Eileen M Brennan


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Eileen Brennan is an Associate Professor in the School of Human Development at the DCU Institute of Education. She holds a B.A. and an M.A. from University College Dublin, and an Habilitation au Doctorat and a Doctorat de Philosophie from the Catholic University of Paris. 

She is one of the editors of Reading Ricoeur through Law (Lexington Books, 2022), and was formerly Co-editorial Director of the international, peer-reviewed, bilingual, academic journal, ?tudes Ricoeuriennes /Ricoeur Studies. She has translated several philosophical books and articles, including Paul Ricoeur, On Translation (Routledge) and Dominique Janicaud, On the Human Condition (Routledge). 


Year Publication
2006 Ricoeur, P. and Brennan, E. (2006) On Translation (E. Brennan, trans.). London and New York: Routledge.
2005 Janicauld, D. and Brennan, E. (2005) On the Human Condition (E. Brennan, trans.). London and New York: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 E. Brennan (2022) ''Kearney's Journey between Imagination and Touch -in Dialogue with Ricoeur'' In: Anacarnation and Returning to the Lived Body with Richard Kearney. Abingdon, Oxfordshire : Routledge.
2022 Paul Ricoeur (2022) ''The Just between the Legal and the Good' (E. Brennan trans.)' In: Reading Ricoeur through Law. Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books.
2022 Antoine Garapon (2022) ''Symbolism and the Generativity of Justice' (E. Brennan trans.)' In: Reading Ricoeur through Law. Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books.
2019 Brennan, E. (2019) 'The Role of Religious Symbolism in Paul Ricoeur's Philosophical Anthropology' In: Ciphers of Transcendence. Dublin : Irish Academic Press.
2012 Brennan, E. (2012) 'Communication, struggle, and human destiny: Ricoeur's Judicial Praxis and Heidegger's power of destiny' In: Human Destinies: Philosophical Essays in Memory of Gerald Hanratty. [Link]
1999 Greisch, J. and Brennan, E. (1999) 'Ethics and Lifeworlds (E. Brennan, trans.)' In: Questioning Ethics: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy. London and New York : Routledge.
1999 Kristeva, Julia (1999) 'Revolt Today? (E. Brennan, trans.)' In: Questioning Ethics: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy. London and New York : Routledge.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Brennan, Eileen (2023) 'Paul Ric?ur's Philosophy of Education and its Relevance for our Scientific-Technological Civilization'. ETUDES RICOEURIENNES-RICOEUR STUDIES, 14 (2). [DOI]
2022 Murphy, R.; Ward, F.; McCabe, U.; Flannery, M.; Cleary, A.; Hsu, H.P.; Brennan, E. (2022) 'Recasting embodied and relational teaching in the arts: teacher educators reflect on the potential of digital learning'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Brennan, Eileen (2018) 'Paul Ricoeur and the Theological Turn in French Phenomenology'. Philosophy Today, 62 (1). [DOI]
2016 Brennan, Eileen (2016) 'The History of Hermeneutics'. BLACKWELL COMPANION TO HERMENEUTICS, .
2016 Brennan, Eileen (2016) 'Hermeneutics and Phenomenology'. BLACKWELL COMPANION TO HERMENEUTICS, .
2014 Brennan, Eileen (2014) 'Doing Justice to Justice: Ricoeur's Discovery of the Juridical Plane'. Philosophy Today, 58 (4). [DOI]
2008 Brennan, E. (2008) 'Ricoeurian Hermeneutics and the Paradigm of Translation'. International Journal of Translation, 19 (2).
1995 Ricoeur, P. and Brennan, E. (1995) 'Reflections on a New Ethos for Europe (E. Brennan, trans.)'. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 21 (no 5/6 1995):3-13.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2017 Brennan, E. and Amalric, J-L. (eds.) (2017) 'Varia' 8 (2) .
