Academic biography
I am the current Programme Chair for Science Education at DCU and I coordinate School Placement for undergraduate PEM/PEB/SE students.
I work within the SE programme in a lecturing capacity, utilising my expertise as a Science Teacher, Teacher Educator and Researcher to design and deliver modules that align with current academic research and educational policy.
My current research area explores current issues in Science Education, specifically developing a curriculum theory to underpin practical activities that fosters conceptual understanding, by forming connections between prior, present and future learning activities.
Research interests
Science Education
Biology Education
Pedagogy for Thinking
Teaching Practical Work through Enquiry
Curriculum Studies
Aligning Policy with Practice
ECER 2022. Presentation: “From Recipe to Success – 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网ings from a Three-Year Study on Fostering Curricular Change in Upper Secondary Biology Practical Activties”
ECER 2021. Presentation: “Using Educational Design Research to develop a Framework for Enquiry in upper secondary biology practical work in Ireland” – updated to include the most recent developments in my research
Edcon -2020. Presentation: “Practical Lessons in Biology – Building a Recipe for Success?”
ECER 2019. Presentation: “Hands-On, Minds-On: The Role of Factual and Procedural Knowledge in Teaching Practical Work in Upper Secondary Science Curriculum in Ireland”
EuroACS 2019. Presentation: “Exploring practical activities in the Irish Biology Curriculum - A recipe for success?”
Current research projects
ESAI Biology Education Special Interest Group Lead:
I am chairing the ESAI Biology Education SIG. Our aims are to promote plant biology education, with a particular focus on awareness of bi