Zita Lysaght


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Zita Lysaght (BEd, MEd, MSc, EdD) is an Associate Professor in the School of Policy and Practice. A former primary teacher, deputy principal and assistant national co-ordinator with Leadership Development for Schools, her current teaching, research publications and doctoral supervision focus primarily on assessment and mixed-methods research and design. Her work aims to promote balanced, fair and equitable assessment, and teacher assessment and research literacy in education. Towards this end, Zita has acted inter alia as Interim Director of the Centre for Assessment Research and Policy in Education (CARPE), Chair of Post-Graduate Studies by Research and Co-Chair of the EdD in the Institute of Education, DCU.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 O’Leary, M.; Lysaght, Z. (2023) 'Post-Primary Teachers’ Feelings and beliefs about their Involvement in High-Stakes Assessment following the advent of COVID-19'. Irish Journal of Education, .
2023 Scully, C.; Kelly, M.; Lysaght, Z.; O'Leary, M. (2023) 'The cognitive processes employed by undergraduate nursing OSCE assessors: A qualitative research study'. Nurse Education Today, .
2023 Lehane, P.; Lysaght, Z.; O’Leary, M. (2023) 'A validity perspective on interviews as a selection mechanism for entry to initial teacher education programmes'. European Journal of Teacher Education, 46 (2). [Link] [DOI]
2023 Lysaght, Zita (2023) 'What's trust got to do with it? The 'washback effect' of engagement in the 2020 calculated grades process on teachers' trust and future senior cycle reform in Ireland'. European Journal of Education, 58 (1). [DOI]
2022 Zita Lysaght; Michale O'Leary; Angela Mazzone; Conor Scully (2022) 'Scale development: Identifying and addressing potential validity threats linked with online piloting using paid-for samples'. SAGE Research Methods Cases, . [DOI]
2022 Pitsia, Vasiliki; Lysaght, Zita; O'Leary, Michael; Shiel, Gerry (2022) 'High Achievement in Mathematics and Science among Students in Ireland: An In-Depth Analysis of International Large-Scale Assessment Data Since 2000'. Irish Educational Studies, . [DOI]
2021 Pitsia, V., & Lysaght, Z. (2021) 'High achievement in mathematics and science: A chronology of relevant educational policy and findings from large-scale assessments in Ireland, 1995 to the present day'. Irish Journal of Education, 44 (4):1-20.
2021 Doyle, Audrey; Lysaght, Zita; O'Leary, Michael (2021) 'High stakes assessment policy implementation in the time of COVID-19: the case of calculated grades in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 40 (2). [DOI]
2021 Vasiliki Pitsia & Zita Lysaght (2021) 'High achievement in mathematics and science: A chronology of relevant educational policy and findings from large-scale assessments in Ireland, 1995 to the present day'. Irish Journal of Education, 44 (4):1-20.
2020 Darmody, Marie; Lysaght, Zita; O'Leary, Michael (2020) 'Irish post-primary teachers' conceptions of assessment at a time of curriculum and assessment reform'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 27 (5). [DOI]
2020 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2020) 'Irish primary teachers’ beliefs about and attitudes to standardised tests of English Reading and mathematics'. Irish Teachers' Journal, 8 (1):11-24.
2019 Gurhy, A.M., Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2019) '“I love doing AfL and I would like to continue doing it”: Irish primary students’ perspectives on the affective impact of using assessment for learning in mathematics'. Irish Teachers' Journal, 7 (1):74-90. [Link]
2018 Lysaght, Z., O’Leary, M., & Scully, D. (2018) 'Irish pre-service teachers’ expectations for teaching as a career: A snapshot at a time of transition'. Irish Journal of Education, 42 :88-107. [Link]
2017 Lysaght, Zita; O'Leary, Michael (2017) 'Scaling up, writ small:using an assessment for learning audit instrument to stimulate site-based professional development, one school at a time'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 24 (2). [DOI]
2017 Lysaght, Z. O'Leary, M., & Ludlow, L. (2017) 'Measuring Teachers' Assessment for Learning (AfL) Classroom Practices in Elementary Schools'. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 3 (2):103-115. [Link]
2017 O’Leary, M., Lysaght, Z., & Ludlow, L. (2017) 'A Measurement Instrument to Evaluate Teachers’ Assessment for Learning Classroom Practices'. International Journal of Educational Development, . [Link]
2015 Lysaght, Z. (2015) 'Assessment for learning and for self-regulation'. International Journal of Emotional Education, 7 (1):69-85.
2013 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2013) 'The development of psychometric instruments to evaluate teachers’ and children’s use of formative assessment in primary schools'. Irish Educational Studies, 32 (2):217-232.
2013 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2013) 'An instrument to audit teachers’ use of assessment for learning'. Irish Educational Studies, 32 (3):217-232.
2013 O’Leary, M., Lysaght, Z., &. Ludlow, L (2013) 'A measurement instrument to evaluate teachers’ assessment for learning classroom practices'. International Journal of Educational Research, 14 (2):40-62.
1993 Lysaght, Z. (1993) 'Partnership with parents in primary education'. Irish Educational Studies, 12 (1):196-205.

