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  • DCU University of Sanctuary
    Shows some of the Sanctuary scholarship recipients standing in front of a DCU sign

    We, in the University of Sanctuary programme at DCU, extend a warm welcome and hospitality to students who are refugees or who have experience with the international protection system. 

    Throughout the academic year, the Sanctuary programme, in collaboration with staff and students across the campus, organises events to raise awareness about cultural diversity and promote an enhanced understanding of why people seek sanctuary in Ireland, such as the Migrant English Language, Literacy and Intercultural Education (MELLIE) Programme.

    If you are new to Ireland and need help navigating any aspect of university life, please get in touch with us at sanctuary@dcu.ie. We can help you with queries about accessing higher education in Ireland, including the application process and funding options. Each year, we offer five postgraduate scholarships to applicants not eligible for state support. The application process opens in May/June each year. We also offer material and moral support to students attending the University. If you have any questions or would like to get involved with the Sanctuary programme, please get in touch with us.

    The University of Sanctuary scholarship application process is now open. If you are applying for a postgraduate course in DCU and intend to apply for the scholarship, please contact sanctuary@dcu.ie. The application process closes on the 25th of July at 5 pm.