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School of Inclusive & Special Education
Dr Joseph Travers, Professor Mel Ainscow, Dr Aoife Brennan and DCU President Professor Daire Keogh at the launch of the DCU Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy.

Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy launched in DCU’s Institute of Education

Dublin City University’s Institute of Education has announced the launch of a new Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy, aimed at furthering the understanding and practice of inclusive pedagogy and developing the pedagogical expertise and efficacy of educators across the range of educational settings.

Professor in Education Mel Ainscow delivers keynote address in the Seamus Heaney Theatre on DCU’s St Patrick's campus

Dublin City University’s Institute of Education has announced the launch of a new Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy, aimed at furthering the understanding and practice of inclusive pedagogy and developing the pedagogical expertise and efficacy of educators across the range of educational settings.  

Speaking at the launch, Director of the Centre Dr Joe Travers explained the vision of the Centre:

The mission of the DCU Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy is to host a vibrant and dynamic community of educational researchers committed to conducting and sharing internationally significant research that will develop understanding of pedagogy to support the inclusion of all learners in education. The overall purpose of the centre is to focus research on how to include all students in the general education system, from a pedagogical, curricular, assessment and community perspective, giving all access to, participation in and benefit from individually relevant learning.

President of DCU, Professor Daire Keogh, introduced the Centre at the launch in the Seamus Heaney Theatre on DCU’s St Patrick’s Campus:

The establishment of the Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy demonstrates the commitment of the University to research-informed teacher education for inclusion. This is a timely development, given the current political climate in the US and elsewhere. At a time when some seek to roll back the advances made in equality, diversity and inclusion, DCU must stand behind its inclusive values, exemplified by this new centre.
