Academic Calendar 2022 - 2023
Online registration for continuing students (undergraduate and postgraduate) successfully completing 2021/22 in June 2022 | - |
Online registration for 1st year postgraduate students | - |
Online registration for continuing students (undergraduate and postgraduate) successfully completing 2021/22 in Autumn 2022 | - |
International Orientation | - |
Online registration for continuing students registering for modules deferred/failed in Autumn resits 2022 | - |
Postgraduate Orientation (Taught & Research) | - |
Online registration for continuing students registering for modules deferred/failed in Autumn resits 2022 | - |
Semester 1 teaching starts for UG Online Learners. (Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (Psychology Major), The Bachelor of Arts Single Module and The Single Module Programme Psychology) | |
SEMESTER 1 2022/2023 | - |
Semester 1 teaching starts (except 1st year undergraduate students) | |
Online registration for 1st year undergraduate students in BA in International Relations, BA in Climate and Environmental Sustainability, BA in Communications Studies, BA in Journalism, BSc in Multimedia and BA Gnó agus Gaeilge | - |
Online registration for 1st year undergraduate students in Bachelor of Arts: Joint Honours (All streams), BA in Applied Language and Translation Studies, BA in Social Sciences and Cultural Innovation, BCL (Law & Society), BA in Economics, Politics and Law | - |
Online registration for Bachelor of Education & Bachelor of Early Childhood Education | - |
Online registration for 1st year undergraduate students (except BEd 1, BECE 1, ALTS 1, BSSCI 1, BCL 1, EPL 1, IR 1, BCES 1, CS 1, JR 1, MMA 1, GG 1) | - |
First Year Undergraduate Orientation (General) | - |
Postgraduate Research Students Orientation Event | |
First Year Undergraduate Orientation (Programme Specific) | - |
Autumn Faculty Award Boards for Research Degrees | - |
Change of module choice (Semester 1) | - |
Semester 1 teaching starts (1st year undergraduate students) | |
Last date for registration for 1st year and continuing students (late registration fee applies thereafter) |
Deadline for submission of appeals (postgraduate research students only) | |
Latest date for submission of softbound thesis for research students wishing to meet Spring Faculty Research Award Boards for Research Degrees | |
Reading week (for Faculties with this option except 1st years) | - |
Autumn Graduation | - |
Close of registration for academic year 2022-23 | |
Closing date for receipt of deferral of Academic Year | |
Closing date for Withdrawal Free Fee Tuition | |
Commencement of registration- Exchange/Study Abroad Students (Semester 2) |
Late autumn Progression and Award Boards (full-time Masters) | |
Late autumn promulgation of results | |
Late autumn registration for repeat and deferred students (full-time Masters) following November PABs | - |
Closing date for lodging appeals, assessment reviews and rechecks (final year Masters and BSc in Nursing students) | |
Latest date for publication of Semester 1 exam timetable | |
Open Days | - |
Meeting of Appeals Board (Master and BSc in Nursing student appeals) |
End of Semester 1 teaching | |
Exam study period | - |
Exam period Semester 1 | - |
Inter-Semester break | - |
Exam marking and processing period | - |
Online registration for Semester 2 starts only - late registration fee applies thereafter | - - 10:00 am |
Change of module choice (Semester 2) | - - 04:00 pm |
Semester 2 teaching starts | |
SEMESTER 2 2022/2023 | - |
Results review in Faculties/PBERC Meetings for Semester 1 | - |
Spring Faculty Award Boards for Research Degrees | - |
Closing date for Withdrawal Half Fee Tuition | |
Progression and Award Boards | - |
Promulgation of examination results | |
Deadline for submission of appeals (postgraduate research students only) | |
Consultation days for students | - |
Closing date for lodging appeals, assessment reviews and rechecks (from February PABs for Spring Graduation only) | |
Reading week (for all Faculties) | - |
Meeting of Appeals Board | |
Latest date for publication of Semester 2 exam timetable | |
Spring Graduation | - |
Academic Structure submission dates to Registry (new quals) |
Open Day | |
Academic Structure submission dates to Registry (all other quals) | |
Semester 2 teaching ends | |
Exam study period (except BEd year 1) | - |
Exam period Semester 2 | - |
Exam study period (BEd - year 1 only) | - |
Transition Year Open Day |
Exam period (BEd - year 1 only) | - |
Exam marking period | - |
R30 (Extenuating Circumstances Form) submission deadline for Semester 2 | |
Submission of results by examiners to Faculty Office | - 10:00 am |
Results review in Faculties/PBERC meetings | - |
Progression and Award Boards and Graduate Training Award Boards | - |
Promulgation of examination results | |
Period of consultation for students | - |
Latest date for submission of softbound thesis for research students wishing to meet Autumn Faculty Research Award Boards for Research Degrees | |
Latest date for publication of resit continuous assessment details and submission dates | |
Closing date for lodging appeals, assessment reviews and rechecks | |
June Open Day | |
Latest date for submission of Annual Progress Reports for Research Students | |
Meeting of Appeals Board |
RESIT PERIOD 2022/2023 | - |
Resit examinations for Semester 1 and Semester 2 | - |
R30 (Extenuating Circumstances Form) submission deadline for resit exams | |
Progression and Award Boards and Graduate Training Award Boards | - |
Promulgation of examination results | |
Consultation days for students | - |
Closing date for lodging appeals, assessment reviews and rechecks | |
Meeting of Appeals Boards |
Late autumn Progression and Award Boards (full-time Masters) (2023) |