Contact Us
For Undergraduate, Postgraduate and General enquiries:
T: +353-1-7007411
E: dcuglobalrecruitment@dcu.ie
For Study Abroad/Tailor-made Programmes enquiries:
T: +353-1-7008699
For the Erasmus+/Exchange Programme enquiries:
T: +353-1-7008693
For Foundation Programmes:
T: +353-1-7008692
Postal Address
Invent Office
Glasnevin Campus
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 here for a map of Glasnevin Campus
Invent can be found in the bottom left of the map, labelled 'B'.
To stay up to date on our news and events, please see our News and 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 page, sign up to our Keep in Touch Form and follow the DCU Global Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!
If you are a current student and you need a letter from DCU - please click here and fill in this form.
Details on our on-campus accommodation options can be found here. For information on external accommodation support, please visit this page.
Academic or module questions should be addressed to the relevant lecturer or your programme supervisor.
DCU Student Support & Development offers a wide range of resources available to you, including a careers service, counselling, disability support and learning support.
DCU Students’ Union (DCUSU) represents our students and advocates for them. They can help you with many different supports.
To stay up to date on our news and events, please see our News and 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 page and follow the DCU Global Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!
Fiona Reynolds
Head of Student Recruitment
Periye Bisina
Senior International Recruitment Officer (for Africa & the Middle East).
+353 1 700 5903
Tiziana Pistani
International Programmes Assistant (Finance and Federal Aid)
+353 1 700 8692
Frank Farrell
Marketing Office
All the above staff members are based in the Invent Office on our DCU Glasnevin Campus.
Jasmeen Kaur
Regional Adviser for India
Shishta Kulasari
Recruitment Adviser for India
Mrs. Xiaoxia Wang
Strategic Partnerships Manager - China
Hongmei Zhao
DCU China Office Representative
+86 13910893107