Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge

MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach

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Delivery Modes
2 Years
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+353 (0) 1
700 6054


Is MSc p¨¢irtaimseartha at¨¢ ann. M¨²intear an c¨²rsa ar dh¨¢ Shatharn in aghaidh na m¨ªosa, thar dh¨¢ bhliain ar an gcampas i nGlas Na¨ªon.  Is ionann seo agus s¨¦ Satharn i ngach seimeastar.

T¨¢ s¨¦ mar aidhm ag an MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach mic l¨¦inn a ullmh¨² le bheith ag obair mar theicneolaithe, bainisteoir¨ª, oideachas¨®ir¨ª, fiontraithe agus nu¨¢laithe ¡ª r¨®il a bhfuil an-t¨®ir orthu i ngeilleagar faisn¨¦ise an lae inniu.

Cuirtear an cl¨¢r seo ar f¨¢il de r¨¦ir ¨¦ilimh agus tr¨ª mhe¨¢n na Gaeilge.

The MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach is designed to produce the kind of digital business technologists, managers, educators, entrepreneurs and innovators in great demand in today¡¯s information economy.

This programme is run subject to demand and is delivered through the medium of Irish.

¡°I ndiaidh dom bunch¨¦im a bhaint amach i dteangacha, bh¨ª s¨¦ mar sprioc agam obair san earn¨¢il ghn¨® ach gan taith¨ª ar bith agam ar a leith¨¦id. Ba dheis iontach an MSc le tuiscint a fh¨¢il ar r¨¦imse leathan ¨¢bhar gn¨® agus ar theicneola¨ªocht an eolais. Anois t¨¢ m¨¦ ag obair i gcomhairleacht teicneola¨ªochta agus is cinnte gan an ch¨¢il¨ªocht sin agus an taith¨ª a fuair m¨¦ ar an ch¨²rsa nach mbeadh an post seo faighte agam.¡± 

¡°After I completed my undergraduate degree in languages, my goal was to work in the business sector but I hadn¡¯t the necessary experience. The MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach an Eolais programme was a fantastic opportunity for me to gain a better understanding of a wide range of business and information technology subjects. I am now working in technology consultancy and without this qualification and the experience I gained by doing this course, I wouldn¡¯t have been offered a post like this.¡±

Cl¨¢r an ch¨²rsa:

Thar tr¨¦imhse dh¨¢ bhliain, tugann mic l¨¦inn ph¨¢irtaimseartha faoi mhod¨²il i r¨¦imse topaic¨ª a bhaineann leis an ngn¨® digiteach, bainist¨ªocht agus ceannaireacht, agus c¨²rsa¨ª strait¨¦ise agus marga¨ªochta, chomh maith le tionscadal n¨® tr¨¢chtas sa taighde feidhmeach. Dearadh gach ceann de na mod¨²il ar mhaithe le freastal ar threochta¨ª at¨¢ ag teacht chun cinn i saol na hoibre sa l¨¢ at¨¢ inniu ann.

Sna gn¨¦ithe den ch¨²rsa a bhaineann leis an ngn¨® digiteach, l¨ªonra¨ª agus na me¨¢in, foghlaimeoidh mic l¨¦inn eolas agus scileanna teicni¨²la a chuirfidh ar a gcumas ¨¢bhar a chruth¨² agus cumars¨¢id a dh¨¦anamh ar ard¨¢in dhigiteacha, idir na cinn at¨¢ coitianta agus cinn at¨¢ ag teacht chun cinn.  Forbr¨®idh mic l¨¦inn tuiscint phraitici¨²il ar an dea-chleachtas i ndearadh gr¨¦as¨¢in, in¨²s¨¢idteacht su¨ªomhanna gr¨¦as¨¢in, eisp¨¦ireas an ¨²s¨¢ideora agus feachtais agus tionscadail r¨ªomhthr¨¢cht¨¢la. 

Tr¨ª na mod¨²il taighde agus bhainist¨ªochta, d¨ªreofar ar na tuiscint¨ª a theasta¨ªonn i ngairmeacha bainist¨ªochta agus ceannaireachta. Forbr¨®idh mic l¨¦inn scileanna boga agus tras-scileanna, chomh maith le tuiscint¨ª ar an tionchar a imr¨ªonn bunachair sonra¨ª, an t-uathoibri¨² agus an mheais¨ªnfhoghlaim ar chleachtais thraidisi¨²nta bhainist¨ªochta.

Ar deireadh, beidh deis ag mic l¨¦inn tarraingt ar an taith¨ª ghairmi¨²il, acad¨²il n¨® phearsanta at¨¢ acu f¨¦in, agus tabhairt faoi thionscadal taighde agus tr¨¢chtas a bhaineann lena sainr¨¦ims¨ª sp¨¦ise f¨¦in. D¨¦anfar an obair seo faoi sti¨²ir ball den fhoireann acad¨²il a bhfuil ardchail¨ªochta¨ª agus taith¨ª aige/aici.

