Academic Titles Policy
Following a meeting of the University Executive on 30th May 2017, a decision was taken to amend the University Academic Titles to align them more closely with international practice and recent changes in the other Dublin based Universities. Overall, the aim is to ensure that job titles are meaningful to both an internal and external audience.
This policy applies to all academic staff employed in the role of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor. This policy also includes emeritus staff.
The new DCU Academic Job Titles are as follows:
Existing Title | New Title | Business Cards/Email Signature |
Professor | Full Professor | Professor (Prof.) |
Associate Professor | Professor | Professor (Prof.) |
Senior Lecturer | Associate Professor |
Dr. X Associate Professor (Assoc. Prof.) |
Lecturer | Assistant Professor |
Dr. X when holding a PhD/Ed.D Assistant Professor (Assist. Prof.) |
Retired staff who have been formally awarded an Emeritus title can also use the new academic titles preceded by Emeritus eg. Emeritus Professor, Emeritus Assistant Professor. Please note that this change will not impact on salary scales or grades. Any changes to salary scales or grades will only occur following normal promotion / recruitment processes.
Policy Review
Academic titles maybe reviewed by the University Senior management from time to time.
Version Control
Document Name | Academic Titles Policy |
Unit Owner | Human Resources |
Version Reference | Version 1.0 |
Approved by | Executive |
Effective Date | May 30th 2017 |