DCU Alumni Awardee Máire Kearney

Máire Kearney

DCU Alumni Awardee 2024 Máire Kearney

Máire Kearney is a trailblazing filmmaker who exemplifies the power of storytelling to inform, illuminate and inspire. 

Máire is renowned for her expertise in documentaries and current affairs which is manifest through an outstanding career catalogue in factual storytelling that explores Ireland’s social, political, and historical landscapes. 

Máire has worked for a range of leading broadcasters, including RT?, BBC, and TV3, and her work embodies the principles of public service broadcasting, driven by a relentless commitment to truth and the belief in the transformative power of meaningful stories.

Her films include groundbreaking productions that have shaped public understanding and policy. From Redress: Breaking the Silence (2020), which examines the state’s treatment of industrial school survivors, to Whistleblower: The Maurice McCabe Story (2018), which delves into a pivotal moment in Irish policing, her work reflects the complexities of society. 

Most recently, her three-part series Stardust (2024) meticulously revisited the 1981 Stardust Fire tragedy and documented the prolonged quest for justice.

As a member of the RT? Prime Time investigative team, Máire directed the revelatory Home Truths (2005), an undercover investigation into Leas Cross nursing home that unveiled systemic failures in elder care, igniting national discourse and driving legislative change. Her dedication to public service extends to exploring diverse facets of Irish life and culture through acclaimed documentaries like Who’s Buying Ireland? (2013), Undocumented (2017and Maeve Binchy: The Magic of the Ordinary (2022).

Máire’s exceptional work has deservedly garnered numerous accolades, including two IFTAs (Irish Film and Television Awards), two Justice Media Awards, a Radharc Award and multiple nominations.


MA Film and Television, 1992