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Lysaght, Z.; Cherry, G. (2023) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Considerations for the Testing Industry. Industry Reports (Submitted to Prometric: https://www.prometric.com/). Prometric, .
2023 Lysaght, Z.; Millar, D.; Parfett, M.; Rowe, H.; Limmer, H.; A. Boyle (2023) An international perspective on additional assessment components: Considerations for Senior Cycle redevelopment in Ireland. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, .
2023 Cherry, G.; Lysaght, Z. (2023) Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for High-Stakes Assessments: Opportunities and Challenges for Testing and the Wider Assessment Community. Industry Reports (Submitted to Prometric: https://www.prometric.com/). Prometric, .
2022 O’Leary, M., Lysaght, Z., & Doyle, A. (2022) Outcomes from a Survey of Post-Primary Teachers Involved in the 2021 Leaving Certificate Accredited Grades Process in Ireland. Centre for Assessment, Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE), Dublin City University, .
2022 Lysaght, Z., & Cherry, G. (2022) Standardised Testing in English Reading and Mathematics in Irish Primary Schools: Trends Over Time. Centre for Assessment, Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE), Dublin City University, .
2022 Lysaght, Z. (2022) Irish Primary Teachers’ Perspectives on Standardised Tests in the mid-1970s: A Distillation of 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网ings from Kellaghan, Madaus and Airasian’s Longitudinal study. Centre for Assessment, Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE), Dublin City University, .
2022 Lysaght, Z. (2022) Hazard perception training and testing: A review of pertinent research literature. Prometric White Paper. Industry Reports (Submitted to Prometric: https://www.prometric.com/). Prometric, .
2022 Scully, C.; Lysaght, Z. (2022) Adaptations to Credentialing Assessments in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence Base and Effects on Stakeholder Groups. Industry Reports (Submitted to Prometric: https://www.prometric.com/). Prometric, .
2022 Lysaght, Z.; Scully, C. (2022) Assessor Cognition and Inter-Rater Reliability in Nursing Objective Structured Clinical Examinations: Implications for Use of Video in Performance Assessments. Industry Reports (Submitted to Prometric: https://www.prometric.com/). Prometric, .
2022 Doyle, A., Lysaght, Z. and O'Leary, M. (2022) Preliminary 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网ings from a Survey of Post-Primary Teachers Involved in the Leaving Certificate 2020 Calculated Grades Process in Ireland. Dublin: Centre for Assessment, Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE), .
2019 Lehane, P., Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2019) The Interview as a Selection Mechanism for Entry into Initial Teacher Education: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Practice. Committee for the Heads of Institutes of Education in Ireland, .
2019 O' Leary, M., Lysaght, Z., Craith, D., & Scully, D. (2019) Standardised testing in English reading and Mathematics in the Irish primary school: A survey of Irish primary teachers. (contributing author). Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education and the Irish National Teachers' Organisation, . [Link]
2019 Lysaght Z, Scully, D., Murchan, D., O'Leary, M. & Shiel, G. (2019) Aligning assessment, learning and teaching in curricular reform and implementation. NCCA, . [Link]
2019 Lehane, P., Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2019) Entry to initial teacher education: value of interviews as a selection tool. Dublin: Centre for Assessment, Research, Policy and Practice in Education (CARPE), Dublin City University, .
2018 Cosgrove, J., McKeown, C., Travers, J., Lysaght, Z., Ní Bhroin, O., & Archer, P. (2018) Educational experiences and outcomes for children with special educational needs: Phase 2 - from age 9 – 13. A secondary analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland Study. (NCSE Research Report 25). National Council for Special Education, National Council for Special Education, . https://ncse.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/03263-NCSE-EdExps-Children-SEN-FINAL-UPLOAD.pdf
2014 Cosgrove, J., McKeown, C., Travers, J., Lysaght, Z., Ní Bhroin, O., & Archer, P. (2014) Educational experiences and outcomes for children with special educational needs: A secondary analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland Study (NCSE Research Report, No. 17). National Council for Special Education, . [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 Lysaght, Z, & Cherry, G. (2022) 'Using SPSS and NVivo to Conduct Mixed-Methods Analysis Collaboratively Online: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned' In: Sage Research Methods Online Case-Study. Sage Research Methods Online : Sage Research Methods. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529604023
2020 Lysaght, Z. & O'Leary, M. (2020) 'Scaling up writ small: Using an assessment for learning audit instrument to stimulate site-based professional learning, one school at a time' In: Developing Teachers' Assessment Capacity:. London and New York : Routledge.
2018 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2018) 'Scaling up Writ Small' In: Developing Teachers’ Assessment Capacity. London and New York : Routledge Press.
2013 Lysaght, Z. (2013) 'Using an activity systems lens to frame teacher professional development' In: Cultures of professional development for teachers: Collaboration, reflection, management and policy. Strasbourg, France : Analytics.
2013 Lysaght, Z. (2013) 'The professional gold standard: Adaptive expertise through assessment for learning' In: In F. Waldron, J. Smith, M. Fitzpatrick & T. Dooley (Eds.), Re-imagining initial teacher education: Perspectives on transformation. Dublin : The Liffey Press.
2013 Lysaght, Z. (2013) 'Towards inclusive assessment' In: Special and inclusive education: A research perspective. Oxford : Peter Lang.
2013 Cronin, F., & Lysaght, Z. (2013) 'Challenges met when introducing assessment for learning to students with dyslexia: A teacher’s perspective' In: Special and inclusive education: A research perspective. Oxford : Peter Lang.
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) 'Supporting pupils with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties: Educational structures and pupil trajectories' In: In C. O'Sullivan, S. Moynihan, B. Collins, & G. Hayes (Eds.), The Future of SPHE: Problems and Possibilities. Limerick : The SPHE Network.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2022 Lysaght, Z. (2022) 'Teachers’ perspectives on SATs' Leadership+, (121) :22-23.
2022 Lysaght, Z., O’Leary, M., & Ludlow, L. (2022) 'An instrument for measuring Assessment for Learning (AfL) in the classroom' Research OutReach, (127) :26-29.
2021 Lysaght, Z., O'Leary, M. and Ludlow, L. (2021) 'An instrument for measuring Assessment for Learning (AfL) in the classroom' Research Outreach, . [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. & O'Leary, M. (2020) 'Irish primary teachers' beliefs about and attitudes to standardised test of English Reading and Mathematics' 8 (1) :11-24.
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) 'Standardised testing: Friend or Foe?' . [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) 'Teachers’ Advice to Policy Makers about Standardised Testing' . [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) 'Professional Development in Standardised Testing: What do teachers want?' .
2019 Gurhy, A.M., Lysaght, Z., & O'Leary, M. (2019) 'I love doing AfL and I would like to continue doing it: Irish primary students' perspectives on the affective impact of using assessment for learning in mathematics' 7 (1) :74-90.
2011 Lysaght, Z. (2011) 'Assessment for learning in Irish schools: A window into current practice' 116 :38-39.
2010 Lysaght, Z. (2010) 'Assessment for learning and teacher learning communities: Warranted strategies worthy of consideration' 112 :49-51.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2015 Lysaght, Z. (2015) AHEAD: UDL - A License to Learn Getting and staying on track: Using assessment for learning pedagogy to drive self-regulated learning [Link]
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) In IAFOR, Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Education Epistemological and paradigmatic ecumenism in Pasteur's quadrant: Tales from doctoral research
2011 Lysaght, Z. (2011) In ICERI: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Standard-based reform and the challenge of 'loose-coupling'
2010 Lysaght, Z. (2010) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association Exploring the potential of a site-based professional learning community to enhance teachers University of Warwick, England,

