?ine MacNamara


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In January 2020 I joined the School of Health and Human Performance at DCU as an Associate Professor in Elite Performance. 

I am the Chair of the Professional Doctorate in Elite Performance (Sport) - a four year part-time, blended learning programme, comprising both research and taught elements aimed at practitioners from across performance domains. The aim of the Professional Doctorate is to enable candidates to embed their learning and research within their own professional practice and ensure that the acquired knowledge and understanding gained through the research journey then be integrated directly into the organisations and systems in which they work. 

 Currently my research programme is focused on the broad area of talent development processes across performance domains. Although primarily developed in sport, the research has and will continue to examine these processes across multiple domains and at various levels of participation – excellence in its broadest sense from elite levels of performance through to participation. 


Year Publication
2020 Sanchez, E., Collins, D. & MacNamara, ?. (2020) How can you get there? Expert perspectives on talent development in dance. UK: Crawford Press.
2018 David Collins and Aine MacNamara (2018) Talent development a practitioners guide. London: Routledge.
2022 Dave Collins and ?ine MacNamara (2022) Talent Development: A Practitioner and Parents Guide. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2019 MacNamara, ?ine. & Jennings, Sinead (2019) 'Life AND sport – Making it happen AND progressing while you play' In: Routledge Handbook of Elite Performance. UK : Routledge.
2019 Collins, D. & MacNamara ?. (2019) 'From talent identification to talent development: An overview and critique' In: APA Handbook of Sport and Exercise Psychology. USA : APA.
2019 MacNamara, ?. & Simpson, I. (2019) 'Psychological characteristics of developing excellence in youth coaching' In: Sport coaching: research to practice. UK : Routledge.
2017 Collins, Dave and MacNamara, \'Aine (2017) 'A smooth sea never made a skilful sailor: Optimizing and exploiting the rocky road in talent development' In: : Routledge.
2017 MacNamara, ?., & Collins, D (2017) 'Psychological characteristics of developing excellence' In: Sport psychology for young athletes. UK : Routledge.
2016 Collins, D., & MacNamara, ?., (2016) 'A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor: Optimizing and exploiting the rocky road in talent development' In: Handbook on talent identification and development. UK : Routledge.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Williams, GG;MacNamara, ? (2022) 'Challenge is in the eye of the beholder: Exploring young athlete's experience of challenges on the talent pathway'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, . [DOI]
2022 Curran, O;Passmore, D;MacNamara, ? (2022) 'Singing off the same hymn sheet? Examining coherence in a talent development pathway (part 2)'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, . [DOI]
2022 Liam Sweeney, ?ine MacNamara, Dan Horan (2022) 'The Irish Football Player Pathway: Examining Stakeholder Coherence Throughout and Across the Player Development System'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 4 . [DOI]
2022 Curran, O.;Neville, R.D.;Passmore, D.;MacNamara, ?. (2022) 'Variability in locomotor activity in a female junior international hockey team'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Sweeney, L;Horan, D;MacNamara, ? (2021) 'Premature Professionalisation or Early Engagement? Examining Practise in Football Player Pathways'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 3 . [DOI]
2021 Coulter, M.;Britton, ?.;MacNamara, ?.;Manninen, M.;McGrane, B.;Belton, S. (2021) 'PE at Home: keeping the ‘E’ in PE while home-schooling during a pandemic'. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Curran, O.;MacNamara, ?.;Passmore, D. (2021) 'Singing off the same hymn sheet? Examining coherence in a talent development pathway (part 1)'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Williams, Graham G.;MacNamara, Aine (2021) 'Coaching on the Talent Pathway: Understanding the Influence of Developmental Experiences on Coaching Philosophy'. International Sport Coaching Journal, 8 (2):141-152. [DOI]
2021 Stoszkowski, John;MacNamara, Aine;Collins, Dave;Hodgkinson, Aran (2021) 'Opinion and Fact, Perspective and Truth: Seeking Truthfulness and Integrity in Coaching and Coach Education'. International Sport Coaching Journal, 8 (2):263-269. [DOI]
2020 Lebrun, F;MacNamara, A;Collins, D;Rodgers, S (2020) 'Supporting Young Elite Athletes With Mental Health Issues: Coaches' Experience and Their Perceived Role'. Sport Psychologist, 34 :43-53. [DOI]
2020 Wragg, N, Stoszkowski, J., & MacNamara, A. (2020) 'The Absurdity of Aspiration within Further Education in England: Where Much is Said but Little is Done'. Journal of Education Policy, .
2020 Lebrun, F., MacNamara, ?., Collins, D., & Rodgers, S. (2020) 'Supporting Young Elite Athletes With Mental Health Issues: Coaches’ Experience and Their Perceived Role'. THE SPORT PSYCHOLOGIST, .
2020 Williams, G., & MacNamara, ?. (2020) '“I Didn't Make It, but…”: Deselected Athletes' Experiences of the Talent Development Pathway'. Frontiers, .
2019 Williams, G;MacNamara, ? (2019) 'I Didn't Make It, but…: Deselected Athletes' Experiences of the Talent Development Pathway'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 2 . [DOI]
2019 Collins, Dave and MacNamara, \'Aine and Cruickshank, Andrew (2019) 'Research and practice in talent identification and development—Some thoughts on the state of play'. 31 (3):340-351.
2019 Hill A;MacNamara ?;Collins D; (2019) 'Development and initial validation of the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Questionnaire version 2 (PCDEQ2)'. European Journal Of Sport Science, 19 (4). [DOI]
2019 Orlaith Curran, Aine MacNamara, David Passmore (2019) 'What about the Girls? Exploring the Gender Data Gap in Talent Development'. Frontiers, .
