Paula Murphy


Contact Details

T:Ext. 9015

Assistant Professor
St. Patrick's Campus
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
Profile Photo
Paula Murphy is an assistant professor at the School of Arts Education and Movement DCU, and has lectured in the areas of Drama and Education in St. Patrick's College and DCU since 1999. She previously worked as a primary school teacher and as Education Officer for TEAM Educational Theatre Company. She is co-author of Discovering Drama: Theory and Practice for the Primary School (Gill & MacMillan, 2006) and has held leadership positions in ADEI (Association for Drama in Education in Ireland) since its foundation in 1999. Paula received two President's awards for teaching and learning from St. Patrick's College, one of which included a team award with her colleagues in Drama Education. In 2019 she received a President's award from Dublin City University for Distinctive Approaches to Innovation in Teaching. Paula is a qualified movement educator and therapist (ISMETA approved - International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association). Between 2012 and 2016 she studied with pioneering dance artist and psychotherapist Joan Davis at the Gorse Hill Centre in Greystones, where she completed her accreditation. She also holds a certificate in sound healing and has trained with Chloe Goodchild of the Naked Voice Foundation, UK. In 2024, Paula was awarded a PhD from University College Cork for her thesis entitled 'Embodiment in Teacher Education: Widening the Field'.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Murphy, P. (2024) Scenario Conference Manifestations of presence in an interface between somatic education, arts education and teacher education [Conference presentation]. Scenario Conference, Dublin Dublin, 09/05/2024-11/05/2024.
2022 Murphy, P. (2022) Sentient Performativities; thinking alongside the human Eco-somatics and teacher education; Ways in to somatic engagement Devon, UK, 26/06/2022-30/06/2022.
2019 Murphy, P. (2019) ICQI 15th Annual Congress in Qualitative Inquiry The soma in teacher education: Focusing the lens University of Illinois, 15/05/2019-18/05/2019.
2017 Murphy, P. (2017) SCENARIO Forum Conference 2017 Embodiment in Teacher Education University College Cork, .
2016 Murphy, P. (2016) Irish International Conference on Education Embodiment in Teacher Education; A Qualitative Study Dublin, .
2012 Murphy, P. (2012) 7th International Drama In Education Research Institute (IDIERI) conference Playing between the lines: Devised theatre and teacher education Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 13/06/2012-16/06/2012.
2011 Murphy, P; Heffernan, C.; McCabe, U. (2011) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Spring Conference Partnership and process: Learning to teach drama in context Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin, 05/04/2011-11/04/2011.
2008 Murphy, P. (2008) Human Rights Education for a Sustainable Future Conference The role of drama in human rights education St. Patrick['s College, Dublin, .
2007 (2007) Abolition Conference The pied piper: Exploring issues of power through process drama St. Patrick's College, Dublin, .
2004 Murphy, P. (2004) International Drama and Theatre Education Association Conference (IDEA) Irish folktales, movement and dance University of Ottawa, Canada, .
2001 Murphy, P. (2001) Transformations; A Child’s Rights to Imagine; Where and How Children Encounter the Arts Conference Betwixt and between teacher and artist Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Dublin, .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2012 Murphy, P. (2012) 'Student Teacher Voice on School Placement; What we can Learn if we Listen' In: Re-imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation. Dublin : Liffey.
2010 Murphy, P. (2010) 'Between Celebration and Crisis: The Role of Drama in Human Rights Education' In: Human Rights Education for s Sustainable Future. Dublin : Liffey.
2007 Murphy, P. (2007) 'Drama as radical pedagogy' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dubin : IPA.


Year Publication
2006 Murphy, P., & O’Keeffe, M. (2006) Discovering Drama; Theory and Practice for the Primary School. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/2019 President's Award for Distinctive Approaches to Innovation in Teaching Teaching Enhancement Unit, Dublin City University
01/05/2016 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (Team) Teaching and Learning Committee, St. Patrick's College
01/06/2012 President's Award For Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Individual) Teaching and Learning Committee, St. Patrick's College

Other Activities

Sound Healing - Certificate from College of Sound Healing, UK.
Accredited somatic movement educator and therapist (ISMETA) - Origins programme directed by Joan Davis at the Gorse Hill Centre, Greystones (2012-2016)

Research Interests

  • Embodiment
  • Somatic Education
  • Teacher Education
  • Arts Education
  • Drama Education
  • Well-being and the arts
  • Outdoor education