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School of Policy & Practice
Prof Joe O’Hara new President-Elect of the World Educational Research Association (WERA)
EQI Co-Director and member of the School Of Policy and Practice DCU , Prof Joe O’Hara, has been elected to the position of President-elect of the World Educational Research Association.

Prof Joe O'Hara WERA President Elect

EQI Co-Director and member of the School Of Policy and Practice DCU , Prof Joe O’Hara, has been elected to the position of President-elect of the World Educational Research Association.

EQI Co-Director and member of the School Of Policy and Practice DCU , Prof Joe O’Hara, has been elected to the position of President-elect of the World Educational Research Association.

WERA is the world’s largest global research association made up of 28 national, regional and international speciality research associations. The Association aims to advance educational research at a global level and to bring together a community of scholars to address issues of educational and research interest in order to serve the public good. 

WERA announced the election of Prof O'Hara as follows 


Two outstanding scholars have been elected to serve as officers of the World Education Research   Association (WERA) in the positions of President Elect (two-year term) and Vice President (two-year term). This association of 28 national, regional, and international specialty research associations aim to advance education research as a scientific and scholarly field world-wide to serve the public good.


Speaking after his election Prof O’Hara said


I am deeply honoured to have been elected to the role of WERA President elect and am grateful to my colleagues in the European Educational Research Association (EERA) for their nomination. I have been a huge supporter of WERA and it’s goals for more than a decade and have been delighted to be a member of the WERA Governing Council for the last 5 years. I am greatly looking forward to working with the incoming Vice President elect, Geovana Mendon?a Lunardi Mendes , the WERA Executive, WERA Council and all members of the WERA community in the coming years. WERA brings a unique vision to the world of educational research and has at its heart a commitment to engage in educational research for the public good.