Tabharfaidh na tascanna eile a dh¨¦anfar i rith na bliana deis do mhic l¨¦inn a gcuid taighde, machnaimh agus saineolais a chur i bhfeidhm agus iad ag obair ar thionscadail shuimi¨²la a bhaineann lena gc¨²lra¨ª agus r¨¦ims¨ª sp¨¦ise f¨¦in. F¨ªse¨¢n faoin Ghaeilge

Seo liosta na mod¨²l a nd¨¦antar staid¨¦ar orthu:

  • Modhanna Taighde
  • Ceannaireacht
  • Bainist¨ªocht Acmhainn¨ª Daonna
  • Bunachar Sonra¨ª & Bainisti¨² Acmhainn¨ª Digiteacha
  • L¨ªonra¨ª agus Forbairt Gn¨®
  • Bainist¨ªocht Strait¨¦iseach
  • Bainist¨ªocht Tionscadal
  • Airgeadas agus Scairbhileoga
  • Marga¨ªocht
  • R¨ªomhthr¨¢cht¨¢il & Feidhmi¨²ch¨¢in Idirl¨ªn
  • Na hIlmhe¨¢in

Ar deireadh, d¨¦antar tr¨¢chtas a bhaineann le do r¨¦imse sp¨¦ise f¨¦in.


Over two years, part-time students undertake modules in a range of topics related to digital business, management and leadership, strategy and marketing, in addition to an applied research project or dissertation. All modules have been carefully designed to cater for emerging trends in the workplace.

The digital business, media and networks elements of the course provide students with technical knowledge and skills to author and communicate using common and emerging digital platforms. Students will develop a practical understanding for best practice in web design, web usability, user experience and e-commerce campaigns and projects. 

Building on this, the management and research modules equip students with the knowledge for successful management and leadership careers. Students will develop soft and transversal skills, while appreciating how databases, automation and machine learning impact traditional management practice.

Finally, students will be able to focus on a specific area of research for their thesis, drawing on professional, academic or personal experience. Each student is assigned a highly qualified and experienced member of the academic faculty to supervise them through this process. 

All assignments have been developed so as to allow for students to put research, reflection and expertise to work on interesting projects related to their own backgrounds and areas of interest. 

List of modules of studied:

  • Research Methods
  • Leadership
  • Human Resources Management
  • Databases & Managing Digital Resources
  • Networks & Business Development
  • Strategic Management
  • Project Management
  • Finance & Spreadsheets
  • Marketing
  • Ecommerce & Internet Applications
  • Multimedia

Finally, Students complete a thesis on a topic of their chosen specialty

Video about Gaeilge

View the current course structure

C¨²is bhr¨®id do DCU go ndearbha¨ªonn fost¨®ir¨ª, ar¨ªs agus ar¨ªs eile, gurb iad c¨¦imithe DCU an rogha is ansa leo agus iad ar th¨®ir lucht gaisce an lae am¨¢rach. Institi¨²id mh¨®r taighde is ea DCU, a bhfuil aitheantas aici ar fud an domhain ar shaothar a pr¨ªomhthaighdeoir¨ª agus a cuid meithleacha.

T¨¢ maoini¨² caipitil substainti¨²il bronnta ag an st¨¢t agus ag infheisteoir¨ª pr¨ªobh¨¢ideacha ar cheithre cinn d¨¢ l¨¢rionaid agus institi¨²id¨ª taighde. Tugann gach ceann de scoileanna acad¨²la DCU faoi thaighde ag an leibh¨¦al is airde agus is nu¨¢la¨ª.

T¨¢ an ollscoil seo me¨¢ite chomh maith ar fhorbairt n¨ªos m¨® a dh¨¦anamh ar a gn¨ªomha¨ªochta¨ª tr¨¢cht¨¢la, le b¨¦im n¨ªos m¨® ar aistri¨² teicneola¨ªochta agus ar bhun¨² comhlachta¨ª campais, a bhaineann sochar as fionnachtana agus scileanna phobal an champais.

T¨¢ an tr¨¢cht¨¢l¨² seo bunaithe i gcomhth¨¦acs cl¨¢r gn¨ªomhach don fhorbairt sh¨®isialta, ina bhfuil p¨¢irt ghn¨ªomhach ag DCU san athnuachan sh¨®isalta agus i gcoth¨² luachanna eitici¨²la i socha¨ª an lae inniu.


DCU is proud of the fact that, again and again, employers confirm their preference for its graduates when searching for future high achievers. DCU is a major research institution, which has gained worldwide recognition for the work of many of its key researchers and research teams.

Four of its major research centres and institutes have been awarded very significant capital funding by the state and by private investors to enable them to provide leadership at a global level.

