Staff Mobility
DCU offers it's staff a number of options for professional development via teaching/training at a variety of partner institutions and organisations.
Staff can avail of a variety of grants to support them in taking the opportunity to expand their skillset in an international environment.

"I have received support from the Erasmus Teaching Mobility on several occasions since 2014. It has enabled me to lecture on several European School of Antennas PhD Summer Schools in Bologna, Braunschweig and Louvain-la-Neuve. It has been a great way to build and maintain links with my colleagues in Europe and to get to know the next generation of antennas and propagation researchers."
-Dr Conor Brennan, School of Electronic Engineering
There are a number of different funding programmes available to academic and administrative staff who are looking to study abroad. If you need any additional information about the programmes outlined below, feel free to contact the Global Recruitment Team at exchange@dcu.ie.
Full-time DCU academic and teaching staff in any discipline can teach at one of our partner institutions, once that institution agrees. Your trip:
- Must be between two and five days (excluding travel days).
- Include a minimum of eight hours’ teaching.
- Can be taken at any time, but must be completed by September 30 in the current academic year.
Where Can You Go
You can see the existing list of partners with DCU has staff exchange agreements here.
DCU academic and administrative staff can undertake training at any participating institution. Qualifying activities include: job shadowing, training events, workshops and secondments. Conferences are not funded. Your trip:
- Must be between two and five days (excluding travel days).
- Include a minimum of eight hours’ training.
- Can be a combination of teaching and training for academic/teaching staff.
大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 a Place For your Staff Mobility
There are two official websites that advertise staff mobility options:
- IMotion Staff Week Search - This is an aggregate website which advertises staff training events and workshops that are being run throughout the EU.
- ShipCon - This is a company which is focused on providing EU funded training events.
Staff can also directly contact partner universities to see if job shadowing or secondments are possible.
How to Apply
You should first contact your intended host institution to see if they have the capacity of host your mobility. Once they have confirmed that, you should contact the Erasmus Officer in the DCU Global Recruitment Team. After we have confirmed that there is funding available to support your mobility, you will have complete and submit the following documents:
- A Staff Mobility Teaching Agreement agreed with the partner institution you plan to visit.
- A Grant Agreement for Staff Mobility.
While you are away, you must also ask your host institution to sign and stamp your Confirmation of Attendance Dates Certificate. Finally, when you return, you will have to complete a Grant Acknowledgement Form and complete and submit a final report.
Travel and expenses
Once we have confirmed your funding, please book your travel and accommodation through your school or unit office. The Global Recruitment Team will reimburse your school or unit.
Submit your expense claims through CoreHR in the usual way, but ask your line manager to forward your claim to exchange@dcu.ie.
Academic Programmes
Government of Ireland Academic Staff Mobility Programme
This is an Irish Government fund designed to support the internationalisation of higher education in Ireland. It supports collaboration or activity designed to foster collaboration.
Discover more about the eligibility criteria, other conditions and how to apply in this programme call.
Each year, DCU nominates one full-time academic member of staff for a four-week fellowship at Boston University. Details included below:
- Recipients have full access to Boston University Library for the duration of the fellowship.
- Opportunity to form international networks and identify areas of future collaboration.
- Boston University will pay the faculty fellow's roundtrip coach airfare from Dublin to Boston (to be organised by Boston University’s Programme Coordinator at DCU).
- Cost of accommodations as approved by BU, and a meal stipend of $800, prorated for stays shorter than four weeks, will be covered by Boston University. The fellowship does not include any salary or other stipend.
- The fellowship must be taken between 01 June - 31 May.
Once the International Office announces the application window each year, you can apply using this form.
All applications will be assessed by a panel comprising of Executive Deans (or their designates) and senior staff in Research and Registry offices.
Applications will not be accepted outside the announcement and deadline dates.
Academic staff, including recent PhD graduates, can apply to the visiting faculty programme at this Mexican university, a DCU partner. Participants are paid to teach and research for up to 18 weeks at UDLAP. Full details available here.