Disclosure of Criminal Convictions
All applicants who have been convicted of a criminal offence must disclose this to Dublin City University.
Under Section 26 of the Sex Offenders Act 2001 it is an offence for a convicted sex offender to apply for a position, to enter into a contract of employment or to continue to work or study in an area either knowing, or if they ought reasonably to have known, that a necessary and regular part of that work/placement involves unsupervised access to, or contact with children, without informing their employer of their conviction.
All prospective applicants or registered students must inform Dublin City University of any such conviction at the earliest possible opportunity. If during the course of the application/registration process it transpires that an applicant has a criminal conviction (either by way of Garda Vetting or by applicant disclosure) full details of the conviction will be sought and the Student Vetting process will commence.
The provision of false, inaccurate or misleading information will disqualify applicants from the selection process and for existing students may result in disciplinary action (up to and including withdrawal of registration and exit from programme)