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Lysaght, Z. (2023) 9th Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland MEI9 Facing up to the Challenges Faced by Pre-Service Teachers in Developing Learning Progressions in Mathematics Ireland, .
2023 Cherry, G.; Lysaght, Z.; Waters, L. (2023) European Association of Test Publishers Conference Exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for High-Stakes Assessments: Opportunities and challenges for Testing and the Wider Assessment Community Vienna,Austria, 20/09/2023-22/09/2023.
2023 Lysaght, Z. (2023) Department of Education Ollchomhdáil Invited Keynote: Assessment in Education: Key Concepts and Themes. Department of Education Ollchomhdáil Portlaoise, Ireland, 08/03/2023-29/03/2023.
2023 Lysaght, Z.; Millar, D.; Parfett, M. (2023) National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Board for Senior Cycle An international perspective on additional assessment components: Considerations for Senior Cycle redevelopment in Ireland Portlaoise, Ireland, .
2023 Lysaght, Z. (2023) Department of Education Ollchomhdáil Invited Workshop: Senior Cycle Reform and teachers' involvement in high-stakes certified assessment - Exploring the auguries Portlaoise, Ireland, 28/03/2023-29/03/2023.
2023 Dennehy, D.; Lysaght, Z.; Waters, L. (2023) European Association of Test Publishers Conference The Assessment of Emotional Intelligence within Collaborative Problem-Solving Contexts Vienna,Austria, 20/09/2023-22/09/2023.
2022 O (2022) Irish Educational Studies Association of Ireland Irish Post-Primary Teachers Feelings and Beliefs about Assessment following the 2021 Accredited Grades Process Dublin, .
2021 Zita Lysaght (2021) UKCGE Annual Conference 2021 We're not groupies...except when it comes to mixed methods doctoral research assignments Online, 28/06/2021-02/07/2021.
2021 Doyle, A., Lysaght, Z. and O'Leary, M. (2021) European Conference for Educational Research(ECER Network:Assessment,Evaluation,Testing&Measurement) High-Stakes Exams in the Time of Covid-19. The Experiences of Irish Post-Primary Teachers Geneva, Switzerland, .
2021 Lysaght, Z. and Cherry, G. (2021) Association for Educational Assessment Europe (AEA-E) Virtual Conference Conference Presentation Virtual Conference, .
2021 Lysaght, Z. (2021) The European Conference for Educational Research (ECER Network 09: AETM) Chair: 09 SES 03 A, Investigating Student Teachers’ and Teachers’ Personal and Professional Attitudes and Perceptions Virtual Conference, .
2021 Lysaght, Z., & Cherry, G. (2021) Association for Educational Assessment Europe (AEA-E) Virtual Conference Standardised Testing in English Reading and Mathematics in Irish Primary Schools: Trends over Time Online, .
2021 Lysaght, Z. (2021) The European Conference for Educational Research (ECER Network 09: AETM) Chair: 09 SES 12 A, Exploring Systemic and Instruction Effects on Achievement, Support Perceptions and Equity in Secondary Education Virtual Conference, .
2020 Pitsia, V., Lysaght, Z., Shiel, G., & O’Leary, M. (2020) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2020 Are we meeting the needs of high achievers? A closer look at PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS data for Ireland Dublin, Ireland. (Conference cancelled), .
2020 Lehane, P., Lysaght, Z. & O'Leary, M. (2020) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) The Interview as a Selection Mechanism for Entry into Initial Teacher Education: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Practice Online, .
2020 Pitsia, V., O’Leary, M., & Shiel, G. (2020) European Conference on Educational Research 2020 A multilevel binary logistic regression analysis of mathematics and science achievement in TIMSS 2015 in an Irish post-primary context Glasgow, .
2020 O'Leary, M., Lysaght, Z., Nic Craith, D., & Scully D. (2020) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Teacher Perspectives on Standardised Testing of Achievement in Ireland San Francisco, United States (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19), .
2019 Pitsia, V., O’Leary, M., Shiel, G., & Lysaght, Z. (2019) 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment- Europe (AEA-A) What do international large-scale assessments tell us about high achievement in mathematics and science, with specific reference to Ireland and some comparison countries? Lisbon, Portugal, .
2019 Lysaght, Z. (2019) 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment-Europe (AEA-A) Irish primary teachers’ use of, and attitudes, to standardized testing in English Reading and Mathematics Lisbon, Portugal, .
2019 Zita Lysaght, Deirbhile NicCrith, Michael O'Leary (2019) 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Assessment - EuropeEducati Irish Primary Teachers' Use of and Attitudes to Standardised Achievement Tests in English Reading and Mathematics Lisbon, Portugal, 14/11/2019-16/11/2019.
2019 Abrams, L., Lysaght, Z., & O'Leary, M. (2019) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association conference The context and use of standardized testing data for educational decision-making in Ireland Toronto, Canada, .
2018 Scully, D., & Lysaght, Z. (2018) European Association of Test Publishers (E-ATP) Conference Diagnostic Feedback – Dos and Don’ts Greece: Athens, .
2018 Lysaght, Z., & Scully, D. (2018) Association of Test Publishers (ATP) Public Sector Special Interest Group Providing Diagnostic Feedback to Non-Successful Test Candidates Brussels, Belgium, .
2018 Lysaght, Z. (2018) Assessment for Learning: A Welcome Trojan Horse? Invited professional development talk on formative assessment to national post-primary team of advisors Kilkenny, .
2018 Lysaght, Z., & Scully, D. (2018) European Association of Test Publishers (E-ATP) Conference Diagnostic Feedback - Dos and Don'ts Athens, Greece, .
2016 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2016) Annual Meeting of the European Conference for Education Research (ECER) Developing Assessment Capacity in Norway and Ireland Using the Assessment for Learning Audit Instrument (AfLAi) Dublin, 25/08/2016-27/08/2016.
2016 O’Leary, M., & Lysaght, Z. (2016) AERA Use the Assessment for learning audit instrument to inform data-driven decision-making in Ireland and Norway USA: Washington, .
2016 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2016) ECER Annual Conference Developing assessment capacity in Ireland and Norway using the Assessment for Learning Audit Instrument Dublin: UCD, .
2016 O’Leary, M. & Lysaght, Z (2016) AERA Annual Conference Using the Assessment for learning audit instrument to inform data-driven decision-making in Ireland and Norway USA: Washington, .
2015 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2015) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland From the inside out: Student-teachers’ satisfaction with the BEd and their career expectations at the point of transition Maynooth, Co. Kildare, .
