Sabina Stan


Profile Photo
Dr. Sabina Stan has been teaching in DCU since 2006, after a post-doctoral fellowship at the Groupe de recherches interdisciplinaires en sante (GRIS), PhD studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Universite de Montreal (Canada), and maitrise and licence studies in Sociology and Anthropology at Universite Paris V-Rene Descartes (France). At SNHS, DCU, she teaches modules in sociology of health, anthropology of health, introduction to anthropology, and is a regular contributor to post-graduate training in qualitative methods and particularly ethnography. She is currently seconded for 0.5 FTE as Senior Social Science Researcher in the ERC Project 'Labour politics and the new European economic governance', Geary Institute for Public Policy, UCD (see


Year Publication
2024 Erne, R., Stan, S., Golden, D., Szabo, I. and Maccarronne, V (2024) Politicising commodification: European economic governance and labour politics from the financial crisis to the Covid emergency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2020 Stan, S. (2020) L'AGRICULTURE ROUMAINE EN MUTATION La construction sociale du marché. Online: OpenEdition Books. [Link] [DOI]
2005 Sabina Stan (2005) L'agriculture roumaine en mutation. La construction sociale du marché. : CNRS Editions.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Weber, G. and Stan, S. (2024) 'Health and Citizenship in Post-Socialist Romania' In: Post-Communist Civic and Uncivic Values and Institutions at 35: The Case of Romania. London : Palgrave.
2019 Mainil, T. and Stan, S. (2019) 'Transnational health care' In: Health Care Social Work: A Global Perspective. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2018 Stan, S. (2018) 'Neoliberal Citizenship and the Politics of Corruption: Redefining Informal Exchange in Romanian Healthcare' In: Economy, Crime and Wrong in a Neoliberal Era. Oxford : Berghahn.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) 'Looking for a place to stand: Theory, field and holism in contemporary anthropology' In: After the Crisis: Anthropological Thought, Neoliberalism and the Aftermath. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Bieler, A., Erne, R., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kjeldstadli, K., Matos, T. and Stan, S. (2015) 'Introduction: The Structuring Conditions of the Global Economy and Possibilities of Agency' In: Bieler, A., Erne, R., Helle, I., Golden, D., Kjeldstadli, K. & Stan, S(Eds.). Labour and transnational action in times of crisis. Boulder, Co : Rowman & Littlefield.
2015 Kjeldstadli, K., Bieler, A., Erne, R., Golden, D., Helle, I., Matos, T. and Stan, S. (2015) 'Conclusion: Questions for the Future: Towards an Analytical Framework' In: Bieler, A., Erne, R., Helle, I., Golden, D., Kjeldstadli, K. & Stan, S(Eds.). Labour and transnational action in times of crisis. Boulder, Co : Rowman & Littlefield.
2014 13. O’Bearchain, D., Sheridan, V. and Stan, S. (2014) 'Conclusion' In: Life in post-communist Europe after EU membership. London : Routledge.
2014 O’Beachain, D., Sheridan, V. and Stan, S. 2012 (2014 paperback). “Introduction (2014) 'Introduction' In: Life in post-communist Europe after EU membership. London : Routledge.
2012 Beacháin D.; Sheridan V.; Stan S. (2012) 'Conclusion' In: Life in Post-Communist Eastern Europe after EU Membership: Happy Ever After?. Abingdon : Routledge. [DOI]
2012 Sabina Stan and F. Peter Wagner (2012) 'The Transformation of Society and EU Membership: From Growth to Crisis - And Beyond?' In: Peter Wagner (ed.) Romania in the European Union: Challenges, Pathways and Prospects, forthcoming. : Ashgate.
2012 O’Bearchain, D., Sheridan, V. and S. Stan (2012) 'Introduction' In: O’Bearchain, D., Sheridan, V. and S. Stan(Eds.). Life in post-communist Europe after EU membership. London : Routledge.
2012 Sabina Stan (2012) 'Piata Universitatii: Cealalta poveste (Piata Universitatii: The Other Story)' In: C.A. Stoica and V. Mihailescu(Eds.). Iarna vrajbei noastre: Protestele din Romania, ianuarie-februarie 2012 (The winter of our discontent: Romanian Protests of January-February 2012). Bucharest : Paideia.
2010 Sabina Stan (2010) 'Sabina Stan' In: The incredible adventure of democracy after communism (1989-2009). Iasi : Editura Institutul European.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2015 1. Bieler, A., Erne, R., Helle, I., Golden, D., Kjeldstadli, K. & Stan, S (Ed.). (2015) Labour and transnational action in times of crisis. Boulder, Co: Rowman & Littlefield,
2015 Erne, R., Bieler, A., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kieldstadli, K., Mantos, T. and Stan, S (Ed.). (2015) “European collective action in times of crisis” special issue of the journal Transfer. London: Sage,
2015 Erne, R., Bieler, A., Golden, D., Helle, I., Kieldstadli, K., Mantos, T. and Stan, S (Ed.). (2015) “Politicising the transnational”, special issue of the journal Labor History. London: Taylor & Francis,
2014 O’Bearchain, D., Sheridan, V. and Stan, S (Ed.). (2014) Life in post-communist Europe after EU membership. London: Routledge,
