Strategic Research Partnerships
In 2013, DCU and Arizona State University entered into a Transatlantic Higher Education Partnership. Building on 8 years of collaboration, the partnership promises students a unique education and research experience and it seeks to have a positive impact on the economies and communities in Ireland and Arizona.
DCU is also a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), an international university network that aligns with DCU’s vision and values as a young, ambitious university of enterprise and transformation. Research links with the ECIU network have expanded greatly due to DCU's involvement with the ground-breaking development of the ECIU University and our collaborative engagement on the EU-funded SMART-ER project (the ECIU University Research Institute for Smart European Regions).
ECIU have launched an R&I Hub, a digital community to bring researchers together with peers and stakeholders, creating a space to network, connect and collaborate as part of the ECIU Community. Follow this link to register with the Hub.