We are currently seeking Residential and Teaching Assistants for our post-primary summer programmes in Dublin and for our primary programmes in Limerick and other centres in Ireland.
Each summer we host two 3-week and two 2-week sessions for second level students on DCU campus. The secondary programmes attract over 600 students, who live on campus or commute, while participating in their chosen course. We also run week long, day classes for primary school students during the weeks of July. These courses run in Glasnevin Campus.
Please see below the details of appointment and the Application Form
Application Details
The application deadline for summer posts is Friday, March 7th.
Residential Assistant (Dublin Only)
The role of the Residential Assistant (RA) is similar to a summer camp activity leader. RAs are responsible for organising the social events, as well as working with students outside of the class period to ensure they are settling in, making friends, and generally enjoying the non-academic elements of the programme. Accommodation and board is provided for RAs.
CTYI Summer Programme (3-week) Course Dates
? Session I: Saturday, June 14th to Friday, July 4th, 2025.
? Session II: Saturday, July 5th to Friday, July 25th, 2025.
CAT (2-week) Course Dates
? Session I: Saturday, June 14th to Friday, June 27th, 2025.
? Session II: Saturday, July 5th to Friday, July 18th, 2025.
Residential Assistants are paid a lump sum for each session worked.
? 3-week Programme €1620
? 2-week Programme €1080
Teaching Assistant (Primary - DCU Glasnevin)
Primary school TAs work with children on our primary school programme as they participate in day classes. Within the classroom they work alongside the instructor helping to keep the course moving at a good pace and ensuring that all students are stimulated and challenged. Our programmes for primary school children run during the month of July.
June 30th - July 4th
July 7th - 11th
July 14th - 18th
July 21st - 25th
July 28th - August 1st
Teaching Assistant (Post-Primary - DCU St. Pat¡¯s)
Teaching Assistants (TA) work with students in the classroom alongside the course instructor. Their job is to act as a support to the students, helping them out with their course material, projects etc. Teaching Assistants also supervise the study period in the evening. No accommodation is provided for Teaching Assistants.
CTYI Summer Programme (3-week) Course Dates
? Session I: Monday, June 16th to Friday, July 4th, 2025.
? Session II: Monday, July 7th to Friday, July 25th, 2025.
CAT/ DCU Summer Scholars (2-week) Course Dates
? Session I: Monday, June 16th to Friday, July 27th, 2025.
? Session II: Monday, July 7th to Friday, July 18th, 2025.
Teaching Assistants paid at a rate of €13.50 per hour.