2013 Grossman, A., Murphy, F. and Stan, S (Ed.). (2013) Ethnography from Margin to Centre special issue of Irish Journal of Anthropology. Ireland: Anthropological Association of Ireland, [Link]
2012 O’Beachain, D., Sheridan, V. and S. Stan (Ed.). (2012) Life in post-communist Europe after EU membership. London: Routlegde,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2023) 'Pursuing an overarching commodification script through country-specific interventions? The EU’s New Economic Governance prescriptions in healthcare (2009-2019)'. Socio-Economic Review, .
2021 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Bringing society back into our understanding of European cross-border care'. Journal of European Social Policy, .
2021 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2021) 'Time for a paradigm change? Incorporating transnational processes into an analysis of the emerging European health-care system'. TRANSFER: EUROPEAN REVIEW OF LABOUR AND RESEARCH, 27 (3).
2020 Stan, S; Erne, R; Gannon, S (2020) 'Bringing EU citizens together or pulling them apart? The European Health Insurance Card, east-west mobility and the failed promise of European social integration'. Journal of European Social Policy, . [DOI]
2019 Stan S.; Toma V. (2019) 'Accumulation by Dispossession and Public–Private Biomedical Pluralism in Romanian Health Care'. Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 38 (1):85-99.
2016 Stan, S.; Erne, R. (2016) 'Is migration from Central and Eastern Europe an opportunity for trade unions to demand higher wages? Evidence from the Romanian health sector'. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Stan, S. (2015) 'Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: Inequalities of access and the privatisation of healthcare services in Europe'. Social Science and Medicine, 124 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Stan, S. Helle, I. and Erne, R. (2015) 'European collective action in times of crisis'. TRANSFER: EUROPEAN REVIEW OF LABOUR AND RESEARCH, 21 (2):131-139.
2015 Erne R.; Bieler A.; Golden D.; Helle I.; Kjeldstadli K.; Matos T.; Stan S. (2015) 'Introduction: politicizing the transnational'. Labor History, 56 (3):237-245. [DOI]
2014 Stan, S.; Erne, R. (2014) 'Explaining Romanian labor migration: From development gaps to development trajectories'. Labor History, 55 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Stan, Sabina (2012) 'Neither commodities nor gifts: post-socialist informal exchanges in the Romanian healthcare system'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18 (1). [DOI]
2010 Clynes M.; Hourican S.; Kilcullen N.; Lawrence S.; MacDermott S.; O'Neill C.; Raftery S.; Stan S. (2010) 'Tackling healthcare associated infections: An exploratory study of cleaners' perceptions of their role'. Journal of Infection Preventions, 11 (1):6-10. [DOI]
2007 Stan S. (2007) 'Transparency: Seeing, counting and experiencing the system'. Anthropologica, 49 (2):257-273.
2009 Sabina Stan and Valentin-Veron Toma (2009) 'High-Tech Romania? Managerialism, the Market and Informal Relations in the Informatisation of the Romanian Health Care System'. Anthropology in Action, 16 (1):56-71.
2009 Sabina Stan (2009) 'The Discourse on 'The Crisis of the Health Care System' and the New Governance Model of Health Care in Quebec'. Journal of Contemporary Issues .
2008 Sabina Stan (2008) 'Faire marcher le marché: l'anthropologie à l'épreuve de l'économie post-socialiste, Anthropologie et societes'. 32 (1-2).
2005 Sabina Stan (2005) 'De la nostalgie à l'abjection: la mémoire du socialisme à l'épreuve de la transformation post-socialiste'. Ethnologies :79-105.
2004 Sabina Stan (2004) 'Porcul social'. Societatea reala :23-26.
2003 Sabina Stan (2003) 'Régimes de valeur et quête de l'origine: marché et monde des objets dans la Roumanie post-communiste'. Material culture history/Revue d'histoire de la culture matérielle :39-51.
2001 Sabina Stan (2001) ''Faire des gens'. Classifications étatiques, catégories locales et gestion des identités dans la collectivisation des campagnes roumaines, Cahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle'. 36 :91-121.
2000 Sabina Stan (2000) 'What's in a Pig? 'State', 'Market' and Process in Private Pig Production and Consumption in Romania'. Dialectical Anthropology, 25 (2):151-160.
1998 Sabina Stan (1998) 'Plus ?a change, plus c'est pareil? L'insertion de l'entrepreneur agricole dans le cadre local. Une étude de cas de la Roumanie'. Annuaire de la Société d'Anthropologie Culturelle de la Roumanie :117-127.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Stan, S. (2020) 'Europske smjernice za komodifikaciju zdravlja: utjecaj europskog semestra na zdravstvene sustave dr?ava ?lanica EU. Intervju sa Sabinom Stan' . [Link]
2012 Sabina Stan (2012) 'Piata Universitatii. Cealalta poveste' 27 January .
2011 Sabina Stan and Valentin-Veron Toma (2011) 'Medical anthropology in Romania, medical anthopology on Romania?' 1, 2 .
