Doctoral Students
Aishling Silke
Citizens’ Assembly as model for public engagement in the early childhood sector.
Arwa Alsheri
Exploration Early Childhood female teachers' knowledge and practices on their work with children of divorced families in Saudi Arabia.
Camilo Zaráte
Early childhood education and care in a conflict-victim scenario: a case study in Bogotá, Colombia.
Córa Gillic
Provisional topic: Early Childhood Mathematics (Preschool) Provision.
Diana Paola Gómez Mu?oz
Early childhood development, education and care in rural contexts in Colombia.
Gloria Turpin
Spiritually intelligent children and spiritual education in the early years: a Froebelian perspective.
Hibah Binabdulrahman
Critical thinking skills in early childhood education in Saudi Arabia.
Joni Clarke
Establishing pedagogical practices that provide a continuity of mathematics learning between pre-school and primary school in the Irish context, with particular regard to children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds/ at risk of educational failure.
Lynda Smyth
Emerging Identities: A post-structural analysis of the lived experiences of children from a ‘mixed’’ background in Ireland with a specific focus on early educational experiences.
Patsy Callaghan
A Systematic and Critical Exploration of the Early Childhood Education and Care Educators Role in Supporting Children from Direct Provision in their Early Childhood Services.