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Higher Education Research Centre

Report on longer working lives

HERC Report: Living longer, learning longer – working longer? Implications for new workforce dynamics.

By Maria Slowey and Tanya Zubrzycki

Download report here (4.82 MB)

Titled 'Living Longer, Learning Longer - Working Longer? Implications for New Workforce Dynamics', the report suggests that, as increasing numbers of people decide to remain in the workforce beyond the traditional retirement age – whether by choice or necessity – new prospects arise for individuals, educational providers, employers and businesses. While individuals can remain active members of the workforce, with advantages to themselves, society and the economy, employers can also benefit from the available talent of people of all ages, making the workplace more diverse and inclusive. Changing workforce dynamics point to the need for a shift towards more ‘age-friendly’ policies and practices, supported by the public policy.

The report is designed to be of interest to a range of colleagues including: policy makers; employers; education and training providers; trade unions; businesses; researchers; and individuals. It is authored by Professor Maria Slowey, Director of Higher Education Research Centre and Tanya Zubrzycki, a Researcher in the Centre.

The official Report Launch took place at a Seminar in DCU on 4th of February, 2019, with contributors including: Danny McCoy, CEO Ibec; Dr Mary-Liz Trant, Executive Director for Skills Development SOLAS; Professor Desmond O'Neill, consultant physician and Associate Professor of Medical Gerontology, TCD; Lalage Bown OBE, Professor Emerita, Glasgow University, international expert on education for adults; Professor Maria Slowey, Director HERC, DCU.

Media coverage:

Listen to Prof. Daire Keogh, Deputy President of DCU, speaking about the report on RT? Drivetime on February 4, 2019:      https://player.fm/series/series-2292874/ageing-workforce

Read an article about the report in The Irish Times from February 4, 2019 at the following link: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/education/employers-must-make-workplaces-more-age-friendly-for-over-65s-1.3780854

Read and article about the report in Independent from February 5, 2019 at the following link: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/longer-working-lives-can-bring-big-benefits-to-employers-who-adapt-report-37783142.html

Read a News Release about the report in DCU News from February 4, 2019 at the following link: /news/news/2019/Feb/DCU-report-highlights-need-for-more-age-friendly-policies-and-practices.shtml

Read a News Release about the report in DublinTimes.ie from February 18, 2019 https://dublintimes.ie/education/david/dcu-report-highlights-need-for-more-age-friendly-policies-and-practices/

Listen to an interview with Tanya Zubrzycki, report co-author, on NearFM 90.3 Lifeline from February 18, 2019: http://nearfm.ie/podcast/?p=30512

Read an interview wth Tanya Zubrzycki, report co-author, in Senior Times from May 2, 2019: https://seniortimes.ie/qa-with-tanya-zubrzycki-co-writer-of-new-report-on-working-longer-from-dcu/