Aileen Pearson-Evans


Profile Photo
Aileen Pearson-Evans, BA, MA, HDip, Ed, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Intercultural Studies, in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies at Dublin City University. She holds a doctorate from Trinity College Dublin on the topic of Irish university students’ cross-cultural adjustment during study abroad in Japan. She has worked extensively both at home and abroad teaching EFL, French, German and Japanese language and culture. Her teaching/research interests include: cross-cultural adaptation, the intercultural dimension of foreign language teaching, intercultural training and conflict resolution, East-West communication, intercultural issues in work environments. She co-ordinated the EU Leonardo-funded European Intercultural Workplace (EIW) project (2004-7), led by DCU and comprising a partnership of 10 European countries, which investigated the impact of cultural diversity at work and produced a set of training materials entitled 'Europe at Work' (DVD and Training manual) to enhance communication and intercultural awareness and understanding within European workplaces.  She is Director of the DCU Languaculture Space, a multilingual /multicultural hub which she established in 2012, where International and Domestic students meet and share their languages and cultures. The DCU Languaculture Space was recently awarded a European Language Label 2018. Recent publications include: ‘Recording the Journey: Irish students in Japan’ in Living and Studying Abroad (M. Byram and A. Feng Eds., 2006).


Year Publication
2007 (2007) Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity. : Peter Lang.
1988 Institute of Linguistics' German Project Group - under auspices of Council of Europe funded project to develop communicative teaching materials for German in Irish post-primary schools. (1988) Wie geht's?. : Educational Company/Institute of Linguistics.
1983 Institute of Linguistics' French Project Group - under auspices of Council of Europe funded project to develop communicatie teaching materials for German in Irish post-primary schools. (1983) Salut. : Educational Company / Institute of Linguistics.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2006 Pearson-Evans, A. (2006) 'Recording the journey: Diaries of Irish students in Japan' In: M. Byram and A. Feng(Eds.). London : Multilingual Matters.
2004 Pearson-Evans, A. (2004) '‘Bringing the theory to life: Tools to develop intercultural sensitivity in the foreign language classroom’' In: M. Smith(Eds.). Dublin, Ireland : IT? (Linguistics Institute of Ireland).
2001 Pearson-Evans, A. (2001) '‘Sushi for breakfast? The role of food in cross-cultural adjustment’' In: A. Cuk and F. Del Campo(Eds.). Trieste, Italy : Battello Stampatore.
2001 Pearson-Evans, A. (2001) '‘Beyond kotoba to kokoro: Exploring the dimensions of intercultural learning during study abroad’' In: D. Killick, M. Parry and A. Phipps(Eds.). Glasgow : University of Glasgow French and German Publications.
1998 Pearson-Evans, A. (1998) '‘With a little help from your friends: Relationship networks during the Year abroad’ ' In: D. Killick and M. Parry(Eds.). Leeds : Centre for Language Study, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2003 Pearson-Evans, A. (2003) '?Durch kotoba zu kokoro. Dimensionen interkulturellen Lernens w?hrend eines Auslandsaufenthaltes in Japan“'. THEORIE UND PRAXIS, 7 :123-137.
1989 Pearson-Evans, A. (1989) 'Japanese studies: An experiment in teaching language and culture in an Irish post-primary school'. THE LANGUAGE TEACHER, 1 :26-36.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2003 Pearson-Evans, A. and Schroeder, S. (2003) Intercultural Spaces: language, Culture, Identity. Royal Irish Academy National Committee for Modern Language Studies The Intercultural workplace project - Ireland Dublin City University, 07/11/2003-08/11/2003.
2003 Pearson-Evans, A & Schroeder S. (2003) Intercultural communication at work The Intercultural workplace in Ireland Gotenburg University, Sweden, 22/11/2003-22/11/2003.
2002 Aileen Pearson-Evans (2002) Cultures in Conflict - Joint Faculty of Humanities Interdisciplinary Conference Cultural Encounters during Study Abroad - The Case of Irish Students in Japan St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 22/02/2002-23/02/2002.
1999 Aileen Pearson-Evans (1999) Royal Irish Academy National Committee for Modern Language Studies 26th Annual Research Symposium - Teaching and Learning Language, Literature and Culture Beyond kotoba to kokoro: Exploring the Dimensions of Cross-Cultural Communication through Study Abroad NUI Maynooth, 12/11/1999-13/11/1999.
2003 Pearson-Evans, A. (2003) Moving points in palliative care: A journey into diversity The world of Intercultural studies Our lady's Hospice, Harold's Cross, Dublin, 17/11/2003-17/11/2003.
2002 Aileen Pearson-Evans (2002) Effective teaching strategies for Chinese students and increasing intercultural understanding Cross-cultural adaptation in the foreign language classroom - exploring the dynamics of teacher/learner interactions Dublin City University, 22/06/2002-22/06/2002.
2001 Aileen Pearson-Evans (2001) Culture - Mine, Yours, Whose? (Joint Conference of the Modern Language Teaching Associations in Ireland) Bringing the theory to life: Tools to develop intercultural sensitivity and intercultural communication theories in practice in the foreign language classroom St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 23/11/2001-23/11/2001.
1999 Aileen Pearson-Evans (1999) 9th SIETAR Europa Conference - One Community and many Identities: On the Crossroads of a new Europe Sushi for Breakfast? The Role of Food in Cross-Cultural Adjustment Trieste, Italy, 24/02/1999-27/02/1999.
1999 Aileen Pearson-Evans (1999) 4th Annual Cross-Cultural Capability Conference - Poetics and Praxis of Languages and Intercultural Communication Beyond kotoba to kokoro: Exploring the dimensions of intercultural learning during study abroad Leeds Metropolitan University, 11/12/1999-13/12/1999.
1998 Aileen Pearson-Evans (1998) Cross-Cultural Capability Conference - Languages for Cross-Cultural Capability: Promoting the Discipline - Marking Boundaries and Crossing Borders With a little help from your friends : Relationship Networks during the Year Abroad Leeds Metropolitan University, 12/12/1998-14/12/1998.
1997 Aileen Pearson-Evans (1997) French Teachers' Association Summer School Simulation Games in Developing Intercultural Sensitivity in Language Learners Dublin City University, 16/08/1997-18/08/1997.
1992 Aileen Pearson-Evans (1992) French Teachers Association Annual Conference Intercultural Communication in the Language Classroom St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 07/03/1992-07/03/1992.
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Royal Irish Academy National Commision of Modern Languages Representing DCU and Japanese on the National Commission for Modern Languages - research and strategy on development and teaching of modern languages at post-primary level in Ireland 15/01/1990 - 01/08/1992
S.I.E.T.A.R UK Promotion of research and training on intercultural issues in UK and Ireland 01/12/2001 - 30/12/1899
European Association of Japanese Studies Networking and promotion of Japanese studies within Europe. 01/09/1989 - 01/08/1992
I.A.S.I.L. Networking and Promotion of academic research and training in intercultural issues 01/04/2001 - 30/12/1899
French Teachers Association Promotion and testing of new methodologies in French language teaching at post-primary level in Ireland 01/09/1980 - 01/06/1989
German Teachers Association Networking and Promotion of German teaching at post-primary level in Ireland 01/09/1980 - 01/06/1989
Intercultural Communication Institute Assistant faculty/participant in Intercultural Communication Institute Summer School, 1994,1995,1998 15/06/1994 - 30/12/1899
Institute of Linguistics Member of committee of educators in Council of Europe sponsored project to improve the overall standard of foreign language teaching within Europe. We developed and tested communicative language teaching materials for French and German to be used in Irish post-primary schools. 01/09/1980 - 01/07/1984
Royal Irish Academy Representative of DCU on National Committee for Modern Language Studies - promotion of research and teaching of modern languages at third-level in Ireland, advise on strategy to Government and Department of Education 15/01/2001 - 31/12/2003
Irish Association of Japanese Teachers Development and promotion of Japanese studies within Ireland 01/10/2001 - 30/12/1899

