Sabrina Fitzsimons


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Sabrina is Co-Director of CREATE—The Centre for Collaborative Research Across Teacher Education—and an Assistant Professor of Education in the School of Policy and Practice at IOE, DCU.

Brief Biography: Sabrina is a qualified post-primary teacher (English and Religious Education) who taught for several years before moving into Initial Teacher Education. Her doctoral thesis focused on teaching and learning in a virtual environment, and her interest in supporting 'depth of learning' is central to her philosophy of education. 

Sabrina is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). She leads several Education Theory modules on the Bachelor of Religious Education and English / History / Music programme (BRelEd) and the Bachelor of Education in Gaeilge and French/German/Spanish (BEdLan).

Sabrina is keenly interested in the area of wellbeing, mental health and burnout in HEI based Teacher Educators and Academics. She is currently engaged in collaborative research with colleagues in the School of Policy and Practice on the mental health of teachers across the early childhood, primary and post-primary sectors. She recently completed an MSc in Applied Psychology and is a graduate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI).

Roles held within ITE:

  • Director of School Placement (BRelEd, Mater Dei Institute of Education - MDI)
  • Research Ethics Convenor in the School of Education. MDI)
  • Governing Board Member (MDI)
  • Assistant Editor for the REA Journal (Religion, Education and the Arts) (MDI)
  • External Examiner for School Placement (St. Patrick's College, Thurles)
  • Research Convenor, School of Policy and Practice, IOE (DCU)

Sabrina has supervised over 100 undergraduate theses, 50+ masters level theses and five doctoral theses to completion.

A Sample of Joint Supervision Topics:

Talbot, Tara (2022) Literacy for learning and life: an evaluation of the potential of the reading management programme accelerated reader to improve the literacy standards of Irish post-primary students. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.

