St Patricks Campus

Call for Papers - Catholic Education: Formal, informal and lifelong conference

Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Annual Conference 2019

Hosted by the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, DCU Institute of Education

Thursday 17th - Friday 18th October 2019

This conference will explore the multi-levelled nature of Catholic Education, in its formal and informal settings and in its aspiration to be lifelong.  Paper proposals that address any aspect of this theme will be warmly welcomed.  However, other proposals which consider more general issues within the field of Catholic Education studies will also be considered. We are particularly keen to receive papers from doctoral students and emerging researchers.

This year up to six paper proposals will be invited to present as full papers, which will consist of a twenty-five minute presentation followed by twenty minutes for discussion.  The remainder will be as standard shorter papers, presented in parallel sessions.

Please send abstracts of up to 300 words to the conference organiser, Dr Sean Whittle.  Remember to indicate on your abstract if you want your proposal to be considered to be presented as one of the full papers.

The deadline for submission is the 1st June 2019.  Notification of acceptance will be announced by 21st June 2019. 

The completed paper will need to be submitted to the conference organiser by the 16th September, to allow sufficient time to incorporate it into the conference pack.

For further information and to submit a paper proposal use either of these emails:

Details of how to register for the conference can be found in the coming weeks on:
