Early University Entrance
Upcoming Programmes
Applications for Semester 2 of Early University Entrance are currently being accepted. The closing date is Friday November 29th 2024.
Brochure is available here.
Student Recommendation Form is available here.
Application Form is available here.
Early University Entrance
Dear Parent & Student,
The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland is pleased to continue the Early University Entrance Programme at Dublin City University for Transition Year students of the 2024-25 academic year.
This is an exciting opportunity! Early University Entrance gives students with high academic ability the opportunity to enrol as part-time students on one of several courses based on degree programmes at DCU. Taking a portion of the first year modules, Early Entrants attend DCU for one day each week, over 13 weeks, to study degree level material alongside similarly aged students. The 11 courses are: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, International Relations, Law, Mathematical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, and Sports Science.
The Early University Entrance programme has been running for several years and its evaluation composed my PhD thesis. The young students were found to have performed as well (and at times better) than the regular cohort of first year students taking the same modules. They suffered no ill-effects socially as there was a large group of similarly aged students. They learned much in terms of their chosen field of study, but also in terms of independent learning, self-organisation, the demands of learning at university level, high level writing skills and group work. You will read further in the brochure feedback from some of the original Early Entrance students.
This brochure outlines the Programme and the courses available in detail. I would encourage any student who is bright, motivated and committed to learning to apply, as it will give you a unique opportunity to sample university life, but more importantly allow you to experience a level of learning and challenge that is more suited to your academic needs. Though the programme is relatively new to Ireland, it is not a new concept. There is much evidence of the success of acceleration programmes in other countries, and therefore much by way of best practice.
I can be contacted by email at catriona.ledwith@dcu.ie and at 01 700 5634.
Catriona Ledwith
Early University Entrance Course Info
Early Entrance Biology (based on modules from the Common Entry into Science)
Early Entrance Chemistry - based on modules from BSc in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science
Introductory Chemistry 1 (CHM1003)
Introductory Chemistry 2 (CHM1004)
Early Entrance Computer Science (based on modules from BSc in Computer Science)
Networks and Internet (CSC1010)
Introduction to Programming (CSC1003)
Early Entrance Engineering (based on modules from Common Entry into Engineering)
Software Development for Engineers (EEG1002)
Engineering Mechanics-Statics (EEG1003)
Early Entrance International Relations (based on modules from the B.A. in International Relations)
Introduction to Development (POL1020)
Introduction to US History & Politics (POL1015)
Early Entrance Law (based on modules from the BCL in Law and Society)
Early Entrance Maths - based on modules from BSc in Mathematical Science
Mathematical Concepts & Skills (MTH1012)
Mathematical Problem Solving (MS110)
Early Entrance Philosophy (based on modules from the Bachelor of Arts (Joint Honours))
Political Philosophy (PHE1013)
Early Entrance Physics (based on modules from the B.Sc. in Applied Physics)
Electricity and Magnetism (PHY1019)
Life, the Universe and Everything (PHY1021)
Early Entrance Psychology (based on modules from the B.Sc. in Psychology)
Early Entrance Sports Science – based on modules from BSc in Athletic Therapy and Training
Introduction to Athletic Therapy and Training (TRE1008)
Conditioning Science 1 (SPO1007)
Please note all modules are subject to change.