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Educational Disadvantage Centre

Professional Articles / Essays

Downes, P and Murray, N. (2020). Child Poverty and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Supports in DEIS schools and the need for a national strategic response. Published in Education Matters, Ireland’s Education Yearbook 2020

Unravelling the Obviousness of Space, by Peter Lang. Blog by Paul Downes July 22nd 2020

Carl O'Brien, Irish Times, June 27th 2020.  What long term impact will school shutdown have on children?

Paul Downes and Niamh Murray June 24th 2020 New government must urgently face up to the crisis of pupils' needs in Deis schools

Andrew McCoshan Blog. April 7th 2020. COVID-19: how can VET respond?

Paul Downes (2020). Tackling school bullying and violence: Key approaches for schools to consider. School Education Gateway, December 22nd 2019

Downes, P. (2020).  The importance of hot meals in schools. INTOUCH January/February 2020 / Issue No 192 / Page 53

Downes, P. (2018). 6 ways to increase prisoners' access to education in Europe. European Commission Blog. EPALE ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe

Downes, P. (2017). Bridging the credibility gap: The need for an ‘assertive outreach’ strategy to engage adult early school leavers. EPALE 

Downes, P. (2017). The distinctive contribution of non-formal education to engaging marginalized groups: Some European perspectives on community lifelong learning centres. GAPS [Global Access to Post Secondary Education]  Think Piece Issue 23.  

Paul Downes (2017) 'New DEIS Action Plan: Strengths, weaknesses, issues for consideration' InTouch Magazine, April 2017 

Irish National Teachers Organisation - INTO January/February 2016 Issue. Promotion Ban - Ballott on Industrial Action. Article on Reveiw of DEIS: Poverty and Social Inclusion in Education Conference December 2015 - See Page 35

Downes, P (2015). DEIS review must not lead to cuts: Leading academic sounds warning.InTouch (2015), Vol. 155, October, p.18

Downes, P. (2015). Youthwork in a System of Care: Key Challenges for Youthwork in Responding to Poverty and Social Inclusion. Invited Paper forSymposium on Youth Work and Youth Poverty, Youth Work Ireland, December 3, 2015

Downes, P. (2014). Poverty and Social Inclusion in Primary Education in 2014: Points of Light and an Array of Policy Silences. In (T.Hall, Ed.), Education Matters. (pp.83-85) Annual Yearbook 8, Ireland. NUI  Galway.

Kazmierczak-Murray, S. (2014). Language stimulation techniques in an infant classroom. In Touch (March). Irish National Teachers’ Organization Magazine. Page 40

Kazmierczak-Murray S. (2012). The components of language in language assessment. In Touch (November). Irish National Teachers' Organization Magazine.Page 53

Kazmierczak-Murray S. (2011). Enhancing hearing in the classroom. Update. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists' Newsletter.

Downes, P (2009) Too much focus on misbehaviour, says expert. Education Matters December 2nd 2009

'Mental health strategy for deprived children missing from education plan' by Paul Downes. Combat Poverty's Summer 2008 Action on Poverty Today issue 21.

'Familiscope: An integrated approach' by Siobhán O'Reilly, coordinator of Familiscope, Ballyfermot. In Touch Magazine Jan/Feb 2008 issue. Pages 45-47

'Educational Disadvantage: Next steps for new government?' by Paul Downes, Director Educational Disadvantage Centre. In Touch Magazine Jan/Feb 2008 issue Pages 41-43

Kazmierczak S. (2007). The importance of phonological awareness training in infant classes. Reading News. Reading Association of Ireland Newsletter.

Downes, P. (2006) A New Network: QDOSS. Quality Development of Out of School Services in Childlinks, Issue 3

EU Commission invited Blogs

Downes, P. (2018). 6 ways to increase prisoners' access to education in Europe. European Commission Blog. EPALE ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe

Downes, P. (2015), Structural indicators: A bridge between top-down strategic direction and bottom-up creativity ? European Commission Blog. EPALE ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe

Downes, P. (2015). How can we develop a European approach to quality family learning?

Downes, P. (2015).Developing inclusive systems across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention 

McCoshan, A. (2015). Why marginalised communities need structural solutions to problems of low attainment. Review of Downes, P: “Towards a Differentiated, Holistic and Systemic Approach to Parental Involvement in Europe for Early School Leaving Prevention” 


Paul Downes. School Completion Programme Newsletter November 2013. Research Focus Page 3

Paul Downes, invited speaker at the SIPTU-ASTI Centenary Seminar on Equality in Education 'Springboard or Trap Door ? Is Our Education System Making Our Children 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 or Less Equal ?'

Dr Paul Downes' address on the occasion of the anniversary of the Audentes International University's Orphanage Project

Newspaper Articles


Irish Independent January 18th 2018

Projects underway in third-level colleges are targeting students from a wider range of backgrounds for a career in education, writes Katherine Donnelly.  There are two concerns about the Irish teaching profession. One relates to shortages for certain subjects at second level, as well as a low supply of substitutes to cover for temporary absences at primary level.  The other is the lack of diversity, with teachers overwhelmingly white Irish, from more socially advantaged backgrounds and, in primary schools particularly, female. Entry to primary teaching tends to be the preserve of the top 25pc of Leaving Cert achievers when counted in CAO points. That may be an indicator of academic quality, but is a barrier to those with the aptitude and the ability, but who, for one reason or another, don't or can't compete for entry to teacher training on that basis.  READ MORE


Irish Independent Thursday, June 29th 2017

A school project in a highly-populated, disadvantaged area shows the benefits of access to nature and animal care, writes Katherine Donnelly. READ MORE

Inside Story: A New Way with Words. On September 15th 2013 the Sunday Business Post featured an article on Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál and their participation in the Write to Read Programme.

