Corruption, Gender, and Sustainable Development (COGS)

Corruption, Gender, and Sustainable Development (COGS)

Corruption, Gender, and Sustainable Development (COGS) is funded by the Irish Research Council in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs under Strand 2B (Better World Awards) of COALESCE (Collaborative Alliances for Societal Challenges). COGS is a joint undertaking between DCU and Université Norbert Zongo. The four pillars of COGS will uncover new mechanisms through which corruption acts as a barrier to inclusive sustainable development. Pillar 1 of COGS examines how sextortion can act as a barrier to female entrepreneurship and the factors that are associated with an higher rate of sextortion. Pillar 2 studies how gender stereotypes dissuade women from pursuing a career in elected political office, and how these biases can be overcome. Pillar 3 explores if local corruption in the health and education domain limits access to these fundamental services more for women than for men. The final pillar will model how a lack of interagency trust arising from perceptions of corruption can impede coordination and action to combat climate change. COGS is enriched by the utilisation of a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methods, such as interviews, focus groups, experiments in Burkina Faso and Ireland, and cross-country analyses.

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Team Members

Prof Robert Gillanders

Prof. Robert Gillanders

Prof. Robert Gillanders is Co-Principal Investigator of COGS and is a Professor of economics at DCU Business School. He is the co-founder and co-director of the DCU Anti-corruption Research Centre (ARC). He has published extensively on the causes and consequences of corruption in journals including GovernanceSocial Science & Medicine, Public Choice, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation, the Journal of Development Studies, and Small Business Economics. You can find him on Twitter @robgillanders

Prof Eugenie Maiga

Prof. Eugenie Maiga

W. H. Eugenie Ma?ga is a Co-PI of the COGS project and a Professor of Economics at Université Norbert Zongo in Koudougou, Burkina Faso where she teaches courses in Econometrics, Microeconomics, and Research Methodology. She holds a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Her research interests include education and skills development, youth employment, early childhood development, agricultural economics and health economics. She has published 11 articles in peer review journals including Nature Food, World Development, Agricultural Economics, African Development Review, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Région et Développement. In 2021, she was selected as one of University of Minnesota’s 50 CFANS Hunger Fighters in honor of Dr Norman Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize recipient. In 2019, she received two distinctions: as an Africa Early Years Fellows, a World Bank Group program that supports investments in early childhood development, Eugenie was awarded a World Bank Human Development Vice President’s Award for exemplary collaboration within Human Development sector and beyond at the World Bank and a Distinguished Leadership Award by her alma mater, the University of Minnesota for outstanding leadership. In 2018, she was awarded Burkina Faso’s “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques” for her contributions to higher education in Burkina Faso.

Dr. Doris Aja-Eke

Dr. Doris Aja-Eke

Dr. Doris Aja-Eke is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Corruption Studies at the Centre for Anti-Corruption Research Centre (ARC), Dublin City University. She has a PhD in International Relations, with a major in Global Human Development from University College Dublin. Her research interest is in development studies, especially in fragile and conflict-affected regions. She makes use of mixed-method approaches to carry out evidence-based research for the enhancement of national and international development. Her current research focuses on the impacts of corruption, especially sextortion, a sexual form of corruption, on different aspects of development. She equally has a wide range of academic and non-academic experience from different countries. You can follow her on Twitter @DAja_Eke and LinkedIn or visit website.

Dr Idrissa Ouedraogo

Dr. Idrissa Ouedraogo

Dr. Idrissa Ouedraogo is currently an Assistant Professor and Researcher in Development Economics at the Department of Economics of the Thomas Sankara University based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). He is a permanent researcher at the Centre d'?tudes, de Documentation et de Recherches ?conomiques et Sociales (CEDRES) in Ouagadougou. Dr Ouedraogo is also a postdoctoral researcher affiliated with Université Norbert Zongo, in Koudougou (Burkina Faso), and Dublin City University, Dublin (Ireland), as part of the Irish Research Council funded project on Corruption, Gender, and Sustainable Development (COGS). He is the lead consultant in a project on the distributional effects of fiscal policies in Sub-Saharan Africa with the United Nations (UN)-World Institute for Development Research (WIDER). His research interests include but are not restricted to governance and institutional economics, human development, welfare economics and African economic integration. He has written several papers on inequality, development, and economic integration. He works as a Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS)’ catalyst to train and sensitize researchers to the appropriate tools and road map to follow in order to practice transparent and reproducible research. BITSS is based at the University of California in Berkeley (USA).

Dr Amadou Boly

Dr. Amadou Boly

Dr. Amadou Boly is a Co-Investigator of the COGS Project and Special Assistant to the Chief Economist and Vice-President at the African Development Bank (AfDB). In the Bank, he co-organized the 2016 African Economic Conference, led the first-ever fully inhouse African Economic Outlook in 2018 (AfDB flagship report), and worked as an Associate Editor of the African Development Review. Before joining the AfDB, he worked as Research Fellow and Coordinator of the PhD Fellowship and Visiting Scholars programs at UNU-WIDER in Finland; and as Industrial Development Officer at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Austria. His research work has been published in leading international journals such as Economic JournalEuropean Economic ReviewExperimental EconomicsInternational Economic ReviewJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization or World Development; on issues such as corruption, FDI, informal sector, tax compliance, or industrialization. Dr. Boly hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Montreal (Canada), a MSc in International Business from the University of Groningen (Netherlands) and a Maitrise in Economics and Management from the University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).

Dr. Roisin Lyons

Dr. Roisin Lyons

Dr. Roisin Lyons ( is a lecturer of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick. She has lectured for over 10 years, in Ireland and internationally, including a number of years in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Her research focuses on innovation (open source innovation, entrepreneurial tendency development), social and sustainable enterprise, and pedagogy (hackathons, gamification, experiential activities for large-class contexts). She has published in journals such as International Entrepreneurship Management Journal, IJEBR, Journal of Management Education, and Small Business Economics. Rosin is very engaged in community entrepreneurship initiatives and industry collaborations (StartupWeekDublin, co-founder of OSV/OSVX Covid response, Enactus, Young Scientist). A former science teacher, Roisin holds a Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship Education and a M.Sc. in Business Management. (@rolyonz/

Dr. Olesia Zhytkova

Dr. Olesia Zhytkova

Dr. Olesia Zhytkova is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the COGS project. She has a PhD in history. The title of PhD dissertation was ‘Activities of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) in Kyiv (1919 – 1930)’. Her research interests are contemporary history of Ukraine (1914-to present), history of the Orthodox Church in Soviet Ukraine in 1920’s-1930’s, struggle for independence in Ukraine (20th century), the role of women in the revolutionary era in Ukraine (the first third of 20th century). Dr. Olesia Zhytkova has 11 academic articles and over 15 conference papers, abstracts and popular publications.