National Observatory for Digital Education
Professional Bodies and Associations
The following professional bodies and associations are relevant to the area of digital, blended and online learning:
- ASCILITE | Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
- ALT | Association for Learning Technology
- AACE | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
- ACODE | Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning
- CAULLT | Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching
- CESI | Computers in Education Society of Ireland
- COL | Commonwealth of Learning
- EATEL | European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning
- EADTU | European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
- EDEN | Digital Learning Europe
- EDIN | Educational Developers in Ireland Network
- Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand
- HERDSA | Higher Education Research and Development Society
- HEC | Higher Education Academy
- HELLIN | Higher Education Lifelong Learning Ireland Network
- ICDE | International Council for Open and Distance Education
- ILTA | Irish Learning Technology Association
- JISC | Joint Information Systems Committee
- NUTN | National University Telecommunications Network
- ODLAA | Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia
- OLC | The Online Learning Consortium
- SEDA | Staff and Educational Development Association
- SCHOMS | UK Learning Technology Body