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Sharon McArdle in Prison Notebooks
Sharon McArdle in Prison Notebooks
Dr Annie ? Breacháin and final year Drama Specialism students undertaking the ‘Leadership in Drama Education’ module visited The Ark
Dr Annie ?'Breacháin and B Ed4 Drama Specialism Students at The Ark
Barry Conaty
Barry Conaty
3rd Year Visual Art Major Specialism Exhibition
Sample of the student’s work
Sharon Mc Ardle poses next to a Dorothy Macardle ‘work in progress’ mural  in Dundalk. Claire Prouvost, a French illustrator and graphic designer created this mural.
Sharon Mc Ardle poses next to a Dorothy Macardle ‘work in progress’ mural in Dundalk. Claire Prouvost, a French illustrator and graphic designer created this mural.
Image Una O'Connor @miss0una
Dr. Annie ? Breacháin: Collaboration with International researchers and artists working in the fields of process drama, applied theatre and linguistics on a project called “Lacunae: Embodying the Untranslatable”.

Image: Una O'Connor @miss0una
Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite
Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite composed by Francis Ward