2190014

Irwin, J. Jandric, P. et al (2021) ''A Pedagogy of Empowerment and Hope': Teaching Under Conditions of Covid 19. One Year Later'. Postdigital Science and Education, 2021.

Irwin, J. Jandric, P., Hayes, S.  et al (2020) ''Can Philosophy of Education (and The University) Change for the Better By Listening to Greta and Youth Voice?' in 'Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and Environment after the Coronavirus''. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

McCabe U. & Flannery, M. (2022): Wellbeing and the arts in Irish primary teacher education: aligned or apart? A policy and self-study perspective, European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2022.2040478

McCabe, U & Farrell, T. (2021) Play, pedagogy and power: a reinterpretation of research using a Foucauldian lens, International Journal of Early Years Education, 29:4, 358-370

Gilligan, C. & Downes, P. (2021). Reconfiguring Relational Space: A Qualitative Study of the Benefits of Caring for Hens for the Socio-Emotional Development of 5 – 9- year-old Children in an Urban Junior School context of High Socio-Economic Exclusion. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 21 (forthcoming, accepted for publication) DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2021.1894953

Downes, P and Murray, N. (2020). Child Poverty and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Supports in DEIS schools and the need for a national strategic response.

Fitzmaurice, H., Flynn, M., & Hanafin, J. (2020). Parental Involvement in Homework: A qualitative Bourdieusian study of class, privilege, and social reproduction, International Studies in Sociology of Education

Murphy, F & Gash, H. (2020). Authors' response: The ecology of teaching and learning, Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 118-121

Murphy, F & Gash, H. (2020). I can’t yet and Growth Mindset. Constructivist Foundations, 15, (2), 083–094

Downes, P. (2020). A Spatial Turn for Constructivism: Concentric and Diametric Spatial Systems Framing Meaning for Exclusion and Inclusion to Challenge Failure Identity, Constructivist Foundations, 15 (2): 098-100


Forum: Qualitative Social Research has published a review of Paul Downes’ Reconstructing agency in developmental and educational psychology: Inclusive systems as concentric space. Author: Birgitte Lund Nielsen, Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 21, No. 2, Art. 23 – May 2020

Interpersona, An International Journal on Personal Relationships, has published a review of Reconstructing agency in developmental and educational psychology: Inclusive systems as concentric space. Author: Beatriz de Barros Souza.  Interpersona, 14(1), 84–86

Fitzmaurice, H., Flynn, M., & Hanafin, J. (2019). Positive dispositions and close alignment: Using Bourdieusian concepts to understand parents' and teachers' perceptions of homework, Education 3-13 International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education

Moore, J., Flynn, M., & Morgan, M. (2019). Social Ecological Resilience and Mental Wellbeing of Irish Emigrant Survivors of Clerical Institutional Childhood Abuse, Child Abuse Review, 58 (1), 52-68, 

? Duibhir, P. (2019). Bilingual education in minority language contexts: When a high level of linguistic competence is not enough. ELIA: Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 1, 39-64.

Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2019). Strategic Clarity on Different Prevention Levels of School Bullying and Violence: Rethinking Peer Defenders and Selected Prevention. Journal of School Violence, doi: 10.1080/15388220.2019.1566915 

Hargadon, C. & Downes, P. (2019). The neglected issue of sleep: A curricular and home-based intervention for improving sleep patterns among sixth-class children in an Irish urban school with high levels of poverty. Irish Education Studies, 38, 4

Downes, P. (2019). Transition as a displacement from more fundamental system concerns: Distinguishing four different meanings of transition in education. Educational Philosophy and Theory. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2018.1561366

McNally, S., McCrory, C., Quigley, J & Murray A. (2019)  Decomposing the social gradient in children’s vocabulary skills at 3 years of age: A mediation analysis using data from a large representative cohort study. Infant Behavior and Development, 57

Boyle, A., Flynn, M., & Hanafin, J. (2018). Optimism despite disappointment: Irish Traveller parents’ reports of their own school experiences and their views on education, International Journal of Inclusive Education

Downes, P. (2018). Postscript - The Emotional-Relational Turn for Early School Leaving Prevention: Building on The Neglected Shadow for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools. International Journal of Emotional Education, 10, 122-130. 

Downes, P., Nairz-Wirth, E & Anderson, J. (2018). Editorial: Reconceptualising system transitions in education for marginalised and vulnerable groups. European Journal of Education,  53, 4, 441-446.

Downes, P., Anderson, J. &  Nairz‐Wirth, E. (2018). Conclusion: Developing conceptual understandings of transitions and policy implications. European Journal of Education, 53, 4, 541-556

Downes, P. (2018). Beyond the ‘diminished self’: Challenging an array of objections to emotional well-being in education, International Journal of Emotional Education, Special Issue Volume 10, Number 1, April 2018 pp 145 - 163

Downes, P. (2018) An Emerging Paradigm of Structural Indicators to Examine System Supports for Children’s and Adolescents’ Education and Wellbeing. Child Indicators Research. October  Volume 11, Issue 5, 1445–1464

Nescolarde-Selva, J., Usó-Doménech, J-L and Gash, H. (2017) What are Ideological Systems? Systems 5(1), 21, In Systems, Special Issue: Complex Social Systems: Theory and Practice. Guest editors, Josué Nescolarde-Selva, José-Luis Usó-Doménech and Hugh Gash.

Creighton, K. & Downes, P. (2017). A Phenomenology of ‘Blending in’: Beyond Emotional Regulation. Interpersona: International Journal on Personal Relationships 11 (2), 156-170.

