Select which membership option best suits you

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Student membership

Student membership

Your college years are all about finding your passions and developing in many ways. Join today to access our fully-equipped gyms, sports facilities, spas and so much more.  


DCU Student Annual membership (access to Glasnevin and St Patrick¡¯s Campus gym and fitness classes) €330

DCU Student Semester 1 membership €175

DCU Student academic year membership of St Patrick¡¯s Campus gym only €85


Join now

If you have an further questions, please do not contact our reception desk at (01) 700 5797 or email where a member of our team will be happy to help.

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Staff membership

Staff membership

Work out, recharge and connect with others on campus. With conveniently-located facilities and an exciting array of classes and activities, we¡¯re open to you. 


Individual staff annual membership: €440


Staff couple/family annual membership: €885

(families include two adults and up to three children under 18)

Staff academic year membership: €330

Staff 6-month membership: €250

Staff alpha membership: €540

Staff family alpha membership: €1010

(families include two adults and up to three children under 18)
Individual staff annual membership of St Patrick¡¯s Campus gym only €150


Join now

If you have an further questions, please do not contact our reception desk at (01) 700 5797 or email where a member of our team will be happy to help.

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Alumni membership

Alumni membership

Remain connected to your alma mater. Continue your journey as a DCU Sport member with competitive membership rates.


DCU Individual Annual €475

DCU Alumni Family/Couple Annual €905


To join as a DCU Alumni, please contact our reception desk at (01) 700 5797 or email where a member of our team will be happy to help.

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Community membership

Community membership

Want to workout or unwind in stunning facilities? Looking for somewhere lively and local to train? DCU Sport is open to all. 

If you're interested in becoming a member, enquiring about rates, or to get a tour, please contact reception desk at (01) 700 5797 or email where a member of our team will be happy to help.

Membership benefits

DCU Sport membership includes access to:

  • 25m Swimming Pool
  • Spa Pool, Sauna, Steam Room & Tepidarium
  • Gym
  • Functional Training Zone
  • Spinning Studio
  • Fitness Classes - over 50 a week to choose from
  • Squash

Members Area

Edi icon

Active for life

Are you an older adult? Do you want to do exercise in a fun and friendly environment and a chance to meet new friends? Then this is the class for you. Come and join us!

Active for life is an exercise programme designed to help older adults achieve optimal health, fitness, and a quality of life. These classes are designed to help improve muscle tone, strength and flexibility in a group setting. It will also help improve posture and overall fitness. This class caters for all levels. 

You must be a member of the sports complex to attend. 


Please contact the Sports Complex reception at: 01 700 5797 if you have any further queries.

Summer camps

Camp Coaches and Volunteer positions now available

At DCU Sport, we offer summer camps for children and teens. To find out more information click here


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