2015 Lysaght, Z. (2015) Universal Design for Learning: A Licence to Learn Conference Getting and staying on track: Using assessment for learning pedagogy to drive teaching and learning Ireland: Dublin Castle, .
2014 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2014) Science and Mathematics Education Conference Assessment for the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities DCU, Ireland, .
2014 Lysaght, Z. (2014) International Research Methods Summer School Towards the conceptualisation of complementary typologies of mixed methods research and conceptual/theoretical frameworks Limerick: Mary Immaculate College, .
2013 Lysaght, Z. (2013) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Using social constructivist pedagogies, to achieve behavioural objectives, aimed at developing adaptive expertise that can be measured using existing assessment approaches… Bloomin’ confusing?! Limerick, .
2013 Lysaght, Z. (2013) International Research Methods Summer School Conference, Mary Immaculate College Theoretical and conceptual research frameworks in use-inspired basic science Ireland: Limerick, .
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Research evidence - science plus and evidence plus - and the imperative for paradigmatic transparency Cork, .
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) Universal Design for Learning: A Licence to Learn Getting and staying on track: Using assessment for learning pedagogy to drive teaching and learning Dublin Castle, .
2012 Lysaght, Z., O’Leary, M., & Ludlow, L. (2012) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver A Measurement Instrument to Evaluate Teachers’ Assessment for Learning Classroom Practices Vancouver, CA, .
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) Special Conference of the Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Feedback: The Sine Qua Non of assessment for learning Dublin: St. Patrick's College, .
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) Regional Conference of the Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Assessment for teaching and learning Wexford, .
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Europe Conference Using evidence of teachers' assessment for learning practices to develop site-based professional development The Hague, .
2012 Lysaght, Z., & O'Leary, M. (2012) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Recent Irish assessment policy: Evidence compliant? Cork, .
2012 Lysaght, Z. (2012) Annual Conference of the Association of Independent Junior Schools Assessment for learning: Implications for principals Kildare, .
2012 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2012) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Cork Recent Irish assessment policy: Evidence compliant? Dublin, .
2011 Lysaght, Z. & O'Leary, M. (2011) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Supporting teachers' and children's use of assessment for learning: Reporting on the design of two psychometric instruments USA: New Orleans, .
2011 Lysaght, Z. (2011) sTage conference, Dublin City University Assessment for Learning: A pedagogy of adaptive expertise Ireland: Dublin, .
2011 Lysaght, Z. (2011) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Exploring the potential of video as a boundary object to motivate and sustain inter-agency participation in site-based and virtual teacher learning communities Dublin: Church of Ireland College, .
2011 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2011) Paper presented at the annual Irish learning Support Teachers (ILSA) Conference Formative assessment at the crossroads: Challenges and opportunities for Irish teachers Dublin, .
2011 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2011) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, CICE Reconceptualising the Teacher--‐Learner Relationship using an Assessment for Learning Lens: Soundings from an Audit of Primary Teachers’ Classroom Assessment Practices Dublin, .
2011 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2011) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans The Development of Psychometric Instruments to Evaluate Teachers’ and Children’s Use of Formative Assessment in Primary Schools New Orleans, .
2011 Lysaght, Z. & O'Leary, M (2011) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Reconceptualising the teacher-learner relationship using an assessment for learning lens: Soundings from an audit of primary teachers' classroom assessment practices Dublin: Church of Ireland College, .
2011 Lysaght, Z. (2011) Re-Envisaging Initial Teacher Education Conference Towards the development of adaptive teacher knowledge and expertise through creative engagement with assessment for learning at the pre-service level Dublin: St. Patrick's College, .
2011 Lysaght, Z. & O'Leary, M. (2011) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland The development of a psychometric instrument to evaluate teachers' use of assessment for learning in Irish primary schools Dublin: Church of Ireland College, .
2010 Lysaght, Z., & O (2010) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Using a teacher learning community to explore the impact of formative assessment on children's reading USA: Denver, Colorado, .
2010 Lysaght, Z. (2010) Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) conference, St. Patrick's College From talking the talk to walking the walk: Engaging teachers in site-based professional development Dublin, Ireland, .
2010 Lysaght, Z. (2010) Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association Exploring the potential of a site-based professional learning community to enhance teachers' expertise in formative assessment and, in turn, children's reading performance Warwick, England, .
2010 Lysaght, Z. (2010) Colleges of Education Research Consortium (CERC) Conference From bifurcation to collaboration: Supporting teachers' reflective practice and peer-review through collaborative engagement with site-based learning Dublin: Church of Ireland College, .
2010 Lysaght, Z. (2010) Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) Exploring the potential of site-based, teacher learning communities to support teachers' development of assessment literacy Dublin: St. Patrick's College, .
2009 Lysaght, Z. (2009) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Exploring the potential of video as a boundary object to motivate and sustain inter-agency participation in a site-based, teacher learning community Ireland: Maynooth, Co. Kildare, .
2009 Lysaght, Z. (2009) Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) From balkanisation to boundary crossing: Exploring the impact of assessment on teaching and learning in a disadvantaged school Dublin: St. Patrick's College, .