2017 Brennan, E., Amalric, J-L., and Dosse, F. (eds.) (2017) 'History-Philosophy: Round Trip' 8 (1) . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Brennan, E., Amalric, J-L., Busacchi, V. and César Freitas Pinto, W. (eds.) (2016) 'Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis' 7 (1) . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Brennan, E., Amalric, J-L., Lelièvre, S. and Inizan, Y. (eds.) (2016) 'Ricoeur and the Arts' 7 (2) . [Link] https://doi.org/10.5195/errs.2016.375
2015 Brennan, E. (2015) 'Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of the Self' .
2015 Brennan, E., Amalric, J-L. and Dierckxsens, G. (eds.) (2015) 'Justice at its Margins' 6 (2) . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Brennan, E. and Amalric, J-L. (eds.) (2015) 'Ricoeur and Translation' 6 (1) . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Michel, J., Brennan, E. and Amalric, J-L. (eds.) (2014) 'The Social and Political Imaginary' 5 (2) . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Michel, J. and Brennan, E. (eds.) (2014) 'Ricoeur and Analytic Philosophy' 5 (1) . [Link] [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 (2023) 6th Edition of the Fonds Ricoeur's Summer Workshop 'Parting Ways with the Philosophies of the Subject: Radical Break or Nothing New?' (Keynote) Paris, . [DOI]
2022 E. Brennan (2022) 16th annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference 'Paul Ricoeur's Dialectical Conception of Justice' Los Angeles, California and online, .
2022 McCabe, U.; Murphy; R. Ward, F.; Cleary, A; Brennan, E (2022) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2022 A Matter of Presence in Higher Education Classrooms: Virtual and In Person Marino College Dublin, .
2021 Brennan, E. (2021) The Rule of Metaphor. The Fourth Edition of the Fonds Ricoeur's Summer Workshops 'Poetics, Rhetoric, and Hermeneutics' (Keynote) Paris (hybrid conference), .
2021 Brennan, E. (2021) The Annual International Graduate Conference, Galway 'Husserl and the Unlikely Origins of Ricoeur's Practical Philosophy' (Keynote) online conference hosted by NUI Galway, .
2020 Brennan, E. (2020) 'Politics, Religion, and Cultural Hermeneutics'. 14th Annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference 'The Political Paradox: A Major Milestone in the Development of Ricoeur's Political Thought' (Keynote) online format, .
2019 Brennan, E., A. O'Donnell (MU), Witt, C. (University of New Hampshire, USA), Battersby, C. (University of Warwick, UK), and K. O'Donnell (UCD) (2019) 7th Annual Conference and General Meeting of SWIP-Ireland Conference theme: Gender and Philosophy All Hallows Campus, DCU, .
2018 Brennan, E. (2018) Summer Workshop, Fonds Ricoeur Freedom and Evil Paris, .
2018 Brennan, E. (2018) 6th Annual Conference and General Meeting of SWIP, Ireland ‘Repositioning Feminism: Between Care and Justice’ UCD, .
2018 Brennan, E. and Professor Zhang Jiang, First Vice-President of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2018) 'A Round Table on Public Hermeneutics' 'An Intercultural Dialogue on Public Hermeneutics' Trinity College Dublin, 12/04/2018-12/04/2018.
2016 Brennan, E. (2016) 'Hermeneutics, Culture, and the Humanities' Symposium 'Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics of the Self' MIC, Limerick, .
2016 Brennan, E. (2016) UCD Festival 'The Future of Education in Ireland: a Creative Appropriation of the Tradition' UCD, 18/06/2016-18/06/2016.
