The Centre for Talented Youth, Ireland - Primary School Students
Primary School Students
CTYI provides courses for primary school students between the ages of 6-12, with availability varying by location. These courses are designed to stand outside the mainstream school curriculum but also provide enrichment of this curriculum. Courses have a strong academic element, with a faster pace which gifted and talented students feel more comfortable moving at and with content students are unlikely to have accessed via school before. Our courses are delivered by lecturers, researchers, practitioners and highly able postgraduate students in the relevant fields, they feature highly interactive environments and our tutors utilise a broad range of teaching techniques to engage students' curiosity, motivation and understanding of the subject material.
Students wishing to participate in our Primary School Programme must first demonstrate high academic ability. This can be achieved through either the Young Student Assessment or by submission of an Educational Psychologist's report. For further info, please click here.
Young Student Courses
Our Young Student programmes offer a wide range of courses to cater to all manner of students. For further info on our course options, click here. For some sample course content, please click here.
Please note that all course options are subject to change.
Autumn/Spring Saturday Programmes
8-week Saturday courses run each Autumn (October to December) and Spring (February to April). Courses are available for 6-7-year-olds* and 8-12-year-olds. Please note that confirmation of receipt of your application will be issued when your child has been assigned a course. If the courses your child has chosen are full we will contact you by phone or email. If you do not hear from us via phone or email after the application deadline confirmation of your child's course assignment should arrive by post. For further information please click here.
*in selected locations only
Summer Programmes
One-week courses run throughout the four weeks of July. Courses are available for 6-7-year-olds* and 8-12-year-olds.*
The younger student CTYI summer programme runs over a 5 week period in the months of June and July. The summer courses run over 5 consecutive days (Monday-Friday), with each course being assigned to the morning or afternoon. Courses consist of a pair of subjects for that half day period. For example a Chemistry and Experimental Physics course may consist of:
9.30am to 10.45am – Chemistry
11.00am to 12.45pm – Experimental Physics
Programmes for 8-12-year-olds run over 3 ? hours, while those for 6-7-year-olds run over 1 ? hours.
*in selected locations only
Correspondence Courses
CTYI offers a number of correspondence courses to primary school students. Details for any upcoming Correspondence Courses are included in the main course mailout. Courses on offer in the past have included Chemistry, Maths, Writing and Forensic Science.