Timetable Information
Note: The semester two lecture timetable is available, but please check regularly for updates.
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If you cannot see your staff timetable or have a query in relation to your scheduled activities, please contact your Faculty in the first instance.
For any technical queries related to accessing the online system, please raise a ticket via the DTS Service Desk.
To view a report on questions raised by Students click here
To reset your Caspio password to gain access to the report click here
Only specific staff have access to view this report, to gain access please raise a ticket via the DTS Service Desk for the attention of Academic Systems.
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education(BECE)
Bachelor of Education(BED) (All streams)
Professional Master of Education(PMEP)
Your timetables will be available once you are fully registered and an individual timetable is generated for you by your Faculty. Draft timetables are subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates.
All activity names on the timetable have been standardised and are made up of the following:
Module Code[Semester]Delivery Type/Activity Type and No./Group No.
- Module Code - Value can be any module code E.g. MPA1011
- Semester - Value can be:
- [1] = Semester 1
- [1,2] = Semester 1 and 2
- [2] = Semester 2
- [2,3] = Semester 2 & 3
- [3] = Semester 3
- [1,2] = Semester 1 and 2
- [3,1] = Semester 3 and 1
- [TM] = Twelve Month
- [AY] = Year Long (e.g. Semester 1, 2 & 3)
- Delivery Type - Value can be OC, AY or SY:
- OC - On Campus, all activities that are on campus (including; Practical, Lectures, Tutorials, Workshops & Seminars)
- AY - A-synchronous means pre-recorded Online, you can attend these during your own time, however, be aware that some may be a pre-requisite for attending certain On Campus or SY activities.
- SY - Synchronous means Live Online, you should login as directed and attend at the time scheduled on your Timetable.
- Activity Type - Value can be: P = Practical, L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, W = Workshop, S = Seminar. There can be multiples of the same activity type under a module, e.g 2 lectures, 4 tutorials, therefore a number 1, 2, 3 etc will appear after the letter to differentiate between these. E.g. L1, L2, T1, T2, T3, T4.
- Group - Value can be: 01, 02, 03 etc. This is the group of students who are scheduled to attend this activity. Students are informed of their group by their faculty.
E.g. MPA1011[AY]SY/L1/01
This is an activity for module MPA1011, which is a year-long, Synchronous Lecture 1, for group 1 of students.
If your activity is scheduled to take place within 48 hours and you have not been provided with links to your SY or AY activities, please contact your module coordinator.
The DCU Campus Explorer is an interactive virtual model of our three DCU teaching campuses.
If you are new to campus, feeling a bit apprehensive or neurodivergent, or simply curious to take a tour, Campus Explorer will optimise your participation in the DCU campus experience.
Dive into this immersive experience and discover a wealth of content curated by our dedicated staff and student experts.
Location naming guide
A location code is made up of the Campus code, followed by the building, followed by the floor, followed by the room number e.g. GLA.QG13
Campus Codes are: GLA = Glasnevin Campus, SPD = St Patricks Campus, SPD.AHC = All Hallows Campus
The first letter on the location indicates the Building/Block listed on the campus Map. The next digit indicates the Floor, G is for Ground, 1 is for 1st etc. The remaining digits are the room number of that floor.
GLA.QG13, is room 13 on the ground floor of the Business School on the Glasnevin Campus.
See link for Campus Maps
Please note that Public Holidays are official closure days for the University. As such, scheduled classes will not take place on the following Public/Bank Holidays during semester teaching weeks:
Semester 2
- Monday, 3rd February 2025
- Monday, 17th March 2025
- Monday, 1st April 2025
- Friday, 18th April 2025