2016 Brennan, E. (2016) Crossing Boundaries: Ricoeur in a Global Age Paul Ricoeur and the Education Question De Paul University, Chicago, .
2016 Brennan, E. (2016) The Gender, Public Policy and Philosophies of Emotion Workshop Teaching Patriotic Love in Schools Sutherland School of Law, UCD, .
2015 Brennan, E. (2015) The Invited Speaker Seminars 2014-2015 'Competing Conceptions of Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Heidegger v Ricoeur' University College Dublin, .
2015 Brennan, E. (2015) The Reaches of Pragmatism Conference The Implausibility of Dewey Ascribing an Educative Function to Fear Summer Institute in American Philosophy, University College Dublin, .
2015 Brennan, E. (2015) The Hermeneutics of Practice Workshop The Hermeneutics of Education Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy, University of Dundee, .
2014 Brennan, E. (2014) 'Paul Ricoeur, Hermeneutics, and Asia' 'Hermeneutic Phenomenology, and the Paradigm of Translation' Soochow University, Taiwan, 29/05/2014-31/05/2014.
2013 Brennan, E. (2013) International Postgraduate Conference 'Translations' 'Understanding, Interpretation, and the Paradigm of Translation' Cardiff University, 26/06/2013-28/06/2013.
2013 Brennan, E. (2013) Camus and Beyond: Literature, Philosophy and the Political 'I rebel-therefore we exist: Camus on Rebellion and Solidarity' MIC, Limerick, 25/04/2013-26/04/2013.
2012 Brennan, E. (2012) SWIP Ireland Inaugural Workshop 'Distributive Justice: A Hermeneutic Reading' Newman House, Dublin, 27/01/2012-27/01/2012.
2011 Brennan, E. (2011) Conference on Initial Teacher Education Is There a Place for Habermas’ ‘Religious Citizens’ in Citizenship Education? St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, .
2010 Brennan, E. (2010) Arts Faculty Seminar 'Recognition and Justice in Paul Ricoeur's Political Philosophy' MIC, Limerick, 23/02/2010-24/02/2010.
2010 Brennan, E. (2010) Reading Ricoeur Once Again, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Ricoeur's Dialectical Conception of Justice Lisbon, Portugal, .
2009 Brennan, E. (2009) Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference Paul Ricoeur’s Three Dimensional Justice: Distributive, Corrective, and Reconstructive George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, USA, .
2009 Brennan, E. (2009) Invited Speakers Seminar 'Paul Ricoeur's Symbolism of Justice' NUI, Galway, 01/11/2009-02/11/2009.
2009 Brennan, E. (2009) From Ricoeur to Action: An Interdisciplinary Conference, UK-Ireland Society for Ricoeur Studies, University of Kent Ricoeurian Justice: Where the Scales Eclipses the Gavel University of Kent, UK, .
2008 Brennan, E. (2008) WIP Seminar, School of Philosophy, UCD Ricoeurian Hermeneutics and the Paradigm of Translation UCD, .
2007 Brennan, E. (2007) SEP-FEP Conference, University of Sussex The Ethics of Translation University of Sussex, UK, .
2005 Brennan, E. (2005) The 35th Annual Meeting of the Husserl Circle, UCD Respondent to Don Ihde’s paper, Phenomenology + Pragmatism = Postphenomenology UCD, .
2005 Brennan, E. (2005) International Workshop on Humanism, UCD On Posthumanism UCD, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2021 Brennan, E. (2021) 'Book Review around Richard Kearney' (Titles reviewed: Imagination Now. A Richard Kearney Reader; Radical Hospitality. From Thought to Action; and Touch. Recovering Our Most Vital Sense). BREV [Link] [DOI]
2015 Brennan, E (2015) The Good of Recognition: Phenomenology, Ethics, and Religion in the Thought of Levinas and Ricoeur. PITTSBURGH: BREV [DOI]
1997 Brennan, E. (1997) Nietzsche’s French Legacy. BREV