2010 Sabina Stan (2010) 'Shriking Worlds, Disconnescted Lives. The Post-communist Saga of Romanian Grains' 15 :67-71.
2009 Sabina Stan (2009) 'Semn de intrebare: Sabina Stan' 137, available : .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Stan, S. (2023) In the Frictions: Fragments of Health, Care, and Wellbeing in the Balkans Connecting the Fragments of Care: Transnational Processes in the Margins of Europe Zadar, Croatia, 27/04/2023-29/04/2023.
2023 Stan, S. (2023) Smart diaspora - diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship Impact in research: Alternative dissemination products in science research Timisoara, Romania, 10/04/2023-13/04/2023.
2023 Erne, R. and Stan, S. (2023) European Public Services Union (EPSU) Health and Social Services Meeting EU healthcare policy and trade union action Brussels, Belgium, 23/02/2023-23/02/2023.
2022 Stan, S. (2022) Spring Research Workshop, Anti-Corruption Research Centre Corruption and the rise of neoliberal citizenship. Redefining informal exchanges in Romanian healthcare DCU, Dublin, 28/01/2022-28/01/2022.
2022 Stan, S. (2022) Community Health Research, Practice and Education Conference EU matters! Nominal & actual EU competencies and interventions in healthcare SNPCH, DCU, Dublin, 02/09/2022-02/09/2022.
2022 Maccaronne, V., Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2022) ENAPCHSP conference Plus ?a change... Continuity and change in the EU governance of healthcare after the pandemic European Parliament, Brussels, 31/03/2022-31/03/2022.
2021 S. Stan (2021) International People’s Health University The EU’s ‘new economic governance’ in healthcare: further privatisation and commercialisation Zoom, 25/05/2021-25/05/2021.
2021 S. Stan and R. Erne (2021) 27th International Conference of Europeanists The EU’s New Economic Governance in Healthcare: Preparing the Bed for the Covid Pandemic Zoom, 21/06/2021-25/06/2021.
2020 Stan, S. (2020) Council Meeting of the Federation Sud Santé Sociaux L’agenda de la ‘nouvelle gouvernance économique’ européenne en santé: plus de privatisation et de commercialisation Paris, France, 30/01/2020-30/01/2020.
2020 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2020) Webinar Series: COVID19 and Long-Term Care - Building Health Justice in Canada and in Europe EU policy prescriptions in health and long-term care: Preparing the bed for Covid Zoom, 12/11/2020-12/11/2020.
2020 S.Stan and R. Erne (2020) UCD Quinn School of Business Covid-19 Research Morning The EU's New Economic Governance Prescription in Healthcare (2009-2019): Preparing the Bed for the Covid-Pandemic Zoom, 27/11/2020-27/11/2020.
2019 Stan, S. (2019) People Health Movement -Europe Meeting The European Semester and its drive to commercialise healthcare Zagreb, Croatia, 08/11/2019-10/11/2019.
2019 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2019) International Sociological Association RC 19 Annual Conference: Global Crises and Social Policy: Coping with Conflict, Migration and Climate Change The New Economic Governance in the Health Care Sector: A Labour Perspective Mannheim, Germany, 28/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2019 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2019) International Sociological Association RC 19 Annual Conference: Global Crises and Social Policy: Coping with Conflict, Migration The New Economic Governance in the Health Care Sector: A Labour Perspective Mannheim, Germany, 28/08/2019-30/08/2019.
2019 Stan, S. (2019) Tübingen Seminar on Social Europe, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science Sectoral dimensions of intra-European migration. The case of healthcare Tubingen, Germany, 09/05/2019-10/05/2019.
2019 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2019) ERC Workshop: Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance Regime The EU’s new economic governance in healthcare: points of crystallisation for contentious collective action? Florence, Italy, 28/10/2019-30/10/2019.
2019 Stan, S. and Szabo, I. (2019) 10th European Public Service Union (EPSU) Congress Trade Union Perspectives on the EU’s New Economic Governance in Healthcare and Water Services Dublin, Ireland, 05/06/2019-05/06/2019.
2019 Stan, S. (2019) 3rd Health Benefits Convention Europe as a transnational health care space Vienna, Austria, 18/12/2019-18/12/0201.
2019 Stan, S. (2019) History and Film Festival (Festivalul de film si istorii) Migration and the role of the intellectuals abroad Rasnov, Romania, 28/07/2019-28/07/2019.
2019 Stan, S. (2019) Mother Tongues Festival: See Through @ Rua Red Café Stories of migration Dublin, Ireland, 23/11/2019-23/11/2003.
2019 Stan, S. (2019) Conference Our health is not for sale of the European Network against Privatisation and Marketisation of Health and Social Protection Impact of European policies on the commercialization of health European Parliament, Brussels, 02/04/2019-02/04/2019.
2018 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2018) International Sociological Association (ISA) 2018 Conference Migration, access to health and EU governance Toronto, Canada, 15/07/2018-21/07/2018.
