Centre for Assessment Resarch, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE) header
Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE)


The Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE) was established in 2015 as a core element of DCU's Institute of Education, with the financial support of Prometric (https://www.prometric.com). From November 2015 until August 2022, Prof. Michael O'Leary served as the Prometric Chair in assessment and Director of the centre, providing academic and research leadership in the area of educational and workplace assessment. Following his retirement, Dr Zita Lysaght became the Interim Chair, until the appointment of Prof. Ernesto Panadero in July 2023. 

Over time, CARPE has grown to become a globally connected, influential, high-profile centre of assessment knowledge and expertise where new models of assessment, that address 21st century learning and teaching challenges, are developed, evaluated and disseminated locally, nationally and internationally.  The centre contributes significantly to the Institute of Education’s strategic vision (see /instituteofeducation) and to DCU’s Talent, Discovery and Transformation strategic plan (see /sites/default/files/iss/pdfs/web_version_combined.pdf).

CARPE’s mission is to shape the future of assessment policy and practice across all levels of the educational system (from early childhood to fourth level) and across the professions (from job entry to career advancement) with specific reference to four broad domains of work.  

  • Research: A wide range of research projects addressing many of the challenges posed by both existing and new conceptions of assessment are underway at CARPE. 

  • Policy: Through its research programme and access to local, national and international expertise, CAPRE contributes to critiques of policy and to policy making pertaining to all aspects of assessment. 

  • Professional Practice: In conjunction with DCU's postgraduate programmes and through its engagement with educational bodies in Ireland and internationally, CARPE is a locus of assessment professional development for educators working in settings from early childhood to fourth level. 

  • Networking:  Building effective networks with  individual assessment specialists as well as organisations focused on improving assessment at home and abroad is integral to the work of CARPE.

Governance: As a research centre within the Institute of Education, CARPE is managed by an Education Faculty Committee comprising the Chairs/Directors of Research Centres and chaired by rotation. The Associate Dean for Research is an ex officio member of the committee and the committee chair represents all DCU’s Research Centres on the Faculty Research Committee.