Year Publication
2023 Brennan, Eileen (2023) Introduction - Ric?ur and Education. ED [DOI]
2021 Ricoeur, P. (2021) ? Connaissance de l’homme par la littérature du malheur ?. Foi-?ducation (Littérature et monde moderne) 21/15 (1951) mai, 149-156. France: ED [Link]

Dictionary Entry

Year Publication
2009 Brennan, E. (2009) Hermeneutics. London and New York: DE
2009 Brennan, E. (2009) Paul Ricoeur. London and New York: DE

Edited Book

Year Publication
2022 Marc de Leeuw, George H. Taylor, Eileen Brennan (Ed.). (2022) Reading Ricoeur through Law. Lanham, USA: Lexington Books,

Other Publication

Year Publication
2013 Brennan, Eileen (2013) Heidegger and the Measure of Truth. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
The Ireland China Institute This is an independent think tank dedicated to the study of Irish Chinese affairs. Its mission is to foster a greater understanding of Ireland in China and of China in Ireland. 24/10/2018 - 24/12/2020
Society for Women in Philosophy (Ireland) The society promotes the work of women philosophers, past and present, and helps women philosophers build networks both nationally and internationally. 22/11/2014 - 29/11/2022
French Reflection Group Members of this group share an interest in European politics, especially French politics. They analyse key speeches, policy initiatives, and trends, discussing the implications, if any, for Ireland. 19/04/2018 - 28/11/2019
The Society for Ricoeur Studies Members of this international, interdisciplinary society pursue research related to the work and thought of Paul Ricoeur. 15/10/2013 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/1993 Fondation Irlandaise Scholarship Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris


Committee Function From / To
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion Panel of FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus, Individual Call 01/06/2020 - 31/01/2022
Albert College Lecture Series Steering Committee 09/09/2021 - 31/10/2023
Subcommittee of B.Ed. Programme Board 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2024
Faculty Ethics Committee 01/10/2019 - 01/09/2022
Committee of The Society for Women in Philosophy (Ireland) 04/10/2018 - 04/10/2022
DCU's Women in Leadership Action Group 10/11/2017 - 30/08/2020
Board of Directors of The Ireland China Institute 24/10/2018 - 24/12/2020
Board of Directors of The Society for Ricoeur Studies 15/10/2013 - 04/11/2018
Faculty Research Committee 14/12/2016 - 11/09/2017
Committee of The Society for Women in Philosophy (Ireland) 22/11/2014 - 19/05/2018
Research Ethics Steering Committee 01/10/2013 - 31/08/2014
Strategic Planning Sub-Committee 30/11/2010 - 31/08/2014
Staff-Student Liaison Committee (Human Development) 04/10/2010 - 31/08/2013
SPD Appeals Board 04/10/2016 - 04/10/2016
Research Review Committee 01/10/2010 - 31/08/2010
Management Committee of the Education Department 01/10/2006 - 31/08/2008


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University Assistant Professor 30/09/2016 -
St Patrick's College Lecturer 01/09/2005 - 29/09/2016
University College Dublin Lecturer and Senior Tutor 01/10/1997 - 30/06/2005
Trinity College Dublin Lecturer in Philosophy 01/09/1993 - 31/08/1997


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Institut Catholique de Paris Doctorat en Philosophie
University College Dublin Bachelor of Arts
Institut Catholique de Paris Habilitation au Doctorat
University College Dublin Master of Arts by Research


Title Year Type Authors
Dr Eileen Brennan DCU-Spotlight on Research 2017 Podcast Brennan, E.
Paul Ricoeur: The philosopher behind Emmanuel Macron 2017 Newspaper column (online) Joe Humphreys

Research Interests

Google Scholar page

  • narrative and metaphor in education; 
  • the interface between the philosophy of education and political theory; 
  • the hermeneutics of action; 
  • methodological advances and debates in phenomenology; and 
  • translating philosophical texts

    Current Postgraduate Students

    Student Name Degree Supervision
    Kouker ,Alexander Paul Doctor of Education Supervisor

    Internal Collaborators

    Type Name Company Role
    Internal Regina Murphy; Andrea Cleary; Una McCabe; Francis Ward: Michael Flannery; and Hsiao-Ping Hsu DCU Institute of Education

    Teaching Interests

    1. social philosophy
    2. democratic education.
    3. feminist perspectives on education
    4. critical history  

    Modules Coordinated

    Term Title Subject
    2022 Social Philosophy HD314
    2023 ED8003A