Schools get ready for some Incredible Years

The Argus, Wednesday 9th June 2010

Pupils struggling with hunger and emotional problems in classroom

Irish Independent, Tuesday 1st December 2009

Too much focus on misbehaviour, says expert

Education Matters, December 2 2009

Poorer pupils too stressed to sleep

Irish Independent, Monday 30th June 2008

Poverty linked to pre-school place shortage

Thursday 26th June 2008. Irish Examiner

Less than 3% of spending on education goes to adult training

Irish Independent, Thursday February 7th 2008

Putting our children at a disadvantage

Irish Independent, Wednesday September 26th 2007

Unfair burden on the poorest children

Irish Independent, Wednesday September 26th 2007

Call for 'radical' change to help poorer pupils to achieve at school

Irish Times, Tuesday September 18th 2007.

Mags for kids call

Irish Daily Mirror, Tuesday September 18th 2007

Book editors call for health and education to be linked

Irish Examiner, Tuesday September 18th 2007

Dealers are 'forcing deprived teens' to mind their drugs'

Irish Independent, Friday June 29th 2007

Third of pupils too hungry to do school work, survey finds

Irish Times, Wednesday June 27th 2007

Poor schoolwork linked to hunger in Dublin study

Irish Times, Saturday December 9th 2006

International Newspaper Articles


Times of Malta, Monday 23rd February 2015

Early school leaving in Malta refers to students between the ages of 18 and 24 leaving compulsory schooling without having at least five SEC passes (at grade 1 to grade 7) or being in education or training writes Carmel Borg


Times of June 20th 2014

At 16, students are being asked to move from a school conveniently located in their area to one, such as the MCAST, that may be a significant distance away. There needs to be a shift to continuity in the school system from lower to upper secondary writes Carmel Cefai and Paul Downes


Times of, Thursday 10th November, 2011.


Times of, Friday 11th November, 2011

Reviews of Downes, P. (2003). Living with heroin: HIV, Identity and Social Exclusion among the Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia.Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn / Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin.

Estonia: Russian-language papers

Aliens' syndrome ('SINDROM INOSTRANCEV'). In Molodezh Estonii p.3, 18 June, 2003

Heroin in social context ('GEROIN V SOCIALNOM KONTEKSTE'). In Molodezh Estonii p. 6, 18 June 2003

Non-Estonian is a disputable notion ('NEESTONEC - PONYATIE SPORNOE'). In Molodezh Estonii p.3, 19 June 2003

Integration into heroin: Thoughts spoken after reading one book ('INTEGRATIA V GEROIN: MISLI VSLUH PO PROCHTENII ODNOY KNIGI') by Lyoobov Semyonova in Molodezh Estonii p.7, 28 June 2003

Heroin and integration ('GEROIN I INTEGRATSIA'). In Estonia 21 June 2003

Estonia: Estonian-language newspapers

Irish scholar studies Kopli drug addicts ('IIRI TEADLANE UURIB KOPLI NARKOMAANE'). In Eesti Express, p.7, 3 July 2003

Living with heroin: Book Review by Sergei Stadnikov. In Eesti Express, p.8, 24 July 2003

Scholar: language requirements will result in drug addiction ('TEADLANE: KEELENOUE TEKITAB NARKOSOLTLASI'). In Postimees 18 August 2003

A tough evaluation ('KARM HINNANGE'). Marek Dreving, Opinion Column Review of Living with heroin. In Postimees 18 August 2003

Latvia: Russian-language newspapers

Linguistic reform will lead to needle ('YAZYKOVAYA REFORMA DO IGLY DOVEDET') Vesti Segodnya, 20 June 2003

School reform will make Russian youth sit on the needle ('REFORMA SHKOLY SAZHAET RUSSKUYU MOLODEZH NA IGLU'). In Vesti Segodnya 26 June 2003

Russian schools: Living without heroin ('RUSSKAYA SHKOLA: ZHIZN BEZ GEROINA'). In Vechernyaya Riga, 25 June 2003

In Vremena i nravi ('The Times and Culture'), 26 June, 2003

“I'll die soon, and it is good ("YA SKORO UMRU, I ETO HOROSHO") In Chas, 25 June, 2003

Living with heroin ('ZHIZN S GEROINOM'). In Chas, 11 July, 2003

Latvia: Irish Scientist: Educational reforms in Latvia and Estonia are extreme (IRIJAS ZINATNIEKS: IZGLITBAS REFORMAS LATVIJA UN IGAUNIJA IR EKSTREMAS) Letas zi?as (Latvian-language national news agency) 19 June 2003


Estonia: Linguistic minorities in Estonia: Discrimination must end. (2006) Amnesty International

'New approach to drug prevention good on paper, lacking in practice' (Monday May 16th 2005. Baltic Times)

'Bonjour Estonie' March 18th 2005

Living with heroin…Review. Drugnet Ireland, newsletter of the Drug Misuse Research Division of the Health Research Board, (2004), Issue 10, (March), p.17

Hearing a lost generation speak out. The Baltic Times (August 14 - 20, 2003), p.7-8. Review by Steve Roman.

New Drug Policy: Good on paper lacking in practice. The Baltic Times, March 16 2005

Living with heroin, Bookshelf Review: Drugnet Europe, bimonthly newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (2003), Vol 43 (September-October), p.4

Buchtipp- Leben mit Heroin. In SUPRO Web Newsletter on Drug Prevention (Austria) 22 August 2003