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Student Recruitment Office

Data protection

Data Protection Notice for collecting personal information

Date: January 2024

Personal information that you submit to the Student Recruitment Office of Dublin City University (DCU) will be treated in accordance with the DCU Data Protection Policy which can be viewed by clicking here.

DCU shall only process such information in line with the purpose(s) for which you provide it and to the extent necessary to provide you with the information or service(s) you require. In the case of the collecting information from prospective students the details you provide will be used to establish a database of contact details which may be used to contact you in the future regarding upcoming events and information at DCU for which you expressed an interest. The personal data you provide may be disclosed to other staff of the University in order to support services provided to you. If your personal contact details should change please let us know so that we can update our records.

The data provided on this form will be shared with the staff and agents of the DCU Schools Liaison Office, to ensure you are provided with the most relevant information. Your data will be stored by DCU for three years and then removed. 

You can opt out at any stage by emailing the Student Recruitment Team at and inserting 'Email/SMS Opt Out' in the subject line.