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Intel undergraduate awards 2022
L-R: Paul Young, Jennnifer Bruton, Stefano Sellitto, Nevil Shaji, Luke Willian Bryan, Eoghan Craven-Grace, Oscar Scanlon, Noel Murphy, Julianne Daly, Nigel Kent, Jennifer McManis, Brian Corcoran, Elis Zep, Eoghan Healy, Padhraic Byrne, Eadaoin Carthy, Benjamin Renwick, Aimee Shanley-Brookes, Fiona O'Shea, Chloe Ward
Dr. Leah Ridgeway
Dr Leah Ridgway, Assistant Professor, School of Electronic Engineering, DCU
Students Ronan Smyth and Angelina Foley pose with their Fitbits to highlight the FLOURISH Microcredential. Pic: Kyran O'Brien/DCU
Students Ronan Smyth and Angelina Foley pose with their Fitbits to highlight the FLOURISH Microcredential. Pic: Kyran O'Brien/DCU