2017 Stan, S. (2017) 41st Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Russian, Central and East European Studies Cross-border patient mobility, consumer citizenship and the uneven European healthcare space Galway, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017.
2018 Stan, S. Toma, V-V. and Avram, A. (2018) Round table of the Medical Tourism in Romania Research Group The Use of the Online Environment in Medical Tourism in Romania, in International Perspective Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 25/10/2018-25/10/2018.
2018 Stan, S. and Avram, A. (2018) Society for Romanian Studies (SRS) 2018 Conference Mapping institutionalisation processes at work in the development of medical tourism in Romania Bucharest, Romania, 26/06/2018-30/06/2018.
2018 Stan, S. (2018) Industrial Relations in Europe (IREC) 2018 Conference NEG and Labour Politics in the Health Care Sector Leuven, Belgium, 10/09/2018-12/09/2018.
2017 Stan, S. and Mainil, T. (2017) European Patients' Forum Round Table on Cross-border Healthcare Transnational healthcare in Europe Challenges for patients Brussels, Belgium, 04/12/2017-04/12/2017.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Inter-Congress Healthcare privatisation, neoliberal citizenship and the politics of corruption in the Romanian healthcare sector Dubrovnik, Croatia, 04/05/2016-09/05/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) Cross-border Healthcare in Europe: Improving Transparency and Patient Mobility Chair’s introduction and final comments Brussels, Belgium, 16/06/2016-16/06/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) School of Law and Government research seminar series Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: social mobility and the marketisation of healthcare services in Europe SLG, DCU, Dublin, 13/04/2016-13/04/2016.
2016 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2016) International Sociological Association Forum on Sociology Is Migration from Central and Eastern Europe an Opportunity for Trade Unions to Demand Higher Wages? Evidence from the Romanian Health Sector Vienna, Austria, 10/07/2016-14/07/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) European Association of Social Anthropologists bi-annual Conference Moralities of care, accumulation by dispossession and the re-definition of informal exchange in Romanian healthcare Milan, Italy, 20/07/2016-23/06/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences's (IUAES) Inter-Congress Making healthcare privatisation and its consequences visible: the role of anthropology Dubrovnik, Croatia, 04/05/2016-09/05/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) Faculty of Public Health Medicine Summer Scientific Meeting Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: social mobility and the marketisation of healthcare services in Europe Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Dublin, 31/05/2016-01/06/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) IMTJ Academic Conference ‘Medical tourism: Time for a check-up?’ Transnational patient mobility and healthcare mobilities and governance processes in Europe: towards a rising European healthcare system? Madrid, Spain, 25/05/2016-26/05/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) Anthropological Association of Ireland Yearly Conference Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: social mobility and the marketisation of healthcare services in Europe NUI-Maynooth, Ireland, 15/03/2016-16/03/2016.
2016 Stan, S. (2016) Cross-border Healthcare in Europe: Improving Transparency and Patient Mobility Chair introduction and final comments Brussels, Belgium, 16/06/2016-16/06/2016.
2015 Stan, S. (2015) SNHS Research seminar series Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: social mobility and the marketisation of healthcare services in Europe SNHS, DCU, Dublin, 21/10/2015-21/10/2015.
2015 Stan, S. (2015) Economies of Care seminar series, Department of Anthropology On seeing ‘the system’: managerialism and informal exchanges in Romania’s post-socialist healthcare services Goldsmiths College, London, UK, 29/09/2015-29/09/2015.
2015 Stan, S. (2015) Congress of the Society for Romanian Studies (SRS) Corruption and wrongdoing in the Romanian healthcare system Bucharest, Romania, 17/06/2015-19/06/2015.
2014 Stan, S. (2014) Research seminar series A European healthcare system? The challenge of labor force reproduction and transnational collective action Centre of Advanced Study, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway, 19/03/2014-19/03/2014.
2014 Stan, S. (2014) Research seminar series Towards a European healthcare system? Privatisation, migration and EU healthcare governance in European healthcare Department of Sociology, University of Bergen, Norway, 28/05/2014-28/05/2014.
2014 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2014) Anthropology seminar Explaining East-West Labour Migration: from Development Gaps to Development Trajectories Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, 07/04/2014-07/04/2014.