Naughton, Yvonne (2020) Faces of change: exploring post-primary students’ motivations and perceptions of teaching as a choice of career from diverse racial, ethnic or cultural backgrounds. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Kavanagh, Siobhán (2020) The professional development needs of appointed middle leaders in education and training board, post-primary schools. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Morrison-Reilly, Ciara (2016) An exploration of smartphone microblogging supporting the device, learner and social aspects of mobile learning within post-primary Religious Education. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Fitzsmions, S.; sexton, pj; Lehane, P.; Donlon., E.; Karakolidis, A.; McDonald, E.; Keever, C. (2024) 'Understanding pre-service teachers’ improvement in professional practice: A quantitative perspective'. Irish Educational Studies, . [DOI]
2021 Kavanagh, S; Sexton, P; Fitzsimons, S. (2021) 'Transforming Middle Leadership in Education and Training Board Post-Primary Schools in Ireland'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRANSFORMATIVE RESEARCH, 8 (1). [Link] [DOI]
2020 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, P. (2020) 'Being and Belonging: Student-Teachers’ Contextual Engagement in Schools'. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46 (6):95-113. [DOI]
2016 Fitzsimons, S. and Farren, M. (2016) 'A Brave New World: Considering the Pedagogic Potential of Virtual World Field Trips (VWFTs) in Initial Teacher Education'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRANSFORMATIVE RESEARCH, Vol. 3 (1). [Link]
2013 Fitzsimons, S. (2013) 'The road less travelled: The journey of immersion into the virtual field'. Ethnography and Education, 8 . [Link] [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2013 Fitzsimons, S. (2013) 'Conducting Research in a Virtual World' In: Crotty, Y and Farren, M(Eds.). Digital Literacies in Education. : Peter Lang.
2012 Fitzsimons, S. (2012) 'Part Three: Online Ethnography and Education' In: Rethinking Education Ethnography: Researching On-Line Communities and Interactions. Barcelona : Esbrina. Universitat de Barcelona. [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 Farren, M., Dean, C., Fitzsimons, S., and Crotty, Y. (2012) 'The Spirit and Vision of Learning: At the still point of a turning world (Symposium)' 11-JUL-12 - 12-JUL-12, York St. John University. UK .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Fitzsimons, S. (2024) The Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference 2024 The Parable of the Boiled Frog: A Study of Burnout in Teacher Educators in Ireland and the United Kingdom Athlone, .
2024 Fitzsimons, S.; McDonald, E. (2024) ECIU University Forum: Education for a Resilient and Sustainable Society Empowering Change Agents: A Case Study of Challenge Based Learning in ITE Kaunas, Lithuania, .
2024 Fitzsimons, S; McDonald, E. (2024) REIMAGINING TEACHERS AND TEACHER EDUCATION FOR OUR FUTURES Empowering Change Agents: A Case Study on Challenge-Based Learning in ITE Helsinki, Finland, .
2024 Fitzsimons, S (2024) REIMAGINING TEACHERS AND TEACHER EDUCATION FOR OUR FUTURES Unveiling the Hidden Toll: Exploring Burnout among Teacher Educators Helsinki, Finland, .
2024 Fitzsimons, S. (2024) Eduational Studies Assocation of Ireland Burnout in Teacher Educators: A Sequential Mixed Methods Study Maynooth, Ireland, .
2023 Fitzsimons, Sabrina (2023) BPS Scottish Branch 2023 Postgraduate Conference Don’t look up: The effect of mobile phone distraction on memory University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 25/08/2023-25/08/2023.
2022 Sexton, P., Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E., & Donlon, E. (2022) TEPS Enhancing the Value of Teacher Education Research: Implications for Policy and Practice An analysis of the quantitative impact of a research project on ITE practicum grades University of Graz, Austria, .
2021 Fitzsimons, S and Farren, M. (2021) ESAI Annual Conference 2021 - Possibilities in Education: Reimagining Connections with People, Purpose and Place Culture Shock: A Virtual World Adjustment Theory Online, .
2020 Fitzsimons, S., Sexton, PJ., McDonald, E., Donlon, E. (2020) ESAI 2020 Turning Obstacles into Opportunities: Research Paving the Path to Good Teaching DCU (Online), .
2019 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, PJ (2019) SERA 2019: Creative Visions for Educational Futures A tale of two timings: Student-teachers' contextual engagement in placement schools University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 20/11/2019-22/11/2019.
2019 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E., & Donlon, E. (2019) ESAI19: Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge From passive to active learner engagement: A paradigm shift Sligo, Ireland, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, PJ (2019) ECER 2019: 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future' 'I Was an Equal at a Table of Teachers: The Significance of Contextual Engagement for Student-teachers on School Placement' Hamburg, Germany, 03/09/2019-06/09/2019.
2018 Talbot, T. McDonald, E, Fitzsimons, S. (2018) Educational Studies Association of Ireland – Conference 2018: Values and Purpose in Education iteracy for Learning and Life: An exploration of the potential of one onlinereading management programme to improve the literacy standards of Irish Post Primary Students and create life-long learners University College Dublin, .
2017 McDonald, E., Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S. & Sexton, PJ (2017) Between the classroom and the staffroom: the significance of contextual engagement for the school placement Between the classroom and the staffroom: the significance of contextual engagement for the school placement Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-APR-17 - 22-APR-17 [Details], .
2017 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E. & Donlon, E. (2017) 'She was engaging, kind and understanding...she is why I aspire to be a teacher': A study of the reasons for joining the teaching profession A study of the reasons for joining the teaching profession Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice, University College Cork, Ireland , 20-APR-17 - 22-APR-17 [Details], .
2017 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E. & Donlon, E. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice 'She was engaging, kind and understanding...she is why I aspire to be a teacher': A study of the reasons for joining the teaching profession University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 McDonald, E., Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S. & Sexton, PJ (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice Between the classroom and the staffroom: the significance of contextual engagement for the school placement University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2016 Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S., Leonard, H., McDonald, E. & Sexton, P. (2016) The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (Education as a Public Good) Longitudinal study of student teachers' understanding of teacher identity Galway, .
2015 Fitzsimons, S., Donlon, McDonald, E., Sexton, P. and Leonard, H. (2015) An analysis of the levels of reflection attained by student teachers on School Placement An analysis of the levels of reflection attained by student teachers on School Placement Educational Studies Association of Ireland (Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future), Carton House, Maynooth, Co.Kildare , 09-APR-15 - 11-APR-15 [Details], .
2013 Fitzsimons, S. (2013) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Identity and Learning: The Second Life Dimension Limerick, Ireland, 21/03/2013-23/03/2013.
2013 Fitzsimons, S. (2013) Mater Dei Institute, Teaching and Learning/Research Committee Seminar Curiouser and Curiouser: Culture shock in a virtual world Mater Dei Institute of Education, 27/11/2013-27/11/2013.
2013 Fitzsimons, S. (2013) 11th International Conference on Cyberspace 2013 'Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle’ Exploring Religion in Cyberspace Masaryk University, Brno, CZ, 22/11/2013-23/11/2013.
2012 Crony, Y., Dean,C., Farren,M. and Fitzsimons,S. (2012) Values and virtues in practice-based research: Articulating our values and virtues The Spirit and Vision of Learning: At the still point of the turning world York St. John University, 11/06/2012-12/06/2012.
2011 Fitzsimons, S. (2011) DIVERSE (Developing Innovative Visual Educational Resources for Students Everywhere) Teaching and Learning in a three dimensional multi-user virtual environment, Second Life Dublin City University, 28/06/2011-30/06/2011.
2011 Fitzsimons, S. (2011) Rethinking Educational Ethnography: Researching On-line Communities and Interactions. Network 19 – European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) The Ethnographic Journey: Immersion in the Virtual World University of Porto, 02/05/2011-04/05/2011.
2009 Fitzsimons, S. (2009) Religious Education Second Level Support Service Leaving Certificate Religious Education Syllabus; Digital Resources Dublin, Cork, Laois, Sligo Education Centres, 12/12/2009-.

