Dr Catherine Faherty

Dr Catherine Faherty
Dr Catherine Faherty is Assistant Professor of Enterprise at DCU Business School, co-founder and Associate Director of the National Centre for Family Business. Catherine completed her doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof Eric Clinton, DCU Business School.
Professional activities and research: An Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholar, Catherine completed her doctoral studies at DCU Business School, holding a visiting research fellowship at Northwestern University USA, and following that a postdoctoral fellowship at the prestigious Kellogg Center for Family Enterprises. Her award-winning research focuses on trust dynamics in family-owned enterprises, having won the Frederic M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award from the International Leadership Association and listed runner-up for the Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies. Catherine is an early-career academic researcher, has published in the international journals Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice and The International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and promotes practitioner research to address pressing issues in family business research.
Watch this short video where Catherine discusses the subject of trust in businesses, and specifically family businesses