Orientation Schedules for Undergraduates
Provisional: Please note that these schedules are provisional and subject to change
Below you can search for information about General Orientation and your Programme-specific Orientation.
Orientation activities will be a combination of Mandatory and Optional events, some online before you arrive and some on campus, if you are a campus-based student.
You should attend all 'Mandatory' elements and you are strongly encouraged to engage in our online and on campus activities.
大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 into each activity to read more about it.
Important: There may be room changes, so check back closer to the time.
Exploring the Campus
There are multiple ways you can explore our campus:
1. Once you have retrieved your schedule, you will find a key below it that explains room numbers and locations.
2. Use our interactive virtual model, DCU Campus Explorer, to search for rooms, take tours, and navigate the campuses. This is optimised for Desktop use.
3. Maps of our campuses are available in the key.
4. Don't forget to 'Book a Tour' on www.dcu.ie/orientation