Health and Society

Health and Society

Course Details

CAO Code:
Course Type:
NFQ Level:
8 - Please see for further information
Delivery Modes
Minimum Points
Three Years
+353 (0) 1
700 6919

If you know you¡¯d like to support and improve people¡¯s health, in Ireland or elsewhere, you can explore the possibilities in this course.


Overview Icon

This course has been designed to enable you to discover all the aspects of health issues, and learn how to understand, research and act to improve the health of populations. 

During the course, you¡¯ll encounter many different ways of thinking about and acting on health issues, including biological, social, political, ethical and psychological perspectives. You¡¯ll not only learn about different potential career paths, but you¡¯ll also get to focus many projects and other programme activities on your own health interests.

As a Health and Society student, you¡¯ll participate in a voluntary community project in your first year, then go on to design and implement a health equity campaign in second year. In your final year, you¡¯ll complete a health research project and write your final dissertation. 

Once you¡¯ve completed the programme, you could go on to work in a state or voluntary health or social agency, or go to work in overseas development. Many of our graduates apply to go directly into further study, such as a postgraduate programme in occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, health promotion, social research and a wide range of other areas.

DCU People

Profile picture of Jennifer O'Brien
Jennifer O¡¯Brien

I¡¯ve always had a strong sense of social justice, which is probably why the degree in Health and Society stood out to me.

Read more about Jennifer O¡¯Brien
Profile picture of Anne Matthews
Anne Matthews

After working in Malawi, I returned to Ireland 21 years ago and have been working in DCU since then. I love my job!

Read more about Anne Matthews

Careers & Further Options

Careers Icon


As a DCU Health and Society graduate, you will be well placed for a future career in a health-related profession or for work in overseas development, community development and the voluntary sector.

The degree also provides a good entry route to postgraduate study if you hope to pursue a career in an area like like speech therapy, occupational therapy, or medicine and health promotion.  The BSc in Health and Society will provide a strong basis for this kind of further study. In addition, this degree is suitable for anyone who wishes to pursue roles in overseas development, community development and the voluntary sector.

Listen here to Professor Anne Matthews, Chair of the BSc in Health and Society, talk as part of the Irish Global Health Network podcast series on her experience of working in global health field.

  • Community Development
  • Further Education
  • Healthcare
  • Overseas Development
  • Voluntary Sector
Community Development
Further Education
Overseas Development
Voluntary Sector

DCU graduates are highly sought after by employers. Our Graduates work in environments ranging from large multinationals to SMEs, family businesses and start-ups across every sector.

DCU Careers Service has a number of learning and development initiatives in place for our students, giving them the skills they need for a successful career path.

Go to our Careers site to find out more about career planning, our mentorship programme, skills development and online resources for students when working on CVs and making applications.

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements Icon

In addition to the general entry requirements for admission to the university the following entry requirements apply

Minimum of O6 or H7 in Mathematics and minimum of O6 or H7 in one of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics with Chemistry or Agricultural Science

In addition to the general entry requirements for admission to the university the following entry requirements apply

GCE A Level D or GCE AS Level D or GCSE C Mathematics and GCE A Level D or GCE AS Level D or GCSE C in one of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics with Chemistry or Agricultural Science

Please visit our Admissions webpage for details on course requirements or how to apply to DCU.


Please visit our QQI FET webpage for details on DCU courses, open days, campus tours or school visits.


To apply to DCU, please visit


Mature entry is a competitive process. Applicants must demonstrate:

  • a genuine interest in the programme(s) they are applying for
  • academic experience and competency in their chosen field of study
  • an ability to engage and succeed on the programme

All applicants must complete a statement of interest to be considered for the mature application route.

For further guidance on the mature application process please see the CAO Website

Applicants that have completed at least one year of study at NFQ Level 6, 7 or 8 at another institution may apply to continue their studies on a similar programme at DCU. There should be substantial overlap in content between the two programmes to be considered for a transfer. Results and other supporting documentation must be submitted to CAO by the closing date of 1st July. This is a competitive application process for a small quota of advanced entry places. Offers are made on a rolling basis until all places are filled. Early application is advised. Please note: Applicants should also consider applying through the appropriate route for first year entry to the programme they are interested in. This application process is only for advanced entry.

International candidates are expected to have educational qualifications of a standard equivalent to those outlined above. In addition, where such candidates are non-native speakers of the English language they must satisfy the university of their competency in the English language. For further information on international applications click here.

Course Structure

Course Structure Icon
  • Perspectives on Health
  • Sustainable Development and Health
  • Reading Health Research
  • Living Longer
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Drugs in Society
  • Critical Thinking and Health
  • Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Marginalisation and Health
  • Child and Adolescent in Society
  • Human Genetics and Cell Biology
  • Campaigning for Health Equity
  • Qualitative Health Research
  • Quantitative Health Research
  • Epidemiology
  • Freedom and Health
  • Sociology, Health and Illness
  • Making Sense of Mental Health and Illness
  • Biochemistry and Health
  • Health Promotion
  • Sexual Health
  • Anthropology, Health and Illness
  • Biological Basis of Disease
  • Comparative Health Systems
  • Challenging Global Health Problems
  • Health & Society Research Project
  • Infection and Immunity
  • Clinical Nutrition 

Fees and Funding

Fees Icon


Student Contribution.
€3,043 per annum
EU Status Fee
€6,679 per annum
Non EU Fee.
€16,400 per annum

How To Apply

How To Apply Icon

Applicants presenting EU School Leaving/FETAC Level 5 examinations: Apply through the Central Applications Office (CAO) by 1st February or 1st May

To apply for this programme:

Candidates should apply directly here. Here's a quick step by step guide if you need help with your application.

Please provide 

  • Academic Transcripts for each and every year of study with English translation, if applicable.
  • If applicable, provide evidence of competence in the English language as per DCU entry requirements.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis up to 1st July. All Non-EU candidates are advised to apply early, as places are limited.

All mature applicants apply through the CAO by 1st February. For further information and for special application procedures for mature students, please click here

EU applications are made via the CAO Advanced Entry route which opens on the 5th of November until 1st July.

Candidates submitting EU examination results are required to apply through the CAO at

Candidates submitting non-EU examination results are required to apply directly here.

Life On Campus

Life on Campus
DCU Campus Glasnevin

DCU Glasnevin Campus


FAQ Icon

What postgraduate programmes can I go on to study after the BSc in health and society?
Some of our graduates have gone on and applied to and secured places in postgraduate Occupational Therapy (OT) programmes. Others have applied for and studied Speech and Language Therapy and Physiotherapy. Those postgraduate programme application processes are competitive and require certain grades (and maybe other conditions, which are subject to change). Many of our graduates have had to study these in the UK due to limited places in Ireland. Our Careers Office staff support our students to look at all the options. 

Other graduates have studied Human Resource Management, Immunology, Global Health & Immunology, Audiology, Public Health, Healthcare Policy & Management and many other programmes in Ireland and overseas.

Can I study postgraduate dietetics after this programme?
Every postgraduate programme team and college set their own requirements and conditions. In general our programme does not have enough science (including laboratory-based work) for it be to an eligible programme for postgraduate dietetics, which is very competitive due to the limited number of places in Ireland and the UK. Some of our graduate have studies Dietetics, after some further study and course. It is advised to enquire with a Dietetics college about our programme.

What jobs can I get after completing the BSc in health and society?
Some of our graduates have gone on to work in voluntary and community agencies working with people who are marginalised or vulnerable. Others have undertaken graduate training programmes with the HSE and other agencies. Our graduates are sought by employers from different sectors for their wide range of transferable graduate skills in a wider range of sectors.