PhD/Masters by Research | Postgraduate Research Projects

Current PhD/Masters by Research Students

Student Name Title Supervisory Panel
John Behan An identity in transition? A longitudinal study examining students’ mathematical identity across the transition from primary to post-primary school. Dr Lorraine Harbison
Dr Brien Nolan
Dr Therese Dooley
Hibah Binabdulrahman An exploration of preschool stakeholders’ perceptions of critical thinking skills in early childhood education in Saudi Arabia. Dr Gillian Lake
Dr Annie O Breachain
Mary Boyle Supporting a group of teachers to use Lesson Study as a learning pathway for the development of pedagogical content knowledge in primary science. Dr Clíona Murphy
Dr Therese Dooley
Jane Burns An Exploration of the effectiveness of Graphic Medicine in the teaching of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) in Post Primary Schools in Ireland. Professor Anne Looney
Dr Michael Flannery
Leanne Connolly Transition preparation and transition planning for students
in Irish special schools.
Dr Geraldine Scanlon
Dr Deirdre Corby
Priya Dharshini Augusthian Exploring the intersection of formal and informal learning to promote change towards a circular economy through sustainability and stem education. Dr Orla Kelly
Dr James Lovatt
Georgia Goodall Differentiating the Primary Music Curriculum for the Inclusion and Enjoyment of Deaf Students. Dr Regina Murphy
Dr Elizabeth Mathews
Diana Gómez-Mu?oz Peasant childhoods: the spaces and experiences of young children in rural territories. Prof Mathias Urban
Mahmoud Hamash Designing VR environments for post-primary education (Working title). Dr Peter Tiernan
Dr Gareth W Young
John Haren Patterns of learning in the cybersecurity profession: A mixed methods study to understand continuing professional development among cybersecurity professionals in Ireland. Dr Enda Donlon
Dr Margaret Leahy
Fionnán Howard Mathematical Identity of Science and Engineering students. Dr Siún Nic Mhuirí
Dr Maurice OReilly
Shane Leonard How can an increased knowledge of academic language promote and support the Oral Language development of children from lower socio economic backgrounds? Dr Gillian Lake
Dr Patrick Burke
Weiyi Liu Exploring the Home Literacy Environment and Language Learning of Children in Early Childhood in Ireland, with a Special Focus on Children’s Heritage Language Learning from Irish-Chinese Families. Dr Sinéad McNally (Primary Supervisor)
Dr Gillian Lake, Prof Mathias Urban (Secondary Supervisors)
Sinead Lynch Exploring the Experiences of Students with Disabilities in Online Education in Ireland. Dr Orna Farrell
Dr James Brunton
Melissa Lynch NOBODY REALLY KNOWS! The Social and Cultural Capital impacts students from low socioeconomic status (LSES) encounter while trying to participate and progress into Further and Higher Education. Dr Jane O'Kelly
Dr John Lalor
Sean Manley Understanding and facilitating the changing role of FET teachers in collaborative strategic partnerships with industry. Dr Margaret Farren
Dr Yvonne Crotty
Tracy McElheron Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An Investigation into the impact of Video Enhanced Reflective Practice in building a Gender Reflexive Pedagogy. Dr Majella McSharry
Dr Geraldine Scanlon
Michael McEvoy Teacher As Artist: An Exploration of Teaching Visual Art and Artmaking in a Primary School. Dr Michael Flannery
Dr Regina Murphy
Ailbhe O' Halloran Exploring self-efficacy among teachers working with students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Dr Elizabeth Matthews
Christina O'Keeffe Examining a child-centred all inclusive understanding of play. Dr Sinéad McNally (Primary Supervisor)
Dr Anna Logan (Secondary Supervisor)
Paul Rowe How to start a transformational education movement - the early history of Educate Together in Ireland 1982-1990. Prof Gerry McNamara
Aleksandra Shornikova Challenge-based Learning: Exploring Strategies and Best Practices for Learner Engagement and Belonging. Dr Eamon Costello
Dr Orna Farrell
Deirdre Walshe How Professional Learning Communities impact Teachers' Knowledge of Oral Language and Communication Development. Dr Aisling Ni Dhiorbhain
Dr Eithne Kennedy

Research Made Visible Podcast Series

Listen below to hear about some previous Postgraduate Research Studies

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