Downes. P. (2017). Conceptual foundations of inclusive systems in and around schools for early school leaving prevention: An emotional-relational focus Psiholo?ka istra?ivanja, Vol. XX(1), 9-26 Psiholo?ka Istra?ivanja    Volume 20, BR 1, 2017 

Downes, P. (2017). An Emerging Paradigm of Structural Indicators to Examine System Supports for Children’s and Adolescents’ Education and Wellbeing. Child Indicators Research.pp. 1-20

Downes, P. (2017) Reconceptualising foundational assumptions of resilience: A cross-cultural, spatial systems domain of relevance for agency and phenomenology in resilience. International Journal of Emotional Education, 9 (1)

? Breacháin, C and Fionnuala Drudy (2017). The Primary Language Curriculum in the Context of Inclusive Education; Learn (Irish Learning Support Association), 39 .

Burns, G. (2016). Relationships of surveillance, assurance and recognition: Early career primary teachers’ engagement with discourses of accountability and performance. Irish Educational Studies 32 (1), 11-36

Downes, P. (2016). Towards A Relational Paradigm for the Concept of Law: Uncovering Implications of Hart’s Rule of Recognition to Develop a Relational Foundationalism, as Expressed in Preliminary Terms through the UN Right to Health. Queen Mary Human Rights Law Review,3(1) ISSN 2059-8092 Human Rights Law Review   Volume 3 Issue 1

Downes, P. (2016). Access to education for prisoners in Europe: An agenda of structural indicators for system change. Journal of Prison Education and Reentry, 3 (1) 8-25.

Review of Downes P., Access to Education in Europe: A Framework and Agenda for System Change by Dr. Cormac Behan, University of Sheffield, Making the Case for Prison Education in a Lifelong Learning Society in Journal of Prison Education and Reentry(2016) 3(1) 5-7.

Dwyer B. (2016) Teaching and Learning in the Global Village: Connect, Create, Collaborate, and Communicate, Reading Teacher, 131-136

Gash H. (2016) Facilitating Constructivist Principles in Using Apps: Moving from Class Video to Community. Constructivist Foundations 12(1): 72–73. 

Leckey, Y., Hyland, L., Hickey, G., Lodge, A., Kelly, P., Bywater, T., Comiskey, C., Donnelly, M. & McGilloway, S. (2016) A Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Longer Term Implementation and Utility of a Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme in Irish Primary Schools. Irish Educational Studies, 31 (1):35-55

Cefai, C., Downes, P., Cavioni, V. (2015). Breaking the cycle: a phenomenological approach to broadening access to post-secondary education. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31(2), 255-274

Downes, P. (2015). Developing a framework of system change between diametric and concentric spaces for early school leaving prevention. Educational Philosophy and Theory Vol 48, No 9, 899-914

Kazmierczak-Murray, S. & Downes P. (2015). Classroom Sound Field Amplification Systems for Language Development During Early School Years In Contexts Of Socio-Economic Exclusion: The Neglected Role Of Classroom Contextual Dimensions International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 7, 24-50

Downes, P (2014). Moving Beyond Diametric Structured Myths for Recovery in Irish Society  Irish Journal of Anthropology Vol. 17(1) 2014 Spring/Summer

Costello, E & Lawler, M., (2014) An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Mindfulness on Perceived Levels of Stress among school-children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.International Journal of Emotional Education, Volume 6, Number 2, November 2014 pp 21-39

Downes, P. (2013). Developing a framework and agenda for students’ voices in the school system across Europe: From diametric to concentric relational spaces for early school leaving prevention. European Journal of Education ,Special Issue: Problematising the Issue of Early School Leaving in the European Context, 48 (3) 346-362.

Ivers, J. & Downes, P (2012). A phenomenological reinterpretation of Horner's fear of success in terms of social class. European Journal of Psychology of Education, Vol 27, Number 3, 369-388

Downes, P. (2011). The neglected shadow: European perspectives on emotional supports for early school leaving prevention, The International Journal of Emotional Education, Volume 3, Number 2, 3-36

Downes, P.(2007). ' Intravenous Drug Use and HIV in Estonia: Socio-Economic Indicators Regarding the Right to Health for Its Russian-Speaking Population' Liverpool Law Review, Special Issue on Historical and Contemporary Legal. Issues on HIV/AIDS, Vol.2. pp. 271-317

Downes, P., Maunsell, C., McLoughlin, V & Taljunaite, M.(2006). Lifelong learning in Ireland and Lithuania: Some examples of Irish policy and practice for Lithuania to consider? Filosofija.Sociologija (ed. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences), No.4 pp.29-36

Downes, P. (2005). Failures of social policy: Heroin, HIV and social marginalization among the Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia (2005) Socialna Pedagogika (Slovenia), Vol. 9, No.3, 449-468.

Downes, P. (2003). The New Curriculum of Social, Personal and Health Education in Irish Primary Schools: Self-Awareness, Introversion and the Role of the Teacher Kwartalnik Padagogiczny (Journal of Education, Poland), no. 4. Vol. 190

International journal book reviews

Downes, P. (2013). Review of ‘Observing children with attachment difficulties in preschool settings: A tool for identifying and supporting emotional and social difficulties’ by K.S. Golding, J.Fain, A.Frost, S.Templeton & E. Durrant. International Journal of Emotional Education, 5 (1) 

Downes, P. (2013a). Review of ‘Observing children with attachment difficulties in school: A tool for identifying and supporting emotional and social difficulties in children aged 5-11’ by K.S. Golding, J.Fain, A.Frost, C.Mills, H.Worrall, N.Roberts, E.Durrant & S.Templeton. International Journal of Emotional Education, 5 (1)