2014 Erne, R. and Stan, S. (2014) World congress of the International Association of Political Science Is East-West labour migration within the Single European Market really improving wages and working conditions in Central and Eastern Europe? Montreal, Canada, 19/07/2014-24/07/2014.
2014 Stan, S. (2014) International workshop on Labour and transnational action in times of crisis: from case studies to theory A European healthcare system? The challenge of labor force reproduction and transnational collective action Centre of Advanced Study, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway, 27/02/2014-28/02/2014.
2013 Stan, S. (2013) Cross-border Symposium on Transnational Health Care conference Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: social mobility and the marketisation of healthcare services in Europe Leeds University, UK, 24/06/2013-25/06/2013.
2013 Stan, S. (2013) DCU Migration Discussion Group workshop on Transnationalism, Identity and Integration Post-socialism, migration and transnationalism School of Nursing and Human Sciences, DCU, 16/05/2013-.
2013 Stan, S. (2013) Euro-vision - Irish Presidency Public Lecture Series of the Institute for International Integration Studies (IIIS) and the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute (TLRH) EU enlargement in Central and Eastern Europe: Happy Ever After? Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 24/04/2013-.
2012 Bludau, H. Carroll, J. Rasell, M. Stan, S. Szenassy, E. and Toma, V-V. (2012) Health in Transition: Ethnographies of Bio-Medicine in Post-Socialist Europe ( Health in Transition: Ethnographies of Bio-Medicine in Post-Socialist Europe Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 07/06/2012-08/06/2012.
2012 Stan, S. (2012) Department of Anthropology seminar series Gifts and payments in the post-communist Romanian healthcare system: the politics of corruption and class inequalities NUIM, Maynooth, Ireland, 27/09/2012-.
2012 Stan, S. (2012) DCU-NUIM colloquium Rethinking Migration Participant at the Round table “New research agendas” Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 09/11/2012-.
2012 Stan, S. Maguire, M. and Murphy, F. (2012) DCU-NUIM colloquium Rethinking Migration Round Table “New research agendas” Royal Irish Academy, 09/11/2012-.
2012 Stan, S. (2012) Bi-annual conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Anthropology’s ground zero: What is and to what end we study anthropology? Paris, France, 10/07/2012-13/07/2012.
2012 Erne, R. and Stan, S. (2012) Society for Romanian Studies Beyond Supply and Demand Models. Analysing the Impact of Romanian Workers’ Westward Migration on Romanian Economy and Society Sibiu, Romania, 02/07/2012-04/07/2012.
2012 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2012) Society for Romanian Studies Contextualising Migration. The Political Economy of Post-Socialist Romanian Migration Sibiu, Romania, 02/07/2012-04/07/2012.
2012 Stan, S. (2012) Health in Transition: Ethnographies of Bio-Medicine in Post-Socialist Europe ( Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: social mobility and the marketisation of healthcare services in Europe Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 07/06/2012-08/06/2012.
2011 Stan, S. (2011) Health in Transition: (Bio)Medicine as Culture in Post-Socialist Europe Conference Neither Commodities nor Gifts: Post-Socialist Informal Exchanges in the Romanian Healthcare System Charles University, Prague, 10/06/2011-11/06/2011.
2010 Stan, S. (2010) Bi-Annual Congress of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Corruption, Class Formation and the Anthropology of Neoliberalism NUI Maynooth, 24/08/2010-27/08/2010.
2010 Stan, S. (2010) Department of Anthropology 'Anthropology Seminars' series Work, Postsocialism and the Flexible Transmigrant NUI Maynooth, 25/02/2010-.
2009 Stan, S. and Toma, V-V. (2009) 21st meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Data, Paper and People. Managerialism, Market and Informal Relations in the Informatisation of the Romanian Health Care System Sciences Po, Paris, France, 16/07/2009-18/07/2009.
2009 Stan, S. (2009) Employment Research Centre Seminar Series Work, Postsocialism and the Flexible Transmigrant Trinity College Dublin, 18/05/2009-18/05/2009.
2008 Stan, S. (2008) European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Biannual Conference Whose Corruption? Neo-liberalism, Class and the European Integration to the East Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26/08/2008-30/08/2008.
2007 Stan, S. and Toma, V-V. (2007) 5th International Congress on Romanian Studies High-tech Romania? The Mangerialist Informatisation of the Romanian Health Care System Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania, 25/06/2007-28/06/2007.