All of DCU¡¯s academic schools undertake research which is at the cutting edge of knowledge. DCU is also committed to further development of its commercial activities, with a growing emphasis on technology transfer and the establishment of campus companies which exploit commercially the discoveries and skills of the campus community.

This commercialisation is set in the context also of an active programme of social development, in which DCU plays an active role in social regeneration and the search for ethical values for modern society.


Doireann McCombe MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach. Now working with Accenture.

¡°I ndiaidh dom bunch¨¦im a bhaint amach i dteangacha, bh¨ª s¨¦ mar sprioc agam obair san earn¨¢il ghn¨® ach gan taith¨ª ar bith agam ar a leith¨¦id. Ba dheis iontach an MSc le tuiscint a fh¨¢il ar r¨¦imse leathan ¨¢bhar gn¨® agus ar theicneola¨ªocht an eolais. Anois t¨¢ m¨¦ ag obair i gcomhairleacht teicneola¨ªochta agus is cinnte gan an ch¨¢il¨ªocht sin agus an taith¨ª a fuair m¨¦ ar an ch¨²rsa nach mbeadh an post seo faighte agam.¡± 

¡°After I completed my undergraduate degree in languages, my goal was to work in the business sector but I hadn¡¯t the necessary experience. The MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach an Eolais programme was a fantastic opportunity for me to gain a better understanding of a wide range of business and information technology subjects. I am now working in technology consultancy and without this qualification and the experience I gained by doing this course, I wouldn¡¯t have been offered a post like this.¡±

T¨¢ c¨¦imithe an MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach ag obair le Irish Mortgage Corporation, Google, Oracle, Make a Wish Foundation, Citi, RT?, Foras na Gaeilge, An Roinn Eala¨ªon Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta, Col¨¢iste na bhFiann, Gael Linn, Gaelchult¨²r, ?dar¨¢s Craolach¨¢in na h?ireann agus i bpostanna bainist¨ªochta i scoileanna.

There is a high demand for graduates of this programme. Graduates of the MSc sa Bhainist¨ªocht agus Gn¨® Digiteach work with the Irish Mortgage Corporation, Google, Oracle, Make a Wish Foundation, Citi, RT?, Foras na Gaeilge, Roinn Eala¨ªon Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta, Col¨¢iste na bhFiann, Gael Linn, Gaelchult¨²r, ?dar¨¢s Craolach¨¢in na h?ireann and managerial posts in schools.

Business Analyst
Digital Account Executive
Education Leadership
Information Technology


Riachtanas Iontr¨¢la
C¨¦im on¨®racha (H2.2) n¨® taith¨ª ghairmi¨²il oiri¨²nach agus leibh¨¦al s¨¢s¨²il i labhairt agus scr¨ªobh na Gaeilge. Glactar le c¨¢il¨ªochta¨ª agus le taith¨ª ghairmi¨²il oiri¨²nach i gc¨²ins¨ª ¨¢irithe in ionad bunch¨¦ime, faoi r¨¦ir ag rialacha na hOllscoile. N¨ª g¨¢ r¨¦amhch¨¢il¨ªochta¨ª r¨ªomhaireachta n¨¢ gn¨®.

Entry Requirements
Honours degree (H2.2) or equivalent professional experience and a satisfactory level of fluency in Irish. In some circumstances appropriate professional experience and qualifications are accepted in lieu of a primary degree, subject to University regulations. Previous qualifications in business or computing are not required.

International Applications
International candidates are expected to have educational qualifications of a standard equivalent to those outlined above. In addition, where such candidates are non-native speakers of the English language they must satisfy the university of their competency in the English language.


Due to the specialist nature of this programme, additional criteria may be used to assess suitability to undertake this programme. For further information, please contact the Programme Chair using the contact details above


Full time

EU Status Fee
Non EU Fee.

Part time

EU Status Fee Part-time
€4,200 Per Annum
Non EU Fee Part time
€8,100 Per Annum

Next Steps

All Applicants must submit

All Applicants must apply through DCU's Student Application Portal which is available here. Here's a quick step by step guide if you need help with your application:

  • Certified academic transcripts for each and every year of study, with certified English translations, if applicable.

Non Native English Speakers

Non-EU Applicants

Note if you are a non EU student and require a study visa, you are not eligible to apply for part-time programmes as study visas are only granted for full-time programmes.

Dates for Submission of Applications

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the programme is full or until the following dates:

  • Closing date for non EU applicants is 1st July 2024
  • Closing date for EU applicants is 20th August 2024

All entry requirements should be met before the commencement of the programme.

Application Queries

For EU applicant queries, please visit /registry/eu-postgraduate-taught-admissions or email

For non EU applicant queries, please visit /registry/international-admissions-undergraduate-and-postgraduate or email

Commencement of Programme

The programme commences in September 2024