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Educational Disadvantage Centre

Books and Monographs

Downes, P., Anderson, J., Behtoui, A., van Praag, L. (2024, forthcoming) (Eds.).Promoting Inclusive Systems for Migrants in Education. London: Routledge

Irwin, J. and Todaro, L. (eds.) (2022) Paulo Freire’s Philosophy of Education in a Contemporary Context: From Italy to the World. Oxford/Geneva. Peter Lang.

Cefai, C. Downes, P. Cavioni, V. (2021). A formative, inclusive, whole school approach to the assessment of social and emotional education in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union/EU bookshop.

Downes, P. (2020). Reconstructing Agency in Developmental and Educational Psychology: Inclusive Systems as Concentric Space. New York/ London/New Delhi: Routledge 

Nomination Letter for APA William James Book Award

Downes, P. (2019). Concentric Space as a Life Principle Beyond Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur: Inclusion of the Other. London: Routledge

Cefai, C., Bartolo P. A., Cavioni. V., Downes, P. (2018). Strengthening Social and Emotional Education as a core curricular area across the EU: A review of the international evidence. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

Guerin, S., Hayes, N. & McNally, S (Ed.). (2018) Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings: Experiences from Practice London: Routledge.

Downes, P., Nairz-Wirth, E., Rusinaite, V. (2017). Structural Indicators for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union   

Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2016) How to tackle bullying and prevent school violence in Europe: Evidence and practices for strategies for inclusive and safe schools. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

Pike, S. (2016). Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and inspirations from Classrooms. Abingdon: Routledge. 

Book details here

Downes, P. (2015) Early School Leaving Prevention and Engaging Parents from Ethnic Minority and Migrant Backgrounds: Key Issues and Guiding Principles Across 9 European City Municipalities. Paris: European Union, European Regional Development Fund, Urbact Secretariat.

Downes, P. (2015). Към диференциран, цялостен и систематичен подход при включването на родителите за предотвратяване на ранното отпадане от училище в Европа” (от Д-р Пол Доунс, Тематичен експерт на проект ПРЕВЕНТ). Bulgarian translation of Policy Recommendations Report as for the EU Urbact, PREVENT project Towards a Differentiated, Holistic and Systemic Approach to Parental Involvement in Europe for Early School Leaving Prevention. Sofia: Sofia municipality.

Downes, P. (2015). Směrem k diferencovanému, holistickému a systematickému p?ístupu k zapojování rodi?? v Evropě do prevence p?ed?asného ukon?ování ?kolní docházky. Czech translation of Policy Recommendations Report as for the EU Urbact, PREVENT project Towards a Differentiated, Holistic and Systemic Approach to Parental Involvement in Europe for Early School Leaving Prevention. Usti: Usti nad Labem municipality.

Downes, P. (2014) Towards a Differentiated, Holistic and Systemic Approach to Parental Involvement in Europe for Early School Leaving Prevention. Paris: European Union, European Regional Development Fund, Urbact Secretariat.

Edwards, A. & Downes, P. (2013) Alliances for Inclusion: Developing Cross-sector Synergies and Inter-Professional Collaboration in and around Education. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate General, Education and Culture 

Downes, P. (2003) Living with heroin: HIV, Identity and Social Exclusion among the Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia. Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights.  Sections 1 & 2

Downes, P. (2003) Living with heroin: HIV, Identity and Social Exclusion among the Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia. Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights.   Sections 3 - 6

Downes, P. (2003) Elu heroiiniga: Identiteet, sotsiaalne t?rjutus ja HIV Eesti ja L?ti venekeelsete v?hemuste seas. Tallinn, Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn/AIDS Information and Support Centre.  Sections 1 & 2

Downes, P. (2003) Elu heroiiniga: Identiteet, sotsiaalne t?rjutus ja HIV Eesti ja L?ti venekeelsete v?hemuste seas. Tallinn, Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn/AIDS Information and Support Centre.   Sections 3 - 6

Downes, P. (2003) Жизнь с героином: Идентичность, социальное отторжение и распространение ВИЧ среди русскоязычного меньшинства в Эстонии и Латвии. Tallinn, Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn/AIDS Information and Support Centre   Sections 1 & 2

Downes, P. (2003) Жизнь с героином: Идентичность, социальное отторжение и распространение ВИЧ среди русскоязычного меньшинства в Эстонии и Латвии. Tallinn, Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn/AIDS Information and Support Centre    Sections 3 - 6




Downes, P., Zule-Lapimaa, A., Ivanchenko, L. & Blumberg, S. (2008) Not One Victim 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Living for Tomorrow NGO: Tallinn

BED cover

Beyond Educational Disadvantage

Downes, P & Gilligan, A.L. (2007) Beyond Educational Disadvantage, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration


The Handbook of Bullying in Schools: An International Perspective.

Downes, P (2009). Prevention of bullying at a systemic level in schools: Movement from cognitive and spatial narratives of diametric opposition to concentric relation. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer, & D. L. Espelage (Eds). The Handbook of Bullying in Schools: An International Perspective. New York: Routledge