2007 MacDermott, S. O’Neil, C. Clynes, M. Kilkullen, N. Lawrence, S. Raftery, S. Stan, S. (2007) Thinking, Feeling, Being. Critical Perspectives and Creative Engagement in Psychosocial Health- Health4Life Conference Accounting for MRSA: Organisational change and hospital-acquired infections in the Irish health care system School of Nursing, Dublin City University, 10/09/2007-12/09/2007.
2006 Stan, S. (2006) Bi-Annual Congress of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Neither commodities nor gifts. Uncertainty in health care services in Romania Bristol, UK, 18/09/2006-21/09/2006.
2006 Drazin, A. and Stan, S. (2006) Bi-Annual Congress of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Workshop: Moral Journeys: Manifestations of Certainty and Uncertainty across Europe Bristol, UK, 18/09/2006-21/09/2006.
2006 Stan, S. (2006) International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, DCU Session “Health care contexts II” Dublin, Ireland, 04/09/2006-06/09/2006.
2006 Stan, S. (2006) Summer School for Doctoral Studies of the European Association of Nursing Studies (EANS) The impact of gender, class and ethnicity on health Maastricht, Nederland, 22/06/2006-.
2006 Stan, S. (2006) 18th Annual Meeting on Socio-Economics, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) The Social Construction of the Market. The Post-Socialist Transformation of the Romanian Agriculture Trier, Germany, 30/06/2006-02/07/2006.
2005 Stan, S. (2005) Research seminar of Réseau interdisciplinaire ‘Santé, éthique et Société’ (RISES), Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 Le discours sur ‘la crise du système de santé’ et le nouveau modèle de gouvernance des services de santé au Québec Lyon, France, 10/05/2005-.
2005 Stan, S. (2005) 17th Annual Meeting on Socio-Economics, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Panel “Observation, Representation, and Knowledge” Budapest, Hungary, 02/07/2005-.
2005 Stan, S. (2005) 17th Annual Meeting on Socio-Economics, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Transparency: Seeing, Counting and Experiencing the System Budapest, Hungary, 30/06/2005-02/07/2005.
2004 Stan, S. (2004) 72e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université du Québec à Montreal Invited participant at the round table Les politiques publiques en santé : vers l’éclosion de nouveaux savoirs? (organizer, Nicole Bernier), Forum/atelier no. 609 Montréal, Canada, 12/05/2004-.
2003 Stan, S. (2003) Congress of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA), Dalhousie University Shrinking Worlds, Disconnected Lives. The Post-Communist Saga of Romanian Grains Halifax, Canada, 28/05/2003-04/06/2003.
2003 Stan, S. (2003) International Seminar on the Balkans, Centre d’études allemandes et européennes (CEAE), Université de Montréal Transparency, Public Spaces and the European Enlargement in Romania Montréal, Canada, 23/11/2003-.
2003 Stan, S. (2003) International conference on ‘Objets mobiles’, Centre interuniversitaire d'?tudes sur les Lettres, les Arts et les Traditions (CELAT), Musée des civilisations Régimes de vérité et quête de l'origine: marché et monde des objets dans la Roumanie post-communiste Québec, Canada, 13/03/2003-15/03/2003.
2003 Stan, S. (2003) Workshop on Porkshop. We have integrated the pig. How do we kill him now? The Social Pig Bucharest, Romania, 12/12/2003-.
2003 Stan, S. (2003) Canadian Anthropology Society/La Société Canadienne d'Anthropologie (CASCA) and the Society for the Anthropology of North America (SANA) Joint Annual Congress, Dalhousie University Imagining the 'system' and its limits. The discourse on the 'crisis of the health care system' in Quebec Halifax, Canada, 08/05/2003-11/05/2003.
2003 Stan, S. and Rock, M. (2003) Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Associations (AAA) PanelTextual Pathways and Tournaments: Do Policies Have Social Lives? Chicago, United States, 19/11/2003-23/11/2003.
2003 Stan, S. (2003) Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Associations (AAA) The Private Sector, the Market and the (Public) System: Magic Mirrors and Moving Targets in the Quebec Health Care Policy Chicago, United States, 19/11/2003-23/11/2003.
2002 Stan, S. (2002) Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Harriman Centre, Columbia University Nation, Cabbage Rolls and Ham in Romania: The Semiotics of Pig Production and Consumption in Romania New York, United States, 11/04/2002-13/04/2002.
2001 Stan, S. (2001) Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Associations (AAA) Truth and Honesty: Struggles Around Food and Labour Commodification in Rural Romania Washington D.C, United States, 28/11/2001-02/12/2001.
2001 Sabina Stan (2001) Challenges of the European Union Enlargement to the East, Centre d'études allemandes et européennes (CEAE), Université de Montréal Chair and organiser of international postgraduate student colloquium Montréal, Canada, 14/09/2001-15/09/2001.
2001 Stan, S. (2001) Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Associations (AAA) Panel Unpacking Post-Socialist Consumption. Rapid Change, Commodities and New Projects of Value Washington D.C, United States, 28/11/2001-02/12/2001.