Year Publication
2021 O’Leary, M., Doyle, A., & Lysaght, Z. (2021) Results on a Survey on Post-Primary Teachers’ Experiences with Calculated Grading during COVID-19. European Educational Research Association Blog: BLOG [Link]


Year Publication
2022 Lysaght, Z. (2022) Standardized tests provide an important snapshot of pupil achievement. NEWSA [Link]

Fact Sheet

Year Publication
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) A primer on norm-reference based assessment and grading on the curve. FS [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) A primer on performance standards, cut scores and weights. FS /sites/default/files/carpe/a_primer_on_performance_standards_cut_scores_and_weights.pdf
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Criteria for the assessment of the action research project (BEd4 and PMEP2). FS /sites/default/files/carpe/a_weighted_rubric_with_a_scoring_guide.pdf
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) A primer on criterion-referenced assessments and rubrics. FS [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) A primer on differences between norm-reference based and criterion-referenced assessments. FS /sites/default/files/carpe/a_primer_on_differences_between_norm_reference_based_and_criterion_referenced_assessments.pdf

Guidelines for Practice

Year Publication
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Designing effective rubrics. GFP [Link]


Year Publication
2022 Zita Lysaght & Gemma Cherry (2022) sing SPSS and NVivo to Conduct MixedMethods Analysis Collaboratively Online: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned. London: CASE https://dx.%3Cwbr%3Edoi.%3Cwbr%3Eorg/10.4135/9781529604023

Electronic Source

Year Publication
2022 Zita Lysaght, Michael O’Leary, Angela Mazzone & Conor Scully (2022) Scale Development: Identifying and Addressing Potential Validity Threats Linked With Online Piloting Using Paid-for Samples. London: ELES [Link] https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529600544

Book Review

Year Publication
2019 Lysaght, Z. (2019) Book Review: Understanding and Applying Assessment in Education, by Damian Murchan and Gerry Shiel. BREV
2013 Lysaght, Z. (2013) Book Review: From inclusion to engagement: helping students engage with schooling through policy and practice, by Paul Cooper and Barbara Jacobs. BREV

Discussion Paper

Year Publication
2019 Lysaght, Z., Scully, D., Murchan, D., O'Leary, M., & Shiel, G. (2019) Aligning assessment, learning and teaching in curricular reform and implementation (NCCA Policy Paper). Dublin, Ireland: DP

Online Article

Year Publication
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Standardised testing: Friend or Foe?. ELEA https://www.into.ie/app/uploads/2019/07/InTouch_April_2020_Archive.pdf
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Teachers’ Advice to Policy Makers about Standardised Testing. ELEA [Link]


Year Publication
2021 Lysaght, Z. (2021) DCU Podcast: Discussing dilemmas in the application of constructive alignment and backward design with Dr Zita Lysaght. Dublin City University, Ireland: PODCAST [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Zita Lysaght on 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网ings from the Calculated Grades process. PODCAST [DOI]
2018 Lysaght, Z. (2018) Assessment, Learning and Teaching Specialism: Promotional EdD Podcast. PODCAST [Link]

Radio Presentation

Year Publication
2019 Lysaght, Z. (2019) Zita Lysaght on Assessment. [Radio Interview]. RADIO [Link]


Year Publication
2021 Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2021) Aligning Assessment, Learning and Teaching for Quality Assurance in Further and Higher Education contexts. SEM [Link]
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Classroom Assessment Literacy. SEM /commsteam/dcu-events/2020/oct/dr-zita-lysaght-conversation-professor-michael-oleary-speaking-about

Web Page

Year Publication
2022 Lysaght, Z. (2022) Launch of U2canlearn.ie website. WEBP
2020 Lysaght, Z. (2020) Set of Primers to inform required reconceptualisation of alternative assessments due to Covid-19(see CARPE website). WEBP

Literary Review

Year Publication
2018 Lysaght, Z., O’Leary, M., & Scully, D. (2018) Providing effective feedback for non-successful test candidates (Literature Review). Dublin, Ireland: Litr
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
ESAI Member -
AERA Member -
ECER Member -
AEA-E Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2019 Research Fellowship IoE, DCU
01/01/2016 Students' Union, Lecturer of the Year (Runner Up) Students' Union, St. Patrick College
01/01/2016 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning St. Patrick's College
01/05/2014 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning St Patrick's College
01/01/2013 Outstanding Paper Award American Educational Research Association


