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  • Examination Regulations | Registry

    INTRODUCTION This booklet contains the Examination Regulations of the University as approved by the third statutory Academic Council on 11th October 1989; it includes, in addition, all amendments approved by Academic Council subsequent to this date and up to October 2021. These Examination Regulations were originally approved for implementation in the academic year 1989/90 and subsequently Appendix 2 was first approved by Academic Council in May 2016 and most recently in June 2021. Appendix 3, the supplemental regulations for online examinations were approved in 2021.

    The information given in these regulations is intended as a guide to persons sitting examinations at Dublin City University and shall not be deemed to constitute a contract or the terms thereof between the University and a candidate or any third party, or representations concerning same.

    Dublin City University is not responsible and shall not be bound by errors in, or omissions from these regulations; the University reserves the right to revise, amend alter or delete academic regulations at any time by giving such notice as may be determined by Academic Council in relation to such change.


    PROVISION FOR A FORCE MAJEURE EVENT: In the case of a force majeure event, for a defined period of time, the Vice President Academic Affairs/Registrar may replace aspects of Examination Regulations and associated programme regulations with alternative arrangements. The Vice President Academic Affairs/Registrar will then inform Academic Council at the earliest opportunity.