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DCU Alumni
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  • Alumni FAQ | Alumni

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The DCU Alumni Office helps graduates keep in touch with each other and with DCU. The Alumni Office is committed to giving graduates like you an opportunity to learn, share and collaberate as well as providing you with professional and social networks.

    As an alumnus of DCU, you are part of a body of over 100,000 graduates who are valuable members of the DCU community regardless of their year of graduation. As a student, you helped shape DCU as a leading Irish university that represents excellence, vibrancy, learning and knowledge. As a graduate, you take this with you on your chosen path.

    How do I become a member of DCU Alumni?

    Upon graduation, you automatically become a member of the Alumni community. Your contact details including postal address are passed on to the Alumni Office. We hold these details on file in order to provide you programmes and services, to enable us to keep in touch with you and help you keep in touch with fellow classmates. You can opt-out of Alumni programmes at any time. While there is no registration form, it helps the Alumni Office if you update your details by completing the Keep in Touch form.

    How many graduates of DCU?

    Currently there are over 80,000 graduates. Other interesting statistics about the DCU Alumni population include:

    • Average of 2,500 new graduates each year
    • Average age profile ranges from 21 to 45
    • 21-24 years = 15%
    • 25-34 years = 48%
    • 35-44 years = 28%
    • 45 plus = 9%
    • Ratio of male:female is 52:48
    • Predominantly Ireland-based with a high concentration in the UK and North America
    • Consistently sought after by employers - employed by public and private sector as well as national and international corporations
    • Many are in leading positions across industries
    • A high proportion of graduates have set up their own companies and entrepreneurism features strongly in a number of our cross-disciplinary degree programmes

    Why should I become involved with DCU Alumni?

    Not only does the Alumni offer tangible services and programmes that graduates benefit from but also the chance to maintain contact with former classmates and make new contacts. Current initiatives include: Email bulletin: the Alumni newsletter is sent to graduates every month. Contents include upcoming events, Alumni and DCU news and activities, as well as career opportunities. It is a free service and graduates are encouraged to subscribe to the list via our Keep in Touch webform.

    Incentive schemes include:

    1. Affinity Credit Card
    2. Graduate membership to Sports Complex and Library

    大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网: We organise a series of events both social and educational that will increase networking levels amongst graduates. 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 include breakfast briefings which keep graduates up to date with current marketplace happenings as well as class reunions and the annual golf classic.

    Class Reunions: The Alumni Office can help arrange and publicise class reunions.

    Further study: Stay informed about postgraduate opportunities, executive education and open evening events at DCU.

    Who do I inform if I change address or employment details?

    You can either update your details online by completing the Keep in Touch form or contact the Alumni Office at 353 (1) 700 8689/8686 or email alumni@dcu.ie

    Can I avail of Careers support as a graduate?

    The Careers Service works with recent alumni (up to two years after graduation) in a wide variety of ways to ensure a smooth transition from university to the world of work or further study. DCU Careers Service is located in CG26 in the Henry Grattan Building. To book an appointment or for further information email careers@dcu.ie or telephone 01 700 5163.

    How do I obtain a replacement copy of my exam transcripts or get a certificate of attendance letter?

    If you would like a copy of your transcripts or a certificate of attendance, contact the Registry at 353 (1) 700 5338. 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 here for further information.