Committee Function From / To
Faculty Programme Committee -
BEd Programme Board -
PME Programme Board -
EdD Programme Board -
Faculty Research Committee -
CARPE Advisory Board -
Faculty Research Admissions Panel -


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University Assistand Professor -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Dublin City University Doctor of Education
University of Dublin (TCD) Master of Education
University of Dublin (TCD) Master of Science
National University of Ireland Bachelopr of Education


Journal Role
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice Reviewer
International Journal of Emotional Education Reviewer
Irish Educational Studies Reviewer

Creative Outputs

Year Title Type
2021 Addressing validity issues in the course of developing a situational judgement (SJT) workplace bullying scale Recording
2021 Preliminary 大发体育在线_大发体育-投注|官网ings from a Survey of Post-Primary Teachers Involved in the Leaving Certificate 2020 Calculated Grades Process in Ireland Recording
2021 QQI Blended Seminar 3: Aligning Assessment, learning and teaching for quality assurance in further and higher education Recording
2020 Research Fellowship Interview: Zita Lysaght in conversation with Professor Michael O'Leary about Classroom Assessment Literacy Recording
2020 Teaching Council Feilte - ResearchMeet: Developing Innovative, Research-informed Professional Learning Materials to Guide Primary Teachers’ Individual and Collaborative use of Standardised Testing in Support of Pupils’ Learning Recording
2019 Irish primary teachers' beliefs about and attitudes to standardised test of English Reading and Mathematics Recording
2018 Assessment, Learning and Teaching Specialism: Promotional EdD Podcast. Recording

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2022 Continuous Professional Development/Training Webinars Kildare Education Centre Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2022, Sept. – Dec. ongoing CPD). Classroom Assessment Webinars: Series 1. Webinars Kildare Education Centre, (Second series of 4 webinars scheduled for Sept. – Dec., 2022)
2021 Invited talk/presentation Quality and Qualifications Ireland Aligning Assessment, Learning and Teaching for Quality Assurance in Further and Higher Education contexts
2021 Continuous Professional Development/Training Boston College: Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Evaluation Challenges in the development of a workplace bullying scale
2021 Invited talk/presentation DE Inspectorate Lysaght, Z. (2021, Sept. 7 - rescheduled for late 2022). Key Considerations in the Theory and Practice of Classroom Differentiation. Invited presentation to the DE Inspectorate as part of their Annual 2-Day CPD.
2021 Continuous Professional Development/Training Boston College, Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Evaluation (MESA) Brown Bag Series Lysaght, Z. (2021, March, 10). Workplace Bullying Project: Development of a Situational Judgement Instrument. Boston College, Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Evaluation (MESA) Brown Bag Series.
2021 Continuous Professional Development/Training Glanmire Community School, Co. Cork Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2021 ongoing CPD). Professional Development in Support of the Design of Research and Assessment Instruments for use in Glanmire Community School, Co. Cork, to enhance the nature and quality of classroom feedback - a Forbairt-related project informed by Looking at Our Schools: A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools (DE, 2016).
2021 Continuous Professional Development/Training Quality and Qualifications Blended Learning Seminar Series Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2021, Feb. 2). Aligning Assessment, Learning and Teaching for Quality Assurance in Further and Higher Education contexts.
2019 Invited talk/presentation National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Lysaght, Z., & Scully, D. (2019, Jan.) Aligning assessment, learning and teaching in curriculum reform and implementation.
2016 Continuous Professional Development/Training INTO Consultative Conference 2016 INTO Education Consultative Conference: Teaching in the 21st Century: Workshops on Assessment
2016 Invited talk/presentation National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Invited keynote presentation to Education Faculty, Mary Immaculate College as part of the National Forum Seminar Series 2015-2016, Limerick.
2015 Continuous Professional Development/Training PDST National Team, Portlaoise Lysaght, Z. (2015, Sept.). Assessment for Learning: Towards the seamless integration of teaching, learning and assessment.
2015 Continuous Professional Development/Training DES Professional Development Day for Inspectorate Invited professional development day on Assessment to DES Inspectors’ Primary Blended Learning Professional Development Programme, DES, Clock Tower, Dublin.
2015 Continuous Professional Development/Training DES Inspectors’ Primary Blended Learning Professional Development Programme, Dublin Lysaght, Z., & O’Leary, M. (2015, June). Assessment for teaching and learning. Invited professional development provided to DES Inspectors’ Primary Blended Learning Professional Development Programme, Dublin.
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training Teagasc Using Assessment as a tool for learning. Invited paper presented to the teaching staff of Teagasc at their National Training Day. Trim, Co. Meath.
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training PDST National Team, Portlaoise Lysaght, Z. (2014, September). Assessment for Learning: Towards the seamless integration of teaching, learning and assessment. Invited professional development provided to the PDST National Team, Portlaoise.
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training Teagasc Lysaght, Z. (2014, April). Using Assessment as a tool for learning. Invited professional development provided to the teaching staff of Teagasc at their National Training Day, Trim, Co. Meath.
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training Annual Conference of the Association of Independent Junior Schools, Kildare Lysaght, Z. (2014, March). Assessment for learning: Implications for principals. Invited professional development provided at the Annual Conference of the Association of Independent Junior Schools, Kildare.
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training Norwegian Educators, Dublin: St. Patrick’s College Lysaght, Z., & O'Leary, M. (2014, November). Assessment for learning: National and international challenges and opportunities. Invited professional development provided to Norwegian Educators, Dublin: St. Patrick’s College.
2013 Continuous Professional Development/Training Primary and Post-Primary Schools Nationally Assessment for Learning: Towards the seamless integration of teaching, learning and assessment together. Invited paper presented to the PDST National Team, Portlaoise.
2013 Continuous Professional Development/Training Primary Schools in Hvaler and Halden, Norway Research partnership with Norwegian Schools
2012 Invited talk/presentation Teaching and Learning Committee Lysaght, Z., & O'Leary, M. (2012, February). Assessment for learning and teaching at third level. Invited presentation to the Teaching and Learning Committee, Dublin: St. Patrick’s College.
2011 Continuous Professional Development/Training Self-directed learning communities: Moving from professional development to influencing teaching and learning. Invited paper presented at the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), Region 4, Phase 2 Building Capacity Seminar, Cork.
2011 Continuous Professional Development/Training Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) Lysaght, Z. (2011, May). Self-directed learning communities: Moving from professional development to influencing teaching and learning. Invited professional development provided at the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) , Region 4, Phase 2 Building Capacity Seminar, Cork.
2011 Invited talk/presentation Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) Lysaght, Z. (2011, May). Self-directed learning communities: Moving from professional development to influencing teaching and learning. Invited professional development provided at the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), Region 4, Phase 2 Building Capacity Seminar, Cork.