2019 Lebrun F.;Macnamara ?.;Collins D.;Rodgers S. (2019) 'Elite athletes coping with depression: A qualitative study'. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 13 (3):351-373. [DOI]
2018 Lebrun F;MacNamara ?;Rodgers S;Collins D; (2018) 'Learning From Elite Athletes' Experience of Depression'. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 . [DOI]
2018 Spence S.;MacNamara A. (2018) 'The state of play: how commensurate are BTECs and A-levels in sport and physical education'. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 23 (2):231-248. [DOI]
2018 Pecen E;Collins DJ;MacNamara ?; (2018) 'It's Your Problem. Deal with It. Performers' Experiences of Psychological Challenges in Music'. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 . [DOI]
2017 Collins D.;MacNamara ?. (2017) 'Much Ado about…? A response to Hardy et al'. Progress in Brain Research, 232 :149-154. [DOI]
2017 Giblin S;Collins DJ;Button C;MacNamara A; (2017) 'Practical precursors to reconsidering objective for physical activity in physical education'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 51 (21). [DOI]
2017 Collins DJ;Macnamara A; (2017) 'Making Champs and Super-Champs-Current Views, Contradictions, and Future Directions'. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 . [DOI]
2017 Collins D;MacNamara ?; (2017) 'Much Ado about…? A response to Hardy et al'. Progress in Brain Research, 232 . [DOI]
2016 Pecen E.;Collins D.;MacNamara ?. (2016) 'Music of the night: Performance practitioner considerations for enhancement work in music'. Sport, Exercise, And Performance Psychology, 5 (4):377-395. [DOI]
2016 Collins DJ;Macnamara A;McCarthy N; (2016) 'Putting the Bumps in the Rocky Road: Optimizing the Pathway to Excellence'. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 . [DOI]
2015 Hill A.;MacNamara á.;Collins D. (2015) 'Psychobehaviorally based features of effective talent development in rugby union: A coach's perspective'. Sport Psychologist, 29 (3):201-212. [DOI]
2015 MacNamara ?;Collins D;Giblin S; (2015) 'Just let them play? Deliberate preparation as the most appropriate foundation for lifelong physical activity'. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 . [DOI]
2015 Hill A;MacNamara ?;Collins D;Rodgers S; (2015) 'Examining the Role of Mental Health and Clinical Issues within Talent Development'. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 . [DOI]
2015 Collins D;MacNamara ?;McCarthy N; (2015) 'Super Champions, Champions, and Almosts: Important Differences and Commonalities on the Rocky Road'. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 . [DOI]
2015 MacNamara ?.;Collins D. (2015) 'Profiling, exploiting, and countering psychological characteristics in talent identification and development'. Sport Psychologist, 29 (1):73-81. [DOI]
2015 MacNamara ?;Collins D; (2015) 'Second Chances: Investigating Athletes' Experiences of Talent Transfer'. PLoS ONE, 10 (11). [DOI]
2014 Giblin S.;Collins D.;MacNamara A.;Kiely J. (2014) '“Deliberate Preparation” as an Evidence-Based Focus for Primary Physical Education'. Quest, 66 (4):385-395. [DOI]
2014 MacNamara ?.;Collins D. (2014) 'Why athletes say no to doping: A qualitative exploration of the reasons underpinning athletes' decision not to dope'. Performance Enhancement and Health, 3 (3-4):145-152. [DOI]
2014 Giblin, S;Collins, D;MacNamara, A;Kiely, J (2014) 'Deliberate Preparation as an Evidence-Based Focus for Primary Physical Education'. Quest, 66 :385-395.
2014 Collins R;Collins D;MacNamara A;Jones MI; (2014) 'Change of plans: an evaluation of the effectiveness and underlying mechanisms of successful talent transfer'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 32 (17). [DOI]
2009 Macnamara A.;Collins D. (2009) '大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网 than the 'X' factor! A longitudinal investigation of the psychological characteristics of developing excellence in musical development'. Music Education Research, 11 (3):377-392. [DOI]
2023 Lebrun, F.;Collins, D.;MacNamara, ?.;Rodgers, S. (2023) 'Exploring perceptions of depression: a performer perspective'. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Taylor, J.;MacNamara, ?.;Collins, D. (2023) 'The 3Ps: A tool for coach observation'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 4 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Liam Sweeney;Jamie Taylor;Aine MacNamara (2023) 'Push and Pull Factors: Contextualising Biological Maturation and Relative Age in Talent Development Systems'. Children, . [DOI]
2022 Sweeney, L;Taylor, J;MacNamara, ? (2022) 'Push and Pull Factors: Contextualising Biological Maturation and Relative Age in Talent Development Systems'. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 10 (1). [DOI]
2022 Taylor, Jamie;MacNamara, Aine;Taylor, Robin. D (2022) 'Strategy in talent systems: Top-down and bottom-up approaches'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 4 (988631). [Link] https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2022.988631
2022 Costello, I;Belton, S;MacNamara, ? (2022) 'Stand up and Fight: A Case Study of a Professional Rugby Club Negotiating a COVID-19 Crisis, a Talent Development Perspective'. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 10 (8). [DOI]
2022 Taylor, J;MacNamara, ?;Taylor, RD (2022) 'Strategy in talent systems: Top-down and bottom-up approaches'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 4 . [DOI]
2022 Ian Costello;Sarahjane Belton;Aine MacNamara (2022) 'Stand up and Fight: A Case Study of a Professional Rugby Club Negotiating a COVID-19 Crisis, a Talent Development Perspective'. Sports, 10 (8). [Link] https://doi.org/10.3390/sports10080124
2022 Sweeney, Liam;Cumming, Sean P.;MacNamara, Aine;Horan, Dan (2022) 'A tale of two selection biases: The independent effects of relative age and biological maturity on player selection in the Football Association of Ireland's national talent pathway'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, . [DOI]
2021 Sweeney, L;MacNamara, ?;Horan, D (2021) 'The Irish Football Player Pathway: Examining Stakeholder Coherence Throughout and Across the Player Development System'. Frontiers In Sports And Active Living, 4 . [DOI]


