Doris Aja-Eke


Contact Details

Postdoctoral Researcher
DCU Business School
Dublin City University
Glasnevin Campus
Dublin 9

Profile Photo

Dr. Doris Aja-Eke is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Corruption Studies at the Centre for Anti-Corruption Research Centre (ARC) and Business School at Dublin City University. She has a PhD in International Relations, with a major in Global Human Development from University College Dublin. Her research focuses on the use of mixed methods - quantitative, geospatial and qualitative approaches - in development studies. She is currently working and is interesting in studying the intersections between corruption, sextortion (the sexual form of corruption), and different aspects of development. She equally has a wide range of academic and non-academic experience from different countries. You can follow her on Twitter @DAja_Eke and LinkedIn or visit her personal website.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Doris Aja-Eke; Robert Gillanders; Eugenie Maiga; Idrissa Ouedraogo (2022) Political Science Association of Ireland (PSAI) Annual Conference 2022 Sextortion, Corruption, and Female Empowerment Waterford, Ireland, 14/10/2022-16/10/2022.
2021 Doris Aja; Samuel Brazys (2021) The political economy of the security-development nexus Aiding or Abetting? Local Foreign Aid and the Relapse of Major, Minor and Non-Fatal Conflict Glasgow (online), 22/01/2021-22/01/2021.


Year Publication
2022 Robert Gillanders; Idrissa Ouedraogo; Eugenie Ma?ga; Doris Aja-Eke (2022) Corruption is Bad for Your Health. BLOG [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Aja-Eke, Doris (2023) 'Bypassing government and state agencies in aid allocation: evidence from conflict-affected regions in Nigeria'. Development in Practice, 33 (6). [DOI]
2023 Aja-Eke, Doris; Gillanders, Robert; Ouedraogo, Idrissa; Maiga, Windkouni Haoua Eugenie (2023) 'Sextortion and corruption'. Applied Economics Letters, . [DOI]
2023 Gillanders, R.; Ouedraogo, I.; Ma?ga, W.H.E.; Aja-Eke, D. (2023) 'Police corruption and crime: Evidence from Africa'. Governance, . [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
10/09/2018 University College Dublin PhD International Relations (Global Human Development)
10/09/2017 University of Strathclyde MSc International Relations
24/10/2011 Godfrey Okoye University BSc International Relations


Committee Function From / To
National Research Integrity Forum (NRIF) Community of Practice (CoP) 01/09/2022 -

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Member -

Research Interests

My research interest is development studies, although I am generally interested in the broad area of International Relations. I am particularly interested in making use of mixed method approaches to carry out evidence-based research, especially in developing countries. Therefore, I carry out research that utilise quantitative, geospatial, and qualitative techniques to solve development issues. I am currently working on the intersections between corruption, sextortion (sexual corruption) and development.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Irish Research Council Laureate Award Doctoral Research Fellow 10/09/2018 10/09/2021
Commonwealth Scholarship MSc Student 11/09/2017 10/09/2018