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2019 Advisory Work DCU Access Office DCU Access TY University Week
2016 Advisory Work Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice, DCU Member of Advisory Board
Auditing Assessment for learning practices in Higher Education. Online presentation. National Seminar Series 2015-2016 https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/auditing-assessment-for-learning-afl-practices-in-higher-education-tickets-25972714087

Research Interests

- Assessment, teaching and learning and test development
- Mixed methods research design and methodology
- Teacher professional development
- Generative AI

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Assessment for Learning Audit Instrument for 2nd Level Schools Development of an audit instrument to measure 2nd level teachers AfL knowledge, skills and use of AfL 01/09/2017 30/06/2019
Scaling Professional Development in Assessment To provide web-based professional development for teachers on assessment 01/09/2017 01/09/2019
Primary Teachers’ Attitudes to/use of Standardised Tests National survey of teachers’ assessment of learning attitudes and practices aimed at informing policy and capacity-building. 01/10/2016 13/12/2018
Measuring and Comparing Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE) The project intends to develop multi-dimensional tests for each of five subject areas, chosen to represent five significant academic domains. 01/01/2016 31/05/2018
Teachers’ expectations for teaching as a career and of the BEd Investigation of factors affecting student and beginning teachers’ professional lives. 01/01/2014 31/12/2020
Secondary Data Analysis of GUI Analysis of the data from two stages of the GUI study to inform national policy, particularly in relation to students with SEN. 01/01/2013 30/06/2017
National audit of services for students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD). Scoping study to inform NCSE policy document on the needs of students with SEBD. 01/01/2011 01/01/2012
Assessing Pre-service teachers’ attitudes to the integration of pupils with SEN in mainstream schools A longitudinal study examining pre-service teachers' attitudes to students with SEN. 01/01/2011 31/12/2020
Assessment for Learning and Teaching Project Design and use of formative assessment instruments across all levels of education to establish baseline data that will inform further research, policy and models of CPD. 01/01/2009 31/12/2019

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Dennehy ,Deirdre PhD Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal John Gardner University of Sterling/Independent Consultant Academic
Internal Angela Mazzone Anti-Bullying Centre Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Lisa Abrams School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth, University Academic
External Liann Kuan Prometric Inc Industry
External Linda Waters Prometric Inc Industry
External Larry Ludlow Boston College Academic
External Mary Richardson UCL Academic
External Dr Deirbhle Nic Craith INTO Academic

Teaching Interests

- Educational Assessment
- Mixed-methods research; Research design; Theoretical and conceptual frameworks
- Teacher education and professional development
- Special and Inclusive Education, particularly social, emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Teacher education and professional development
- On-line learning, particularly blended learning and video-enabled research dissemination

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2021 Research Methods 1 ED9001
2022 Enabling Learning ED4056
2021 Enabling Learning and Online Pedagogies ED4064
2022 Assessment, DL & SIE ED1017
2022 Research Methods 2 ED9002A
2022 Enabling Learning ED8039