What is Mindfulness? | Counselling & Personal Development Service
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a mind-body approach that helps us to relate differently to ourselves and our life experiences. It involves paying attention on purpose to thoughts, feelings and body sensations in a way that suspends judgements and self-criticism. Engaging in this way we become more aware and less caught up in our thoughts and often find inner strengths and resources that help us make wiser choices.
In college life many of us are often trying to manage our worries, anxieties, pressures, expectations responsibilities while wanting things to be different from how they are right now. This can be particularly powerful when faced with new/challenging situations that confound our attempts to find a solution or to feel better. Mindfulness can help us work directly with these experiences and situations.
Embedded here: You Tube video 'Life is right now ' Jon Kabat -Zinn on Mindfulness