Communitites of Practice (COPS)

Clusters and Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice (COPS) and Clusters in the DCU CSN


We have 28 schools in the DCU CSN and each school has a number of Change Leaders.

Change Leaders are invited to work in Communities of Practices or COP’s.


  • COP: Children’s Rights

  • COP: Climate Justice 

  • COP: Social Justice 

  • COP: Special Schools

  • COP: Changemaker Schools Identity and Whole School Support


COP: Children’s Rights

Led by Sinead Ni Bhradaigh, a Change Leader in GETNS (Galway Educate Together). This COP explores the development of Childrens Advisory Panels.


This COP meetings once a term, online and Change Leaders are provided the space to explore children’s rights, participation and agency in their own contexts and to learn about others.


COP: Climate Justice 


Led by post-doctoral researcher Joan Whelan the COP on climate justice focusses on ou