Year Publication
2015 MacNamara, A;Collins, D;Giblin, S (2015) Just let them play? Deliberate preparation as the most appropriate foundation for lifelong physical activity. LAUSANNE: ED [DOI]


Year Publication
2015 MacNamara ?.;Collins D.;Giblin S. (2015) Just let them play? Deliberate preparation as the most appropriate foundation for lifelong physical activity. NOTE [DOI]

Review Articles

Year Publication
2017 Collins D.;Macnamara A. (2017) Making champs and super-champs-current views, contradictions, and future directions. REV [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2022 Nolan, David;Horgan, Peter;Macnamara, Aine;Egan, Brendan (2022) Attitudes And Practices Of Elite Strength Coaches Towards Sex-specific Needs In International Women's Rugby Union.
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Coaching Girls in Sport Principal Investigator 01/03/2020 01/12/2020
Examining participation, opportunities, and challenges women coaches’ experiences of coaching in athletics DCU PI 01/06/2021 01/11/2021
Maximising Potential through the Pathway: An interdisciplinary and mixed-method investigation of player development in Irish football. Student Name Liam Sweeney DCU PI 01/09/2021 31/08/2023

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Barry ,Ger Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Edwards ,Philip Lloyd Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Kennedy ,Martin Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Moran ,David Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Langan ,Ronan Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
O Connor ,Cliodhna Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Postawa ,Anna Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
O'Connell ,Declan Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Mulligan ,Rachael Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Murray ,Fiona Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Burke ,Kate Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Corcoran ,Niall Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Molohan ,Teresa Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Costello ,Ian Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor
Cahill ,Garry Doctor of Elite Performance (Sport) Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Project 1 SS326
2022 SS508
2022 Critical enquiry in sport performance SS602
2022 SS504
2022 The reflective practitioner:Practice&Planning SS601
2022 SS507
2021 Professional Skills for Sport Performance SS605
2022 Research methods for sport practitioners SS603