DCU People
Grow | Essential eLearning

Essential E-Learning
How do I know which courses to complete?
You'll be expected to complete up to 3 short courses per quarter, depending on your role at DCU. Some compliance areas affect all colleagues, others only certain roles.
When you enrol for your courses, you'll be able to see which courses apply to which roles and make the appropriate selection.
NOTE: Once you enrol, new courses added each quarter will need to be UNLOCKED on the Essential eLearning dashboard.
How do I enrol?
- Log in, using your standard DCU email and password, to the Loop Self-Enrolment page.
- Enter 'staff' into the Enrollment key box.
How do I unlock new courses?
- On the Essential eLearning menu page, click the UNLOCK MY COURSES link.
- On the UNLOCK MY COURSES page there are 2 steps. First select the courses appropriate to your role (cohorts are listed after each course) and click Save my choice. Then click the MAIN ESSENTIAL ELEARNING PAGE link in Step 2 to return to the menu page, where your courses are unlocked.

The Loop Dashboard
Already enrolled?
The Essential eLearning block should appear on your Loop dashboard. It contains all your compliance courses. Access Loop.
You can also access Essential eLearning from the Quick Links panel on the right hand side of the screen.