Symposion Network Meeting DCU Institute of Education
Symposion Network Meeting DCU Institute of Education 13th and 14th May 2019
The Symposion Network is a network of European Teacher Education institutions which serves as a platform for developing and encouraging cooperation and promoting an international dimension in all education fields of teaching and learning. Each year an annual meeting is held to bring all the partners together to meet and learn from each other.
This year, The Symposion Network meeting took place in the DCU Institute of Education on the 13th and 14th May with thirteen countries represented. The network is an opportunity for academic staff from institutes across Europe to experience first hand the Erasmus experience of their staff and students during their time studying or teaching in partner institutes. In addition, it allows for members to have discussions based on key areas of teaching and learning which have a common interest among partners. This is with the aim of building a strong network which facilitates partners to become involved in European projects together.
The meeting was hosted by Trudy Corrigan, , Eamonn McCauley, Lorraine Ní Gháirbhith, Susan Marron and Prof Padraig ? Duibhir of the IOE Internationalisation Committee. There were a total of thirty representatives from universities from across Europe who attended the meeting. They were provided with presentations of some of the diversity of work within the Institute including a presentation of the variety of research centres and research within the Institute. This was presented to the group by Dr Charlotte Holland. Presentations were also provided by Eamonn, Padraig and Lorraine to the group.
Topics for discussion at the Symposion included short study programmes, international programmes,mobility and internships abroad. The group was afforded an opportunity to explore Irish culture through the hosting a dinner event for them and a visit to St Patrick's National School Drumcondra. This was in addition to a visit to the Book of Kells at Trinity College Dublin. It is anticipated that this Symposion will grow and develop over the coming years with more members from across Europe engaged in its work on promoting opportunities for partnership in research projects and in Erasmus mobility opportunities for staff and students across Europe.