Centre for Assessment Resarch, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE) header
Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE)



Effective networking with specialists in educational assessment is integral to the work of CARPE.  Links have been established with the following institutions:  

Boston College -  Measurement, Evaluation Statistics & Assessment (MESA) Department 

In 2017, CARPE'S Research Experience Programme (REP) was set up to strengthen ties between Boston College and DCU.  It offers an internship opportunity for doctoral students in the Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment programme to spend the months of June and July at DCU engaged in projects relevant to assessment in education and the workplace.  The successful candidate is fully supported financially (flights, accommodation and a stipend) and works closely with the CARPE team under the supervision of Prof. Michael O'Leary.  In providing them with access to real world research and an extended period of time in Ireland, the REP is designed to provide MESA students with an unforgettable professional and cultural experience during their doctoral studies.  Refer to our news section for past participants' accounts of their REP experiences.  

Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment (OUCEA) 

CARPE is also linked with OUCEA, a centre based in Oxford University’s Department of Education, with research interests in all aspects of assessment in education, in particular assessment’s role in public policy and system-level change.    大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 information about OUCEA is avilable at: http://oucea.education.ox.ac.uk/