Online Article

Year Publication
2013 Fitzsimons,S. (2013) Religion in Cyberspace. ELEA

Other Publication

Year Publication
2012 Fitzsimons, S. (2012) An exploration of teaching and learning in a virtual world in the context of Initial Teacher Education. Dublin City University:
Certain data included herein are derived from the ? Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
British Psychological Society (BPS) Student Membership 16/08/2021 -
Psychological Society of Ireland Graduate Member 25/07/2024 -
Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Teachers and Researchers - Associate Member 01/08/2024 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2012 Shortlisted for the Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA)

Research Interests

  • Mental Health - Mental health and Wellbeing in Education, for example, burnout in academics, teacher eduators, teachers and student-teachers.
  • Teacher Education -  Student teachers' progression on placement, Student teachers' engagement with research, teacher identity, the role of the teacher in teacher education and other related themes. 
  • Innovative Practices - Teaching and learning in virtual environments, challenge-based learning,  creative classroom practices (including the use of various technologies to support teaching and learning).

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Murphy ,Jude Doctor of Education Supervisor
Boylan ,Patrick Doctor of Education Supervisor
Tobin ,Margaret Doctor of Education Supervisor
Clare ,Philomena Doctor of Education Supervisor
Cunningham ,Sharon Doctor of Education Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Pia O'Farrell School of Policy and Practice, IOE, DCU
Internal Elaine McDonald School of Policy and Practice, IOE, DCU

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Dr David S. Smith Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Academic

Teaching Interests

  • The foundation disciplines (with a specific interest in the psychology of education)
  • Practice-based research within Initial Teacher Education, Online/Virtual ethnography and other research methods.
  • Teaching and Learning in Virtual Worlds.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2024 Practice Based Research Project ED4950 - Practice-Based Research Project
2024 Sociology of Education (Joint Coordination Dr Elaine McDonald) ED4300
2024 Psychology and Human Development ED1302
2024 Education Theories 1 PR108
2024 Education Theory Advanced ED3301