Published Report

Year Publication
2010 Sabina Stan (2010) Romanian Migration to Spain and Its Impact on the Romanian Labour Market. Universitad Autonoma Barcelona, .


Year Publication
2013 Stan, S. (2013) Why socialism can be nothing else than ‘real’: Lessons from ‘really existing socialism. Nottingham, UK: BLOG [Link]


Year Publication
2019 Stan, S. (2019) The impact of EU policies on the privatisation of healthcare. Brussels: BOOKLET

Book Review

Year Publication
2007 Sabina Stan (2007) Haller, Dieter and Cris Shore, Corruption. Anthropological Perspectives (London: Pluto Press: 2005). BREV
2001 Sabina Stan (2001) Karl Ferdinand Werner, Naissance de la noblesse (Paris: Fayard: 1998). BREV
2000 Sabina Stan (2000) Robert S. Duplessis Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). BREV
1999 Sabina Stan (1999) Susan Bordo, Twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images from Plato to O.J. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997). BREV


Year Publication
2017 Stan, S. and Mainil, T. (2017) Transnational healthcare. Brussels: WKSHOP [Link]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2019 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2019) A new methodology for analysing NEG prescriptions on healthcare. From counting CSRs to mapping semantic fields. Dublin: WP [Link]
2019 Stan, S. and Erne, R. (2019) The New Economic Governance in Health Care: A Labour Perspective. Dublin: WP [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Irish Association for Russian, Central and East European Studies (IARCEES) ordinary member 03/01/2009 -
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Societies member -
Society for Romanian Studies member -
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics member -
International Sociological Association member -
European Sociological Association member -
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) ordinary member 01/02/2006 -
Anthropological Association of Ireland (AAI) ordinary member 09/01/2008 -
Romanian Society for Cultural Anthropology (SACR) ordinary member 09/01/1995 -
Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA) ordinary member 01/01/2003 -


Committee Function From / To
DCU Academic Council 01/09/2015 - 01/09/2016
Faculty of Science and Health Research Committee 01/09/2014 - 01/09/2017
Joint Institute of Global Health 01/07/2012 -
Arena Romanistica (Bergen, Norway) 09/11/2008 -
Organisational Research Group, School of Nursing, DCU 25/08/2006 -
School of Nursing Research Committee 01/08/2006 - 01/09/2017


Employer Position From / To
Universite de Montreal Post-doctoral research fellow 01/07/2002 - 31/12/2005


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
UFR de sciences sociales, Université Paris V- Sorbonne Maitrise in Sociology and Anthropology
UFR de sciences sociales, Université Paris V-Sorbonne Licence in Sociology and Anthropology
UFR de sciences sociales, Université Paris V-Sorbonne DEUG MASS (General University Studies Diploma in Mathematics Applied in Social Sciences)
Department of Anthropology, Université de Montréal Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Anthropology


Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Romanian Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Fluent Fluent


Journal Role
Medical Anthropology Quarterly Reviewer
Social Science and Medicine Reviewer
European Journal of Industrial Relations Reviewer
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Reviewer
International Migration Review Reviewer
Social Science and Medicine Reviewer
Medical anthropology Reviewer

Other Activities

Founding member of DCU Eurasian Studies Group
Founding member of DCU Migration and Interculturalism Initiative
Founding member of DCU Migration Discussion Group
Founding member of DCU-NUIM 3U Research Circle on Critical Global Studies
Leader and member of the SNHS-Educational Research Group
Leader and member of SNHS-Organisational Research Group
Leader (with Prof A. Matthews) and member of SNHS-Population and Global Health Research Cluster
Member of SNPCH-Diversity and Inclusion Research Group
Member of SNPCH-Community Health Academic Group (CHAG)
Founding member of Group for Social Sciences and Health in Romania

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Mother Tongues Festival ‘Stories of migration’, round table with A. Danila and B. Scutaru, See Through @ Rua Red Café, South Dublin Arts Centre
Presentations/Talks to an external audience History and Film Festival “Migration and the role of the intellectuals abroad”, panel discussion, History and Film Festival, Rasnov, Romania
Presentations/Talks to an external audience 3rd Health Benefits Convention “Europe as a transnational health care space”, keynote speech, 3rd Health Benefits Convention, Vienna, Austria
Presentations/Talks to an external audience People Health Movement -Europe “The European Semester and its drive to commercialise healthcare”, People Health Movement -Europe Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Federation Sud Santé Sociaux “L’agenda de la ‘nouvelle gouvernance économique’ européenne en santé: plus de privatisation et de commercialisation”, invited speech, Council Meeting of the Federation Sud Santé Sociaux, Paris
Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Parliament & ENAPCHSP “Impact of European policies on the commercialization of health”, invited presentation at the Conference "Our health is not for sale" of the European Parliament and the European Network against Privatisation and Marketisation of Health and Social Protection, Brussels, Belgium, 2.04.2019
Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Patients' Forum (with T. Mainil) “Transnational healthcare in Europe Challenges for patients”, European Patients' Forum Round table on Cross-border healthcare, Brussels, Belgium
Presentations/Talks to an external audience Public Policy Exchange “Transnational patient mobility among intra-European migrants”, invited talk at the Public Policy Exchange workshop on Cross-border Healthcare, Brussels, Belgium, 23.03.2016
2021 Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Public Services Union (EPSU), (with R. Erne) “EU matters! Nominal and actual EU competencies in healthcare’, Online Meeting of the 55th Standing Committee on Health and Social Services, European Public Services Union. 19.10.2021
2021 Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA) (with Erne, R.) ‘Time for a paradigm change? Trade union challenges from the emerging European healthcare system’, European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA) Webinar on Healthcare and Health and Safety at Work, Conference on the Future of Europe, Zoom. 16.21.2021
2023 Presentations/Talks to an external audience Romanian Research Council (UEFISC-DI), ‘Impact in research: Alternative dissemination products in science research’, round table, conference Smart diaspora - diaspora in higher education, science, innovation and entrepreneurship. Diaspora and its friends, Timisoara, Romania, 10-13.04.2023
2021 Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Trade Union Institute, (with R. Erne) “Time for a paradigm change in understanding the emerging European health-care system”, ETUI-EPSU webinar: Transforming care work within an era of changing priorities of care policy. 29.09.2021
2021 Presentations/Talks to an external audience International People’s Health University (IPHU), (with R. Erne) “The EU’s ‘new economic governance’ in healthcare: further privatisation and commercialisation”. International People’s Health University (IPHU), Zoom, 25.05.2021
2022 Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Network Against Privatisation and Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection (ENAPCHSP) (with Maccaronne, V., and Erne, R.) ‘Plus ?a change... Continuity and change in the EU governance of healthcare after the pandemic’, ENAPCHSP conference, European Parliament, Brussels, 31.03.2022
2021 Presentations/Talks to an external audience European Network Against Privatisation and Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection (ENAPCHSP) (with R. Erne) 'EU matters! Nominal and actual EU competencies in healthcare’, invited talk at Online Webinar, European Network Against the Privatisation and Commecialisation of Health and Social Protection meeting, Zoom/Paris, 20-21.11.2021
2023 Educational Outreach/Public Engagement Ballyfermot Traveller Women's Group volunteer, Ballyfermot Traveller Women's Group