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/12/1989 Womens' Graduate Association, Trinity College
01/09/1992 Deutsch-Japansiches Gesellschaftzentrum Berlin
01/09/1973 Irish Department of Education
01/09/1977 (DAAD) German Academic Exchange Service
01/02/1989 Japanese Studies Diploma, NUI Maynooth
01/11/1992 Takasaki University of Economics
01/03/2002 Albert College Research Fellowship Award
01/07/1988 Japan Foundation

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
International Language Centre, Tokyo - Design and co-ordination of intensive residential ESP training programmes for ANA air-stewardesses, 1987
Japan Familiarisation Programme for IDA executives, four two-day seminars designed and implemented, 1992
Employed as consultant to THT Consultants, Amsterdam, to research and design the section on Intercultural Business Management with/in Ireland for the interactive CD-Rom "The Culture Compass", a training programme for business executives covering management practices in sixteen countries.
C.E.R.T. Wider Horizons Programme - design and implementation of intercultural training workshops (Pre-departure and post-return) for CERT trainees in the hospitality industry in France/Ireland , 1991-2

Research Interests

Intercultural Communication Theory, Cross-cultural Business Management, Multicultural Education, Conflict Resolution, Cross-cultural Adaptation and Learning through Study Abroad, East-West Communication, Intercultural Theories in Language Teaching

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Description of 2022_LC575 LC575
2022 Description of 2022_LC407 LC407
2022 Description of 2022_LC220 LC220