Title Year Type Authors
The Artshow: on the Romanian Cannes premiered movie 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days (Mungiu, 2007) 2008 Radio interview/panel discussion Collective
Medical tourism in Romania 2018 Radio interview/panel discussion Corina Negrea
Medical tourism in Romania 2018 Radio Interviews Corina Negrea
Medical tourism in Romania 2018 Radio interview/panel discussion Simona Valeanu
Spectrum: Romania's accession to the EU 2006 Radio interview/panel discussion Collective

Research Interests

Dr Sabina Stan's research interests lie in the areas of the EU's new economic governance in healthcare and labour and social movement reactions to it, as well as cross-border patient mobility, east-west intra-European migration, and healthcare privatisation. She is a reputed specialist in anthropological approaches to EU migrants' transnational healthcare practices, and healthcare reforms and informal healthcare practices in Central and Eastern Europe. She has developed several international research projects in the areas of transnational collective action in response to healthcare mobility and healthcare privatisation, European global care chains, east-west cross-border patient mobility, medical tourism, informatisation of Eastern European healthcare services, managerialism in healthcare in Canada and Europe, European east-west migration. Dr.Stan acted as sole or principal author of publications in international peer-reviewed journals such as Social Science and Medicine, Medical Anthropology, Labor History, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Anthropologica, as well as with international academic publishers such as Routledge, Oxford, Berghahn, Rowman and Littlefield, and CNRS Editions (France). Dr Stan welcomes enquiries from prospective students who are interested in researching transnationalisation and globalisation processes as they relate to a range of healthcare related issues, in particular healthcare worker and patient migration, healthcare governance, inequalities of access to healthcare services, and collective action in healthcare.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Medical Tourism in Romania Invited Researcher from the Diaspora 20/10/2018 27/10/2018
Cross-border patient mobility, consumer citizenship and the uneven European healthcare space author of conference paper 29/06/2017 01/09/2017
Migrant well‐being on the island of Ireland: employing an Integrated Capabilities Framework to explore barriers to integration in two jurisdictions participant to research meeting 16/05/2016 17/05/2016
Polish Mothers from Ireland. Pregnancy, Birth-giving and Motherhood among Polish Migrants in Ireland Principal Supervisor 01/10/2009 30/09/2012
Transnational Health Practices in an Enlarged Europe. The Case of Romanian Migrants in Ireland Principal investigator 29/06/2009 09/08/2009
Accounting for MRSA organisational change and hospital acquired infection in an Irish health care system Principal Investigator 01/01/2008 31/12/2008
New information technologies in the Romanian health care system Principal Investigator 01/06/2005 31/05/2007
European Unions: Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance Senior Social Scientist (0.5 FTE) 01/10/2017 30/09/2022

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Dr Valentin-Veron Toma Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy Academic
External Prof Roland Erne University College Dublin Academic
External Dr Darragh Golden University College Dublin Academic
External Dr Alina Avram Institute of World Economy, Romanian Academy Academic
External Dr James Carrier Oxford Brookes University Academic
External Dr Tomas Mainil NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences Academic
External Dr Imre Szabo University College Dublin Academic

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Introduction to Anthropology NS127
2022 Sociology of Mental Health NS329